fight for love

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Derek's game Chapter 2. " Promise to call after my cheerleading practice Tiana smiled at Derek " If you smile at me like that I won't be able to leave Derek said. " Really bye am leaving Tiana ran out. " I have to complete grandma to do list Derek walked home. " Mom I will be late cause I have practice Tiana said on the phone, Sorry mom let me call you back Tiana hung up. " Hello pretty Alex said his group members stood by his side. " Is there you want from me Tiana asked she was afraid of this group, They were scary and rumours had it that they killed a janitor and here she was alone in the hallway with them. "I see your nerd isn't by you Alex stroked her hair.. Tiana was dying of fear, someone please walk in she prayed. " Am going to go straight to the point, I like your style and I want you and I to date Alex hit the nail on the head. " I have a boyfriend do you remember Tiana shifted from him. " Oh that nerd Alex laughed and his friends followed. " Let her go Derek walked in. Tiana ran to hide behind derek. " Look who came to save his girlfriend Robinson a member mocked. " If it isn't Derek, Well your girlfriend is mine now Alex laughed. " She is going to be a member of us Alicia another member said. " No I won't when did I say am joining you guys, They are lying Tiana cried out. " Hey leave me and my girlfriend alone Derek turned to leave and Alex used his book and targeted for Derek's head. " What's your problem Alex Derek touched his head. " I don't know you tell me Alex smiled mischievously. " Derek you are bleeding Tiana pointed at his head. " The next time will be more b****y Alex left with his friends. Derek and Tiana stopped the bleeding and went to the nurse office. " I stopped the blood Tiana said " Those jerks Derek was annoyed, he felt bullied and he didn't like such a feeling. "Let's go home Tiana helped him up and they left. ** The next day riverton high school** Derek couldn't find Tiana anywhere so he waited for her outside, She arrived at school and saw her boyfriend waiting. * Did I keep you waiting Tiana hugged him. The couple entered the hallway and saw the students all waiting for them " There he is a student pointed " Are you ready for the fight another students said. " What fight Derek Tiana asked. " I don't know Derek was confused. " Well boy let me explain, if you win you get your girlfriend,and if you loose I get her Alex said " Am not playing your stupid game Derek replied. " Tiana you have a looser boyfriend a student said " Such a coward another said " He can't even defend you another student said. All of these was playing with Derek's head and he dropped his bag in preparation for the fight. " No Derek don't Tiana held him " Even your girlfriend know you are weak Alex laughed. " That's not true Derek Tiana knew Derek was going to beaten up. " Then let me teach this scumbag a lesson Derek walked to Alex and agreed to the bet. " We have 30 mins before school hours A student said. Alex tried to punch Derek but he missed and Alex took a first punch from Derek. " Did Derek just hit Alex,Everyone was watching Derek was leading the fight, Alex was trying but Derek somehow was stronger than Alex and Alex felt embarrassed. " I won so leave I and my girlfriend alone Derek took his bag and left. " What just happened " Derek just beat up Alex. All the students mocked Alex and to his personality it was an insult. " Derek are you alright Tiana still couldn't believe Derek fought Alex. " Am fine, I couldn't stand loosing you that's the reason I did that Derek sat on his desk. " Derek did you just fight Alex,Henry is best friend walked in " Yeah he was just acting stupid so he deserved what I did to him Derek smiled.
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