Chapter 6 ~ Attack

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Aryan pov Yesterday night was the craziest because my dear best friend was too drunk to even recognize me. I have to tolerate his rubbish talk and f*****g babysit a grown-up man. Somehow with the help of my man l took him home and made him sleep. He was wasted yesterday. I signed and got up from the bed. It's already 7:30 in the morning, l need to go to the office also. After freshening up, l put on my suit and left the room. My crackhead friends must be still downstairs waiting for me. David:“Good morning”, he said while drinking his hangover soup. I nodded at him and sat down in front of him. After seeing me, the maids quickly brought my food. I took my black coffee and started sipping while glaring at David. David:“Why are you glaring at me like instead of breakfast you are going to eat me”, he asked me, raising his eyebrows. Aryan:“I wish l could do that but my bad luck l can't do it”, l replied to him coldly and started eating my breakfast. David:“OMG, thank God for saving me from a hungry mafia king”, he said dramatically and started patting his heart. His eyes widened and a disbelief looked in his face. Aryan:“Kindly stop your f*****g drama and eat your breakfast quickly. I don't know how with your behavior and laziness, you are handling your business”, l told him, rolling my eyes at him. David:“Cold ass”, he mumbled and rolled his eyes at me. Aryan:“I am done. See you later. Stay safe for me and if you need any kind of help don't forget to contact me”, l said and started walking towards the outside of my mansion. David:“Okay, fine. And come back soon”, he yelled from behind loudly. I shake my head and get in front of the car. Jake:“Good morning, boss”, my trusted man opened the car door for me and got inside the car once l settled properly. Aryan:“How many meetings l have to attend today?”, l asked Jake while looking towards him. Jake:“Boss, two meetings”, he replied while looking towards his tap. He is also my assistant. I nodded at him and looked towards my watch. I can't easily trust someone with my important work and he is the best option. He has been with me from the beginning of my career. I saved him from his abusive parents and took him with me. My car stopped in front of my company's secret parking spot. It's only for me to avoid problems. Jake got out of the car and opened for me to come out. I got out of the car and fixed my suit. After that l started walking towards the lift which would open in my cabin. My company is designed by me. Many secret spots are hiding. Aryan:“Did you find any news about them?”, l asked him coldly. My voice is full of emotion. I am trying to control my anger because still now l am unable to find the murder of my parents and David's parents. Jake:“Still now our team is trying their best to find them. But they still have no clue”, he said to me nervously. I took deep breaths to calm me down, l know my best team is looking for clues. If only they have any clues then we can get him. Once l get my hand on them, l will show them hell. Aryan:“Tell them not to stop their investigation”, l said while growing angrily. Jake:“Yes, boss”, he said and we both entered my cabin. I sat on my chair and looked at him. Aryan:“You can go now and do your work. And let me remind you of the meeting time and more things, l need my coffee in half an hour later”, l told him and opened my laptop. Jake:“Okay, boss. Then I am taking my leave”, he said and left from there. I signed and started walking on file. This company l started with my hard work. I spent my everything to reach this position. I am now the king of business. Everyone respects me and the police can't do anything to me. They know l never do anything illegal business. They always get help from me when they need anything. Everyone always stays in my good book, otherwise, they know what consequences are going to happen to them. They think hundreds of times before doing anything. I stood up and scratched my arm feeling too sore in my body. I will continue doing work for many hours. Aryan:“Jake, come to my cabin. I am off for the day”, l said while fixing my table. Jake:“Yes, boss”, he said while entering my cabin. Aryan:“Let's go. It's already quite late. David must be worried for me too much”, l said and started walking towards the lift. He followed me from behind and soon we reached the parking spot. My men are already waiting for me in the parking spot. I got in the car and the driver started the car. Jake sat in the front with the driver. I close my eyes to take some rest. After doing work constantly, l am feeling sore in my body. It's already 11 pm. Everywhere is silent in Moscow city, everyone must've returned to their home. There is pure silence except for my car and my man's car is on the road making noise. Suddenly in front one car burst and it was my man inside. Aryan:“f*****g Hell”, l cursed and pulled out my gun. Jake also quickly pulled out his gun, my driver had already been shot by my attackers. From everywhere fires started coming. It's pure dark in this sheet, I don't know how many people are outside and in which direction they are firing. I pressed the button of my watch as it was directly connected with David. He knows l need backup. I got out of the car and started firing, aiming at the direction of where bullets were coming from. My man is already badly injured as they are not prepared. But they are still firing and trying to protect me. Which bastard has a dead wish to attack me? I will kill that person once everything is finished. In the silent sheet only firing can be heard and people continue screaming. Suddenly one bullet hit my arm. I ignore my pain and continue firing using two guns. Jake:“Boss, you are bleeding heavily“, he said and looked at me nervously. Aryan:“Jake, start firing. Stop worrying about me. Soon back up coming but till then we need to continue holding them”, l yelled at him and gitter my teeth trying not to moan from pain. Soon two more bullets hit me. One is on my leg and one is on my stomach. I groaned and backed away a little. I looked towards my guns and l ran out of bullets. Somehow l reached the car and pulled my seat. I took one more gun and bullets. I threw one gun in the direction of Jake, and he quickly caught it and started firing using two hands. He is looking scared as most of my men are already injured and many of them are already dead. Although firing is less common than before, we still don't know how many people are still present here and where they are hiding. All those lights are off, it's a foolproof plan by someone. There must've been someone who leaked my information. Otherwise, how do they know l am going from this route and how many people l am taking with me? Who betrayed me, will be going to regret his life decisions. I am continuing to fire as blood is still dropping from my wound. Suddenly one bullet hit my chest and l fell on the ground. I held my chest to stop blood from coming and tried to hold more time. Jake:“Boss”, he yelled and came towards me. Aryan:“Run, Jake”, l said to him groaning from pain and trying to push him far away from me. Jake:“No, boss. I am not leaving you alone and this condition never. If l have to die with you then l am ready happily. But still l am not going to leave you“, he said stubbornly and tried to make me stand up. But my body gives up and darkness embraces me.
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