Chapter 4 ~ Clubhouse

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Adriana pov Jackson:“You traitors are leaving me out and enjoying your father and daughter time. What l did do to disturb this treatment”, he said while standing beside the couch. Dad and I both rolled our eyes hearing his dramatic act. He can't stop his acting even one day. He should be acting rather than a CEO. Willam:“Because you were born to get this kind of treatment. Now let's enjoy our father-daughter moment",Dad said while rolling his eyes. I can't stop laughing after seeing Jackson's face. Damn, it's worth it. I gave him a smirk and hugged Dad more. Jackson:“ You devil is laughing at me”,he said while glaring at me. Willam:“ Hey, don't you dare to raise your voice at my daughter. Otherwise, l will make you get out of my house and also company ",Dad told him with narrowing eyes. Adriana:“Okay, l think now you both should stop doing this. I know you both are great actors. I would like to enjoy more time while watching you both dramas but I am damn hungry”, l told them. William:“ When was the last time you ate?”, dad asked me, looking towards my eyes. I quickly avoided looking at his eyes and started stretching my neck. I know now it's going to be a long lecture for me. Willam:“ Young lady, l asked you something. So, tell me when was the last time you ate?”, Dad raised his eyebrows towards me. I looked towards Jackson pleadingly to help me with dealing dad but that i***t just showed me his tongue and ignored looking at me. I am going to kill him later. I glared at him and nervously smiled at Dad. Adriana:“ Dad, Actually l don't remember when late last time. I was busy doing surgery and seeing patients”, l told him nervously looking down. William:“ Adriana, this is not good for your health. As a doctor, you already know what is good for your health. I should not tell you anything. If you get sick then what will happen with your patients? That's why you should take proper care of your health”, he told me seriously, looking towards me. I looked down. Adriana:“Sorry, Dad. I will take care of myself from now on”, l told him and hugged him. He patted my back and kissed my head. William:“Okay, go now have your breakfast as l am already done with my breakfast”, he said to me. Adriana:“Okay, Dad”, l said and started walking towards the dining table. Jackson:“ Hey, wait for me. I am also hungry”, he yelled from behind me and started following me. Adriana:“No, food for you”, l said and took my breakfast. Jackson:“Who are you to say to me l will not get my food?”, he asked me, raising his eyebrows. Adriana:“You want to know who l am?”, l asked him, smirking towards him. Jackson:“Why are you looking at me making this face? What's going inside your devil mind”, he asked me, narrowing his eyes. Adriana:“Dad, Jackson kept troubling me and not letting me eat”, l yelled loudly and gave him a smirk. Willam:“Jackson should l come or you will stop disturbing my daughter”, he yelled from the living room. Jackson:“No, Dad. I am not doing anything. I am just joking with her”, he replied scaredly and gulped after hearing Dad warn. Willam:“You better be otherwise l will beat the sit out of you”, he said giving him warning. I can't stop myself from laughing seeing Jackson's face as he is looking at me glaring and keeps on mumbling things. After completing breakfast, we went to the living room. We Three spend time together while watching movies and playing video games. Mostly only on holidays, we get time to spend together. On other days, l go to the hospital early in the morning and come late at night. I can hardly meet Dad every day because of my busy schedule. For a few days, his health is also not good. I told him to see a doctor but he didn't agree saying he was fine. He doesn't need to see a doctor and we both know it's impossible to make him agree if he doesn't want to do anything. We enjoyed it until lunchtime and after that, we went to get some rest. Jackson:“What are you going to do now?”, he asked me as he followed me to my room. Adriana:“Get some sleep. What else”, l replied to him and laid down on my bed. Jackson:“Come on. You can't be serious right now. You only wake up a few hours”, he said while whining and Jumping on my bed. Adriana:“But my energy is down. I slept quite late. You get out of my room and let me sleep peacefully. You already have a plan to destroy my peaceful holiday into your craziest idea by going clubbing”, l told him while rolling my eyes and closing my eyes. Jackson:“Fine, l am letting you sleep because only you agreed to go with me to the club. But l am not going out, l am staying in your room and sleeping here”, he told me and back hugged me lying down. Adriana:“Damnit, leave me. You already know l don't like hugging”, l told him and tried to push him. But damn, he is heavy and doesn't even move a little bit with my push. Jackson:“l am not leaving you. If you want then only sleep like this”, he replied and tightened his grip around my waist. I curse him and fall asleep while he is hugging me from behind. Jackson:“Wake up, sleepyhead. We need to get ready now and leave for the clubhouse”, he is calling me and shaking me a little. I don't know how many hours l am sleeping. But surely l will be woken up by an annoying human. I annoyedly looked at him and glared at him for disturbing my previous sleep. Adriana:“What time it's it now?”, l asked him while looking around for my phone. Damn, l don't even know what the hell l put in my phone. I haven't seen my phone since last night. Jackson:“Your phone is on charging. I put it there, as it's already dead. Why don't you care about your phone? What if someone called you from the hospital urgently”, he told me while giving me a lecture about my carelessness. Adriana:“l know but l was so tired that's why l forgot. And they can still call me now you know right”, l replied to him and got up from the bed. Jackson:“Yeah, l know. And please get ready quickly. We are leaving in 30 minutes”, he told me and left my room. Adriana:“Okay”, l yelled and went for a fresh up. I put my hair in a simple ponytail and put on simple makeup. After putting everything in my bag, l left the room. Once l reached downstairs, l saw Jackson was waiting for me. He is wearing a black shirt and a plant. He always dresses up simply except when he goes to the office. Jackson:“You again wear a black color dress”, he said, frowning looking at me up and down. Adriana:What's wrong with black color? Anyway l like wearing black color”, l replied to him. I am wearing a knee-length black dress. It hugged every curve of my body perfectly. Jackson:“Telling you waste of time. It's better to let's go now”, he said, taking a deep breath and started walking outside of the house. I followed him from behind and the entire car. Adriana:“Where is Dad?”, l asked him. I don't see him and also when l come downstairs. Jackson:“He went to sleep after having dinner”, he replied to me. I nodded and looked outside of the window. It's so good when an airwave hits my face. Jackson:“Here we are”, he said while parking his car in our usual clubhouse. I signed heavily as soon as l heard loud music. I don't like this kind of place but only for Jackson l have to come every month. I come out of the car and he holds my waist. He takes me inside keeping me close to him. He started glaring at everyone who looked at me. I give him an amused smile. He took me VlP room and signed it once we reached the inside of the room. I started laughing seeing his annoyed face as some people tried to touch him. Jackson:“Only this part l hate about this club”, he mumbled and started ordering his drink, and for me a low-alcohol drink. My alcohol tolerance is very low. And l mostly avoid drinking as the next day l have to attend to patients and also have the duty. I can't work because I have a headache. So, it's better to avoid drinking. Jackson:“Cheers”, he said, passing me my drinks. We started drinking and talking to each other. And we laughed remembering our embarrassing moments. Suddenly l am feeling someone looking at me. I looked towards the door as it was open and saw someone's shadow moving forward. Jackson:“What happened to you?”, he asked me. Adriana:“Oh, it's nothing”, l replied to him and again looked towards the door but didn't see anyone. So, l again started talking with Jackson thinking someone maybe just passed by our room. Suddenly my phone rang, l took the phone and picked it up. After cutting the call, l signed as it was from the hospital and one emergency came. I need to be there. Jackson:“Hospital and emergency, right. Let's go l am driving you”, he said while looking at me. Adriana:“Okay, let's go quickly”, l said and started walking towards the outside of the club quickly. He followed me closely from behind.
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