The Halloween spirit

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Derek's game chapter 5. Derek woke up early and did all his chores His grandma was in their bakery,she was baking cakes for the Halloween. " Dish washing check,Laundry check, cook check now let's get ready and win that money for my baby girl Derek said. Tiana was calling and he picked up. " Hey darling Derek said " What's your plan for the Halloween Tiana said. " Well I am going to a relative's place for a party Derek lied. " ohhhh I wanted to hang out with you and maybe go to the cinema Tiana said. " I wish I can Derek said " can I come with you, I will be alone all-night Tiana said " Oh I wish you can but I am just meeting them do you understand Derek said " okay fine have fun. Derek entered his room and shut the windows while he was doing that his granny called. " Hey son what are you doing His grandma asked " Am hanging out with Tiana today we have a list of things to do today Derek was being able to maintain his lies. " Hmmmmm I thought you were bored at home His grandma said. " No I am leaving now granny He hung up. Derek knew the way to the warehouse address he wore a jacket and locked the door. Tiana called again. " Are you there yet Tiana said " No am going to take a taxi I will call you when I get back am hanging up. " What's wrong with him Tiana thought. ** The Anderson's Bakery*** Derek's grandma was staking cups when all the cups fell and broke into pieces. " Grandma Tiana ran inside, Tiana knew she was going to be alone at home so she decided to pay granny a visit. " Grandma did you hurt yourself Tiana said helping her up. " This is a bad sign where is Derek Granny asked. " He didn't tell you,He was going for a Halloween dinner at a relative's place Tiana said. " RELATIVE granny said in amusement. " Yes he even took a taxi wait he didn't tell you Tiana was confused. " Wait What I am the only relative derek has and by the way I thought you guys had a list of things to do today and hangout and stuff. " Hang out,we spoke earlier about that but he brought up dinner with a relative Tiana said " What's going on here Both granny and Tiana was confused. " Grandma I think Derek lied to us Tiana said. " But why Derek isn't the type that tells lies Granny said. " I think he went somewhere and he doesn't want us to know about Tiana said " Why then did he lie His grandma said. " Granny don't worry I will just clean this up Tiana said Derek stood at the gate of the warehouse it was a big building and suddenly someone touched him. " we have been awaiting your presence A masked female touched him. " you freaked me out Derek said " Follow me Derek entered the building it had such a bad smell,all the drawings on the wall was signs of dark magic,Derek thought of it has part of the hallowen spirit. " Wait here while I call your fellow players The masked female said. " She looks like those guys from the movie squid game He said. When Derek was entering the building he felt being dragged back, The thing is he isn't scared but curious. " Welcome players A voice echoed and he came out of the dark. Derek looked around and saw six other masked teenagers,it was weird that he was the only one without a mask maybe I came late he wondered. " The rules of this game one you can't quit, two keep running,Three don't get caught The man said. " What happens if you get caught Derek asked. " like I said don't get caught The man turned on the DVD player and it raised a song. ???Run Run Run someone is coming to get you, Run Run it played continually. According to the invite it was a game of hide and seek.
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