Chapter 10

525 Words
At the island Eleanor had the longest and most peaceful sleep of her life. Then she woke up to see the loving face of her husband beside her. She stared at his handsome face for a long time. He is really handsome. His eyes are protected by long lashes paired with thick eyebrows. His high nose is just above his kissable lips. When she realized this, she felt the urge to kiss him but kept the feeling to herself. She swallowed. With her flexed right hand on her cheeks, she kept on adoring her sleeping husband. Unable to control herself, she stole a kiss on his lips. She giggled. She felt naughty and happy. Then with her left hand, she let her fingers feel every part of his face as if memorizing every angle of it. Why does she feel that she missed her husband so much? As if she has not seen him for so long and she just wants to stay beside him always. Is this how a person who has lost her memories feel? She smiled. Charles was about to open his eyes when he felt someone kissing his lips. It must be Eleanor, he thought to himself. Her lips are so soft. He felt deep joy, but he dared not open his eyes. He is curious about what she will do next. Then he heard her giggle. His heart nearly skipped a bit. What does that kiss and giggle mean? Is she still in love with me even if she doesn’t remember who I really am? Charles was a little surprised when he felt Eleanor’s fingers caressing his face. Carefully and lovingly, they are feeling every part of his face. Charles wanted to open his eyes and directly kiss Eleanor, but he controlled himself. He has to marry her first before anything else. Yes, he lied to her but he won’t take advantage of her without giving her the benefit of marriage. He had already arranged their dream wedding even before she came in this island. All he did last night was to make some few calls and tell the key people that the wedding is on. He already spoke with the judge, the minister and some witnesses to be present at their wedding today. Yes, he staged a marriage for both of them. Now that he has her, he wants to start everything right with her. This is the only way he knows that could keep her by his side no matter what. He has spoken to all who will be present in the wedding to make everything as normal as possible. He has instructed them to make it appear that the wedding has been set before Eleanor lost her memories. Thus, they all have to pretend that they knew her all along. It could have been difficult to convince the judge and the minister to do this if they are not his friends. Good thing they are, and they knew his love story from the happiest part to the saddest part. As his close friends in the island, he got all their support.
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