Don't get caught Boy

410 Words
Derek's game Episode 7 Derek has been hiding for more than an hour now, he was tired of hiding so he decided to seek. Derek came out of his hiding place and started running, he ran and met a dead end. " Damn I passed the wrong path Derek turned to leave but when he looked backwards he was already caught by all six players. " Fine you got me, I lost whatever Derek said. The first player removed his mask it was Robert a member of wolf geng. " Rob Hmmmmm not surprised to see you actually I think I heard Alex's voice Derek said, not realising the situation. Four people removed their mask and then it dawned on derek it was a trap. " I know who is next Derek said in a low tone. " Well Well Well,if it isn't Mr popular Derek Anderson I never knew you will turn for the game Alex removed his mask. " There is no prize money all of these was just a trap Derek said. " Oh there is a price if you get out alive but you won't Alex laughed with evil in his eyes. " Wait what are you saying, like what do you mean by I won't get out alive please be joking Derek was already sweating when he heard death. " Hmmm are you trembling in fear, oh I always hated you Alicia said. " Which do you prefer Alex brought a dagger knife and a butcher knife. " None please let me go pleasssse I am all my grandma has please spare my life Derek was crying on his kneels. " You would have thought about that before you played with fire Alex said. " Alex please let me go I beg you Derek shirt was soaked with tears. * Sorry boy but you aren't allowed to leave here Alex said and shot him. We won The wolf geng screamed in chorus. Alicia didn't echo it because she had a plan to help Derek. " Why did you kill him now you said we will play more games Alicia said. " I got bored Alex said. " Set him ablaze and keep the ashes in the storage unit next to the janitor Alex ordered. Derek's grandma and Tiana got home and when Tiana was trying to shut the door she locked her hands. Derek's grandma applied first aid and she slept off waiting for Derek.
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