Scary chase.

375 Words
Derek hid in an abandoned storage he was breathing heavily this game was filled with tension. ???Run Run Run someone is getting to get you,Run Run someone is getting to get you The song kept playing. "is someone really coming to get me what if I just let them catch me but I won't get the cash prize and not a gift for Tiana,And I was instructed not to get caught Derek you can do this granny please don't get worried Derek said. " of course she will a voice said from behind it was a familiar voice. "Have I been caught Derek asked. " Not yet we just started the voice faded. Derek kept searching for the voice in his head, he got it. He his in this game too this is going to be interesting Derek said.. Derek checked for motions and movements but no one was there he got outside and kept running. ????Run Run Run someone is coming to get you Run Run Run someone is coming to get it you don't let them get you, always look behind you and don't get distracted or caught Run Run Run The song was messing with derek. He still couldn't see any of the players but he knew he was playing with Alex but which one was Alex Derek kept running he passed Paintings of panoramas, The Bermuda triangle and Pilgrims. Of course it was hallowen but this was too much. Derek was frightened by the sounds of gunshot and he heard an echo Do not get caught. Derek listen to my voice keep running or else you will be killed Alicia whispered, she was hoping that if she helps him out Alex will leave Tiana alone. " Alicia what do you mean Derek was confused. " just run Alicia left. " Where do you think he is hiding Derek asked Alicia because she was good in seeking. " I think he is a good hider Alicia covered up. " Well no one knows this warehouse like we do so I will check the storage unit first Alex said " Really do you think Derek is dumb check the operating room Alicia said "We will find him and kill him anyways Alex smirked
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