After Dinner Games

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Linzi's POV I have been watching this group all evening. I have noted two very big things. One, Tau is tasked to help Jewel almost like beyond bonded to fate. Hawk her brother, does not like Tau but I have noted he likes Leon even less. He is also mated to Jakarta. Though she may not fully know yet. Hawk is a pure wolf, Jakarta is a mixture of many things causing her to rely on outside influence. I will tell her before she goes if Hawk doesn't. I am intrigued by this young man. His wolf, Tys is no easy one. Powerful, headstrong, and wise. Mortou told me he was labeled autistic before the wolves came into their lives. I find it all interesting. I look at the twins, they have gained muscle and height since they left this den 100 years ago. Their strength has increased. I am impressed. Though the 5th generation bear Mike impresses a bit more. He should be weaker than first-generation bears. He is not. In fact, he is on par with my older boys like Maverick. His woman I am told is a healer, I can sense a trace of the dead wizard Velito but I suspect she was from the lab Mato had taken kids from. Logan was a typical 5th generation bear. Strong but not above the others. Oddly he is mated to a wolf. I will be curious how that works for cubs/pups. Mortou set up the gaming system and threw Jewel a controller. They have settled down to the battle in the video game world. I see he has bonded with her as he has her brother. He told me years ago he had a soft spot for this one and it shows now. She is strong, having Akasa is impressive too. Seeing Tau look up at me I wave a hand to the seat beside me. He walks quietly away after pressing a hand to Jewel's shoulder to show her where he is going. They have a silent chat not many can achieve. "How long have you been guarding her?" I ask as he settles down to watch her not me I note. "Will be three months I think?" He shrugs. "How did you meet?" I continue my volley of questions. "Her parents visited the pack I was guarding in South Africa. The red dragon attacked her at the ball. I stopped his enthrall with her first kiss." His eyes were still on Jewel. "You have it bad for her don't you." I could see and feel it. "Yes," He turned those bright blue-green orbs to me. "I cannot say a word until the second task is done." You could hear the sadness in his voice. It tore my heart. I knew of Griffin's. They only cropped up to protect good and destroy evil. "What is your second task?" I asked him. "Destroy the dragons, all 17 when they attack her." His eyes turned to mine. He knew that task has never been asked of a griffin. It was a task that could very well kill him. "Is that why Maya sent Lory with you?" I looked to see the group chatting. Hawk was standing near Jakarta ridged but happy. "Lory cannot heal me, only my mate can." He looked back to Jewel. "Tvso said he was her mate during most of her growing up. Encouraged it to blossom. I will not do that." Looking back at me, his face mixed with pain and hurt. "If she is my mate she will show up before I die." "How long do you have before that second task?" Something tingled in the back of my brain from years of gathering artifacts from ancient lands. "At least a year." Tau's eyes back on Jewel. I watched Leon, saunter up to the place Jewel had left. "If you will excuse me." He stood bowing low. Tau walked back to the place Leon took near Jewel. Lifting him with one arm and moving Leon out of the way so his feet were dangling like a pup. He retook his place quietly. "Momma," Leon came to sit next to me whining. "Stay away from the she-wolf pup she is not yours." I huffed standing. "Tau could kill you in an instant." I stood there was something in the recesses of this house I needed to find. I had a feeling it would come in handy for that kid Tau. I just needed to remember where I put the damn thing. I leave the room quietly. Only Mortou sees me leave. I give him a wink, as I walk out. The artifact is in the house of that I am sure. but it's been about a thousand years since I have seen it. It was in a backroom well away from the cubs. I wander deeper into the cave I have slowly progressed over the years. This home I have continued to do into the ground to create more space and stay connected to my shifter roots. We lived in deep places in the ground. The sudden pull of the object in the room I started to pass made me pause. I opened the old wooden door. Dust flew, it had been a long time since I had been in this one. stepping inside I needed no lights as my eyes began to glow from my animal inside. Looking around the room as if it was daylight I see the object sitting quietly on a shelf. Making my way to it, I feel its power call me. It has a new home to go to. It will help the young Griffin in his tasks. If he is as pure of heart as I think it will save his life. I clutch the object to my chest, walking out of the room I close and lock the door. I head back to the main room, to see everyone where I left them. Strike that, Hawk has Jakarta on his lap, they are quietly talking in earnest. He must be telling her I hope. She would know once she felt the sparks. I had drilled that enough into her head. I hoped. She has powerful magic, but at 18 she is young and impressionable. Tapping Tau on the shoulder, he turns slightly to look at me. I place the object into his hand. "For your tasks." I look at him and then down to Jewel with a smile. He pauses to look at what's in his hand. His wide green-blue eyes look back up. Tears threaten to surface. "How?" he breathes. "I knew Conin before he was taken from this world." I glanced down at the floor a moment. I could still replay his death and it hurt every time. Why I had forgotten it? "Thank you," Tau hugged me, then placed the object in his pocket. "I hope it can help you in your tasks." I smiled. I needed comfort from my love. We didn't show affection often but right now I needed it. I slid into Mortou's lap as he adjusted his arms silently to let me fit. I was small enough it didn't take up much space. Cuddled into his chest, I watch the video game battle crawl into the night. By the time I noticed everyone else was gone and only Tau, Mortou, Jewel, and I were in the room. I realized I had fallen asleep. Jewel, has fallen asleep on Mortou's shoulder. "Don't bother to wake her, she won't," Mortou said with a grin. "That child could sleep through the end of the world and not wake up." Mortou looked at me and chuckled. I had missed this big lug it was good to have him home a while. "If I carry her what about Hawk?" Tau looked around. "He is busy with his mate." Chuckled Mortou. "Now be a good guard like our friend Joe and put your lady to bed." Mortou gave him a healthy wink and nod to the door. "I know I am taking my lady to bed." I watched with surprise as he wiggled his eyebrows. "Mortou!" I smacked his shoulder with a giggle. "Where did you learn that?" I continued to smile. "Athens," He grinned. This big old bear of mine never ceased to amaze me. So quiet too so many. But the select few he opened up to. These two he seemed to trust enough to do that. I am glad I gave Tau that artifact I hoped it helped him. Tau scooped up Jewel into his arms like she was fine china he carried. Striding through the door out to the bunkhouse. I wondered how long it would be before they realized they were fated. Their bond was just too damn strong not to be. ******** Greetings Readers! Ok, so I lied lol. Rach B one of my best commenters requested this POV so I thought I would post this one. got lots of hints for the future in this one! This one is for you Rach B. Much Love and Hugs, M. Merrill ************
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