Chapter 9

541 Words
After receiving Laina’s call, Harry’s tears finally fell down his cheeks. “Chastity,” he muttered to himself softly. “Chastity…” Chastity’s face has been flashing continuously on his mind. He remembers her sweet smile, her fierce appearance when facing difficult opponents and her devilish countenance when trying to lure a witness to her line of questioning. Chastity, how I wish I could turn back time. His heart felt a sudden pang of pain. Chastity has been occupying a special place in his heart. For a long time, he has been keeping her there. He cherishes her like no other. He has done all his best to take care of her in every way possible. However, she has been extra careful with guys. She has been like a wild deer who runs in every sign of possible commitment to a relationship. She has maintained her professional distance with guys including him. This is the reason why he never dared to confess how he felt. He knows that if he did, then that’s the end of their friendship. To him, having her close even as a friend is way much better than not being able to go near her at all. He was willing to wait then. He was willing to wait until this happened. He felt a sudden regret. How I wish I took the risk and told you how I feel. At least I won’t suffer like this now. He scolded himself. “Harry…what a fool you are.” His heart fells so painful. Ah, no matter what. You lost your chance. He smiled wryly. Then tears fell down his cheeks again. He did not know what time it is when he decided to stand up and sat on his desk. He has to do something. No matter how painful it is, he has to know what really happened to the woman he cherishes. He opened his laptop, turned it on and typed “latest news.” True enough, the news is all about the shipwreck of Victoria 123, the only ship traveling to the island of Patmos the day before. The ship that it collided with is just too big that Victoria 123 became a total wreck. The internet was flooded by pictures of the shipwreck and the news that no one could have survived it since yesterday. The latest update today says that the authorities were able to find a few bodies among the 200 passengers that went aboard. Perhaps most bodies were eaten by sharks. He shivered at this thought. God forbid that my Chastity is among them. He brushed the thought off. With shaking hands, Harry took his phone and dialed a number. “Hello?” a male’s voice spoke on the other line. “Detective Conan, I need you to investigate something.” “Sure, Atty. Harry. What about it?” “Yesterday morning, a ship bound to Patmos Island named Victoria 123 was wrecked due to a collision with another ship. Now, my colleague Atty. Chastity Brawner is aboard that ship. Please find her at all cost. I’m willing to pay whatever the cost is.”
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