Chapter 3 ~ Drama King

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Adriana pov I park my car in front of our house and sit inside the car thinking about how lucky I am to have them in my life. If they are not standing beside me then l can never become who l am now. They are my strength and the only person l care in this world. Maybe till now, l have been dying because of cold and hunger. I am staying alive and achieving my dream only for the support and love they show towards me. Even if l saw my gratitude towards them, it's still always less for everything they have done for me. I signed and got out of the car. I took my bag , and phone and started walking towards the inside. As soon as l goes inside, one flying pillow comes. I move aside before it hits my face. Adriana:“Jackson”, l said while groaning. Jackson:“You are a too late, young lady”, he said to me, narrowing his eyes at me. Adriana:“Stop your overprotective ass, l am busy the whole day seeing patients. Now I need a good rest. As tomorrow is a holiday, if not an emergency then l am off”, l replied to him and closed my eyes while sitting on the couch. Jackson:“Really, you have a day off”, he asked me with an excited voice. I opened my eyes and looked up, raising my eyebrows. I am thinking what's going on in his mind? He is looking at me with excited eyes, l think l am going in trouble. His smile is too sweet for my liking. Adriana:“Why are you looking at me like this?”, I asked him, crossing my arms and raising my eyebrows. Jackson:“Why can't l look at you?”, he asked me and came towards me with a creepy smile. Adriana:“ What?”, l asked him, seeing him standing in front of me and smiling while thinking something. Jackson:“Can we go to the clubhouse tomorrow? You also free tomorrow”, he told me while showing his puppy dog eyes. Adriana:“No, we can't go to the club. Ohh, sorry not we because technically you can go but l am not going anywhere”, l told him, looking at him. Jackson:“Why don't you want to go with me?”, he asked me and sat down in front of me. Adriana:“After many days l get a holiday and l want to rest. That's why I also hate cowards. You already know about my problem”, l told him and stood up from the couch. Jackson:“No, please. You also know l always stay busy. I don't get time while handling business. And now only l have some free time and l want to enjoy it with you. You are refusing me”, he told me looking towards me with a sad face. I can't stop myself from rolling my eyes at his dramatic act. Goodness, how much drama king can become this man. Adriana:“l don't care”, l replied coldly and started walking towards my room. Jackson:“Fine, go go. You don't love me anymore. You don't have any time for your best friends. What a heartless friend l got. Why god you are punishing me like this. Is this my fault for past life”, he said while sitting down on the floor and started wiping his imagination tears. I sighed deeply and looked at him, narrowing my eyes. Adriana:“Fine, l will go. Now stop your drama and get some sleep. It's quite late already, and let me sleep also. I am very tired after attending two operations and patients”, l told him and again and started going towards my room. Jackson:“Really, you will go”, he asked me excitedly from behind yelling loudly. Adriana:“Good night”, l said a little loudly from the stairs. Before I entered my room, l heard him yelling like crazy from excitement. Thankfully the mansion room is soundproof, otherwise, my father's sleep would be disturbed by my i***t friend. I can never say no to Jackson and his father. They both are my family and l love them so much. After putting away my bag and phone, l took off my night dress and went to freshen up. My bed is already calling me. I just want a good sleep. I come out freshening up and after doing my night routine. I go towards my bed and lay down. I signed as l lay down, and my body felt sore. After doing the operation and seeing patients nonstop stop it takes too much energy. Sometimes one day eating a meal is also impossible for me if l have to deal with many things. Adriana:“l miss you, momma. I wish you were with me and now caress my hair”, l signed sadly and slept while thinking about spending a good time with momma. I wake up at 11 o'clock and after freshening up l go downstairs. As always I am busy all the time, they don't wake me up on my holiday. They let me have proper rest. Adriana:“Good morning, Dad”, l said while kissing him on the cheeks. He is sitting down on the couch and watching some news on the TV. I sat beside him and hugged him by the waist. William:“Oh my lovely daughter, you already woke up. You should rest more, my dear. It's not good for my health”, Father said to me while hugging me back and kissing my head. Adriana:“Don't worry about me, Dad. I already had proper rest. How is your health now?”, l asked him while looking towards him. Willam:“ What can happen to this old man when my lovely daughter is here with me?”, he replied to me chuckling. Adriana:“Come on, Dad. You aren't that old that much. Even if anyone still sees you, they will fall in love with you”, l told him teasingly. He adores me so much. He is my best friend less than Dad. I am very thankful to him for taking me that day and giving me so much better life. Before we could talk more, we stopped by one drama king. We both rolled our eyes after hearing this and chuckled.
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