Chapter 8

622 Words
After a while, Minerva gathered all her remaining strength and thought of all possible ways to find her daughter. She will do everything to find her. The news report was saying that there could be no survivors in the shipwreck, but her mind refuses to accept that. Chastity is all that she has in the world. She cannot lose her just like that. She would storm all heaven and earth if needed just to find her. Minerva stood up and looked for her cellphone. She dialled Chastity’s office’s phone number. Ah, what am I doing? No one’s there. It’s already night time, she scolded herself when she realized what she is about to do. However, to her surprise, somebody picked up the phone and spoke on the other line. “Hello?” a man answered her call. “Hello?” the man repeated himself. “Hello,” Minerva said in a soft voice. “This is Atty. Chastity Brawner’s mother, Minerva. I – I am calling to inform you about what happened to her.” “Chastity? What about Chastity?” the man’s voice sounded more excited than when he first answered the call. “Yes. She won’t be able to come back for a while,” Minerva’s voice broke. “Ha? May I know the reason why?” the man’s voice sounded as if he became worried. “She… she… she…” Minerva was unable to continue. Her tears kept falling down her cheeks. Sensing that Minerva is sobbing, the man on the other line panicked. “Please, please tell me what happened to Chastity. Please,” he pleaded. Minerva swallowed. “She…her ship… she…became a victim of a shipwreck…” “What?!” the man shouted. “No!” That’s the last word she heard. The man hung up. On the other line, Harry dropped his receiver. Upon hearing that Chastity got involved in a shipwreck, his knees became as soft as jelly, unable to support him. He slopped on the floor. “Chastity…Chastity…” he can’t believe his ears. “No, she can’t die yet.” His heart felt painful. Ah! He put his hand over his heart. “This can’t be. She can’t die!” He kept shouting in his mind. “She can’t die!” Harry remained in this posture for an hour or two before he realized that it’s night time already. He could not have noticed the time if his client did not call his cellphone. Ring! Ring! “Hello?” Harry’s voice sounded weak and helpless. “Atty. Harry? Are you ok?” the woman’s voice on the other line sounded as if she is concerned about him. “Yeah. Who is this?” “Oh, this is Laina. I am calling to ask you if I can visit your office tomorrow. I just wanna give you some documents that could be used in my case.” “Yes, please do. My secretary’s here tomorrow,” Harry answered weakly. “Oh, I want to give it to you personally if it’s possible,” the woman’s voice sounded soft and enchanting. “Ok. Yes, please come in the afternoon,” Harry answered his long-term client. Laina Madrigal has been his client for a long time already. He has won a lot of cases for her. Laila consistently hired him as a lawyer in all cases involving her businesses and personal affairs.
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