Something Unexpected

1507 Words
Ashlyn The club wasn’t far from the restaurant, so we walked. The couples were paired up while I walked behind them. Watching the busy city, the snow was lightly falling. I purposely walked slower. I got dressed up, and no one even noticed. Well, I did get noticed, but not by the person who I wanted to notice me. Or did I even want to be noticed? I wasn't ready to move on after Ian, so why did I care so much about who Mason was with? Walking up to the club, there was a line outside, but the girls just walked right up to the bouncer. Of course, they would know him, or maybe the guys did. I was about to follow them when I heard my name being yelled out from the line. I looked over at the bouncer, and he looked surprised. He started talking into his earpiece. Scanning the line, my eyes landed on Donny, one of my uncle’s friends. “Donny?” “You know it, buttercup.” He winked while walking over to give me a hug. It was so lovely to see a familiar face. Donny was a very handsome man with dark hair and eyes. He was built due to all his training as a warrior and had this whole bad-boy thing going for him. The bouncer leaned over to me, “Miss Knight, we have a VIP room ready for you.” Donny looked at me with furrowed brows, and I was confused, too. “Excuse me?” I asked him. “Please, follow this hostess with your guest, Miss Knight.” He pointed to a woman by the door. I noticed my party had already entered the club, so I turned back to Donny. “You coming?” I was determined to have some fun and get drunk. “Hell yes!” he exclaimed. He motioned for his party to come over. Most of them were guys, but there were a couple of girls. I thanked the bouncer and followed the hostess into the club. Donny was beside me, and the group followed behind us. I saw the guys dancing on the dance floor with their girls. I locked eyes with Mason for a second before turning away. I don’t know why seeing him with someone else bothered me so much, but it doesn’t matter. I won’t be staying here. The hostess led us upstairs to a private room. Security stood outside the doors. We entered, and it was beautiful. Built-in loungers surrounded a fire pit, and waterfall walls surrounded the sitting area. Everything was white and sparkly. The hostess was taking everyone’s order before we went to sit down. There was already champagne on ice for us. When it was my turn to order, I ordered a bottle of tequila. Donny raised an eyebrow, smirking at me. After the hostess left, we sat down, and Donny sat beside me with his arm up on the back of the couch. “So, Miss Knight, would you like to explain the VIP treatment?” Everyone looked at me. “Oh, Donny, I’m super important.” I placed a hand on his chest while batting my eyelashes. “Yes, you are buttercup.” He chuckled. “You look beautiful, by the way.” “Awe, Donny, aren’t you just the sweetest?” I giggled, snuggling against his side. I’ve known him for about five years now. He’d come over to hang out with my uncle, and we would play video games together. I know my Brad would be fuming at our closeness. Donny introduced me to all his friends. The girls were mated to a few of the guys, and the others were unmated. Everyone seemed friendly and thanked me for getting them into the club. “So how do you know Donny?” asked one of the unmated men. He was good-looking, with dark eyes, messy hair and deep blue eyes. “Donny here is friends with my uncle,” I told him, and he raised an eyebrow. “Uncle?” I was used to this. Brad is only ten years older than me. “Yeah, his mate is my aunt. We are pretty close in age.” I shrugged. “So tequila, buttercup?” Donny questioned when I leaned forward and poured myself a shot. I looked over my shoulder, “I’m sure you have heard all about the s**t that happened on my birthday. He exhaled, “Yeah.” “So, shut up and take a shot with me.” I handed him a shot glass. I knew Donny would drink with me. The mates decided to go dancing, so I was now surrounded by six unmated, including Donny. We were about four bottles in when the hostess came over to ask about the party that left me at the door. I guess they wanted permission to enter the VIP room. I nodded to her to let them in, and when they entered, I immediately regretted my decision. The girls entered, screeching and giggling about how beautiful this place was. I rolled my eyes and took another shot. I was trying to numb myself with the alcohol. It's too bad it takes forever for werewolves to get drunk on human stuff. I made some of the introductions while Donny helped with the others. The hostess poured everyone a glass of champagne, and they sat down with us. “So, who do we get to thank for all this?” Madison giggled. Liam sat beside her with his arm around her. Mason was sitting with one of the girls, and I couldn’t even remember her name, but she was cuddled into his side, and I couldn’t take it. The guys pointed to me to answer Madison’s question, and I downed my champagne. Madison’s eyes went wide, the same as her girlfriends. “Her?” She pointed at me. I rolled my eyes again and stood up to walk out. I didn’t even bother to excuse myself. f**k this and f**k them. I should have told them all to f**k off. I walked out of the room and was greeted by Julie, the hostess. “Miss Knight, can I help you?” “Yeah, why am I being treated like this?” “Miss Knight, you own this club.” She pointed out. Of course, I owned the club. “Oh, right, of course.” I tried to play it off. “Where’s the washroom? I asked, changing the subject. She pointed behind me, and I thanked her. After using the washroom, I stood in front of the mirror, looking at my reflection. I was never one to get jealous, but with Mason, I can’t help but compare myself to the girl on his arm. Why the hell do I care so much? I found Mason leaning against the wall outside the washroom doors when I walked out. I jumped back in surprise, not expecting anyone to stand outside the door. I gasped, “Mason?” “So you and Donny?” He growled. I crossed my arms over my chest. “And you with what’s her name?” I challenged. He snorted, “I’m being nice, for Liam’s sake.” “Oh, so that means you have to ignore me? Why did you guys even invite me if I was going to be the seventh wheel?” I exclaimed. He pushed off the wall and stalked towards me. I backed away until he had me caged in between his body and the wall, his hands on either side of my head, staring down at me while I glared up at him. “I didn’t know about the other girls,” he said calmly. I exhaled, releasing some of the pressure in my chest. “Donny and I are just friends. He’s good friends with my uncle, and I’ve known him for the last five years.” I don’t know why I was explaining myself to him. I wasn’t on the dance floor grinding up against him. He surprised me by wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me into his body. I braced myself with my hands on his chest. “Mason, I,” he kissed me. His lips were soft, and tingles exploded. I wrapped my arms around his neck, ignoring logic as I kissed his back. My thoughts were consumed by him and all the things I wanted him to do to me. My tongue darted out and licked along his lips before he pushed his tongue against mine. Sparks tickled my skin, and I pulled him closer, holding him tight against my body. He pulled away first leaving me breathless as resting his forehead on mine. Did that just happen? My brain felt foggy, and the room blurred. I closed my eyes, and my knees buckled. I heard Mason’s muffled voice calling my name, but I couldn’t answer him. His voice faded until I couldn’t hear him anymore, and I fell into darkness.
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