Deadly and Diabolical

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Derek game chapter 3. The news of the fight was everywhere I school,How Derek beat the leader of the wolf geng, He was no longer feared,Derek Anderson beat him up and it was everywhere in school, In the school blogs, bloggers was publishing, The video was viral, people where already commenting. " Arrrrrrrrrrrrgh Alex destroyed the phone he used in viewing it. " My mom just got that for me The girl said. " Why didn't you guys watch if anyone was videoing Alex scolded " we thought you would beat him up Robert said. " School now Alex ordered and they zoomed off in his car. When the wolf geng ride normally arrives people always give way but today nobody moved an inch. " Here comes the loosing team A student said " Hey watch your tongue Robert threatened the student, The boy wasn't trembling in fear but stood bold. " You can't oppress anyone else in this school the student said. " This ruthless brat he raised his hand to hit him and the student held his hands. " Robert let it go Alex said. In the hallway the student didn't give way for the geng. " What's happening here Alicia said. In class it was already chemistry period and the group barged into the class. " You six what are you doing and why are you coming to school now and just barging in The teacher scolded. " Mr Milton Keynes I think he went to the hospital because of the punches he received from the fight with derek A student said. " Yeahhh I saw that I thought wolves were strong and hardly looses a fight but from the video I saw the leader of the pack was beaten The teacher mocked. " If you want to give us detention do it already Alicia said. " Stand behind now let's continue. The wolf geng stood outside. " I heard he got beaten up a junior said " I saw the video the other friend replied. " Hey do you want to get your head smashed into pieces Alicia said. " Like you can the student ran off. " Derek I will surely punish you Alex said. After class the group walked up to Derek. " What do you want I won the game and we made a deal Derek said. " Calm down man we are here to make peace are we cool Alex brought his hands for a handshake. " I rather not Derek walked out. ** The wolf geng building** The wolf geng has an hideout it was an abandoned warehouse, They had criminal records, pocket picking, robbery,vandalism, over speed and killing of domestics animals. They were diabolical and deadly they were once suspected for murder. The room has a weird scent just like black burnt candle, Drawings of Pilgrims, candles, crying Mary and all signs of dark magic. " What are we going to do to derek Alicia asked. " Hmmmmm we play a game Alex smiled. " Ohhhhh Alex is it the game I know Alicia said. " Halloween is coming up and we need to keep the Halloween spirit Alex said. " Halloween spirit Oh Halloween spirit we don't go trickle treating, It's for kids we go monster hunting,Soul swapping Oh will this hallowen spirit ever go away The wolf geng sang in chorus. The song was composed by the original founder of wolf geng,Alex's brother he was now in prison for murder. " Which game are we going to play mia asked " A fun game of hide and seek just like we played with our last victim,i bet it will be more fan than mr janitor Alex smiled. " But how are we going to lure him here Alicia asked. "Leave that to me Alex smiled. " Enough talking Alex have fun somewhere quiet, Alicia was so deep in love with Alex that she gave him her body everytime. " Oh Alicia you have a way of improving my mood Alex rubbed her hair. " Shall we go inside Alicia responded. " Yeah of course Alex said
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