Doom day

382 Words
Derek's game Chapter 4 After Alex and Alicia had s*x,Alicia was preparing to go home. " Alicia just one more time Alex begged for more. " Alex I need to go home Alicia said " Please Alex tried to get the again. " Alex anytime you need me I give you my body and all I ask front you is love and yet you keep chasing after Tiana Alicia was fed up thou she couldn't control her desire for him but she also wanted affection. " Alicia my love I have always loved you He lied to get her in bed one more time. " if you do then forget about Tiana and let Derek go Alicia said. " How can you say that I was humiliated he deserves punishment Alex said. " Fine punish Alex and Tiana Alicia insisted " She did nothing wrong Alex said " Am leaving Alicia walked out. Alex was alone in the warehouse he took his laptop and sent and email to derek. Derek was doing his chores when he got a notification on his laptop. It was Tiana she sent a countdown to her birthday, He called her and she picked immediately. " I saw the countdown Derek said " Yeah so what are you getting me Tiana asked. " isn't that supposed to be a secret Derek said " Yeah true I will call back when am home okay bye love " Bye am hanging up Derek hung up. He sat down on his sofa confused he knew how classy his girlfriend was and he just wanted to get her a good gift but he had no money and his grandma isn't going to give him some. He received another message it was an email it read. " Instead of going trickle treating join the new game almost all teens are playing this weekend, The winner gets a Ten Thousand dollars ,if you are interested the venue is abandoned pickle warehouse Lincoln Street. " Wooow that's around the corner I need money am good at games and I won't be doing anything Halloween night am in Derek clicked accept and turned off his computer. " Let the game begin and Robert get the game box ready this is going to be fun Alex smiled.
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