Seventh Wheel

1631 Words
Ashlyn After arriving home, I showered and slipped into something more comfortable before sitting on my bed and using my laptop to research. There may be other wolves that have experienced the same thing as me. About an hour later, I was still searching the web. I hadn’t found anything. Well, anything directly related to my situation. I discovered that witches could make a love potion that could mimic the mate bond. I’m unsure why that interested me, but I may need to find a witch. I’m sure the king would know of one that is trusted. The supernatural world has been at peace for a long time now, but trust doesn’t come easily. And the different kingdoms didn't mingle. A knock on my door drew me from my thoughts. “Come in,” I called out, closing my laptop. The three of them walked into my room. It was early in the evening, and I’m sure they wanted to discuss dinner or something. Liam jumped on my bed, landing on his side beside me. He propped himself up on his elbow, looking up at me. Mason and Brandon just stood at the end of my bed. “What’s up?” “What are you doing?” Liam lifted a corner of the laptop. “Nothing, I was just doing some research.” “Oh, on the mate bond?” Brandon asked. “Yeah, we spent some time in the library this morning but found nothing. Well, I found nothing.” I answered Brandon while looking at Liam. He looked at me and shrugged. “Did you find anything now?” Mason asked, speaking to me for the first time today. I was starting to feel like he didn't like me. “Nothing useful.” I sighed, placing my hands in my lap. “Alright, little lady,” Liam said while smacking my thigh. “We are going to the club tonight, and you have to come with us. Go get ready while we get dinner.” He left his hand dangerously high on my thigh. “The club?” I looked at Mason and Brandon. “Yeah, the club, beautiful. So get out of those sweatpants and put on something sexy.” Liam exclaimed. “Okay.” I stammered. I’d never been to a club before, but I guess if they were going, I could go. “Liam, if she doesn’t want to go, we can just stay,” Brandon told his friend. “She wants to go, right?” He was telling Brandon but asking me. I exhaled, “Sure, I’ll go.” Liam’s face lit up. “Yes! Then let’s go out for dinner before we head to the club. How fast can you be ready?” “Forty-five minutes?” I shrugged. Liam jumped off my bed, walked over to Brandon and patted his chest. “I told you, now let’s go get ready,” Liam told his friends, and they left my room. I rushed to my closet. What the hell did I have that I could wear to a club? I could wear my cute heeled boots, so that’s one thing. I was searching through the hangers; I found a long-sleeved, swooping-neck tight T-shirt dress in a deep teal color. I threw it on my bed and headed to do my makeup and hair. I had to blow dry my hair and then braid it. I did a full face of makeup, but nothing heavy. I made my eyes smoky gray and paired it with red, peachy lipstick. I straightened some of the hair around my face to frame it. Now, it was time to put on the dress. I stripped and pulled the dress on. It fit my body snuggly, and the dress went down to mid-thigh. It was cute, but I felt slightly uncomfortable showing this much skin. I slipped my boots on and took one last look in the mirror. I must say, my breasts looked fantastic. I grabbed a smaller purse, putting in my wallet, lipstick, and phone, before walking into the common area to find the boys. They were all dressed in black slacks and different-colored dress shirts. Liam wore black, Brandon was navy blue, and Mason was burgundy. They had their sleeves rolled up to their elbows and a few buttons undone. The burgundy looked amazing against Mason’s skin. He looked sexy as hell; they all did, and I was suddenly nervous about leaving the apartment. I was pretty, but beside them, I looked like a stone mixed with diamonds. “Ashlyn, you look amazing!” Liam exclaimed. I held my little purse in front of my body. “Thanks.” I smiled. I was hoping Mason would have said something, but he didn’t. “Look at you guys, all handsome.” “I knew you wanted me.” Liam winked, and I rolled my eyes. “I think she was talking about all of us,” Brandon said while smacking Liam’s back. “You both know I’m the sexiest.” He teased. “Alright, surfer boy. Should we get going?” I asked him, walking over to the elevator. “Hell, yes.” He shouted. It didn't take us long before we walked into the restaurant. It was fancy, and I immediately felt out of place. They led us to a private area where a few girls sat at a table, and one jumped up to greet Liam. “Oh, Liam, you came!” She cooed, wrapping her arms around him. When she let go of him, she turned her attention to Mason and Brandon. “Oh, Prince Mason, Brandon, I have some friends I would love you to meet,” she told them excitedly. She led us to the table, and I felt even more uncomfortable. All the girls were beautiful. I learned the girls were Natalia and Isabella. Madison was the one hugging Liam. We sat down, and I sat between Brandon and Mason. “Oh, Liam, hunny, I didn’t realize you’d be bringing another friend.” She said to Liam while looking at me. “Madison, Ashlyn is my guest,” Mason told her. “Of course, Prince Mason.” She grinned at him, and I wanted to rip her face off. I was already annoyed about agreeing to go out. I would have stayed home if I had known this was a triple date. I excused myself and slipped out onto the patio. I needed some fresh air. It was chilly, but the cold air felt good on my hot skin. How was I going to get through this? The door to the patio opened, and I thought they had caught me, but a man walked out. “I’m sorry, Miss, I didn’t realize someone was out here.” “It’s okay. The patio is big enough for the both of us,” I told him. “Are you hiding too?” “More like I’m thinking of a way to escape being the seventh wheel,” I explained, and he chuckled as he walked over to me and leaned against the railing where I was standing. He looked me up and down, “How did you manage to be the seventh wheel?” “Well, I was supposed to go to dinner with my friends, but then we met up with one of his ‘girlfriends’ and her friends, and they didn’t even bring one for me,” I joked. “Are these girls like you?” “They are beautiful, I’ll give them that,” I leaned on the railing beside him, looking out into their garden. It’s now a snowy garden, but still pretty, with all their fairy lights. “So, not like me,” I exhaled. He reached out and caressed my cheek, and I looked at him, “You’re beautiful.” I smiled, “I’m Ashlyn, by the way.” I introduced myself. “It’s nice to meet you, Ashlyn. I’m Ryan.” “Do you go to school at the academy?” He ran his thumb over my lips. But before Ryan could answer my question, the door to the patio opened, and Brandon walked out. He growled, forcing Ryan to take a step back. “So this is where you ran off to?” He looked from Brandon to me, “Do you know this guy?” “Thanks for the chat, Ryan. It was nice meeting you.” I told him before I walked to Brandon. “You too, beautiful.” I heard him say as Brandon led me back to the table, where drinks and dinner were already served. “Where did you run off to, Ashlyn?” Liam asked. “Oh, I just went to get some fresh air.” I sat down. I ate dinner in silence, only answering questions directed at me. The food was good, but watching Liam wrapped around Madison was a little much. I’m happy for him but didn’t have to be here for this. I wanted to go home when everyone had finished, but we still had the club. So I just put on a fake smile and walked out with the group. I saw Ryan on my way out and he seemed to be having just as much fun on his double date as I was having being the seventh wheel. We watched each other as I left the restaurant with my group. As soon as we were outside, Natalia announced she was cold and wrapped her arms around Mason. I held back Tundra, who was growling in my head. “He’s not ours,” I reminded her. She scoffed, “I don’t like this.” Sighing, I knew this was going to be a long night.
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