Chapter 9: First mission (4)

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"Of course, then I shall lead you somewhere else private.” Mr. Lowell calmed himself down and fixed his glasses. He walked to some place where there were no one around and was guaranteed that there were neither bugs nor cameras. Nathaniel followed him closely. Behind the two of them were Ark and the others disguised as special forces. Although they shouldn’t follow the two of them they made sure not to lose sight of either of the two. Their jealousy and humiliation were growing bigger except for Ark who was still rational but had a lot of doubts about Nathaniel and Mr. Lowell’s relationship and why did they have to go to somewhere devoid of any presence except their own. “So, what did you find out?”Mr. Lowell asked once again after they arrived at the place. “It’s just that my intuition is telling me that the location I believe where the monster is was different to what the official had announce.” Nathaniel didn’t lie, but he also didn’t tell the whole truth in some consideration of some things. “Hmm, and how can you be sure that your intuition is correct?” Mr. Lowell hummed and asked. He observed Nathaniel to see if he was lying or not. “I can’t be sure and I can't give you any evidence about it since it was just intuition. However, all I can tell you is that I got my intuition yesterday at the base.” Nathaniel answered. Mr. Lowell’s eyes widened slightly. ‘Is he telling me that he found out where the monster is from yesterday? Is that what he did when he operated the system?’ mr. Lowell realized. “Then, can you tell me the location where you think the monster is?” Mr. Lowell asked cautiously. He didn't scare Nathaniel away and make him feel like he was forcing him to spill the location out. “I think the monster will appear in the center of the city just like what I have been informed and there are three routes that he might escape through. The intersection on the east, north and south. That being said, I don’t know the time when the monster will appear or where it is right at this moment.” Nathaniel explained. ‘There is no way, the locations he just mentioned were neither of the three locations the government has gathered.’Mr. Lowell thought and looked at Nathaniel as if he was a joke. “I know I sound like a madman spilling whatever I want. Well, that was only my intuition, so there is no need to pay any unnecessary attention to it… Since I may be wrong.” Nathaniel added. ‘That’s right. His intuition may be wrong, but it also could be right… What should I do?’ Mr. Lowell fixed his glasses once again as he was consumed by his thoughts. After a couple of minutes he sighed and patted Nathaniel’s shoulder. “I guess we’ll just have to see if your intuition is correct or not.” Mr. Lowell said before walking away. Nathaniel watched his departing back before sighing and going back to where his seniors were waiting for him. The special forces were stationed all in one place while the others were stationed in either of the two places. More than half of the soldiers were divided into two divisions and were sent to the other two locations. The first division were stationed at the underground train station of the north and the second division were at the highway to the south and the special forces consisting of Ark, Nathaniel and his other seniors were stationed at the location where the highest possibility where the monster will appear, the park 5 kilometers away from the center of the city. And the remaining soldiers were on standby waiting for any backup requests. As soon as the two divisions were formed, each of the three groups departed to their respective positions. While on their way, the members of the special forces had their mouths running full of complaints about the location that were assigned to them. "Oh come on, why would they even assign the farthest and dangerous location to us?!" "Hah, maybe because those soldier bastards were scared fighting against one monster!" "Hahaha, they're scared when there is only one monster to fight and hundreds of soldiers to hunt?" "Haha, it's really ridiculous, right. Those f*****g cats that easily get scared." "Well, I don't really have any complaints if we receive the money. It's f*****g twenty million if the mission is successful!" Nathaniel's eyes flew to his senior who just spoke. ‘The reward money for this mission is twenty million. It’s ten percent of the money Mr. Lowell gave me to become a commissioner and the compensation money that will be wired to my bank account if I ever die.’ Nathaniel thought inwardly. “Are you nervous?” Nathaniel snapped out of his thoughts after Ark spoke to him. “Not really. I just want to get this mission done with as small casualties as possible and go home. But I don’t even have the power to reduce the casualties that were about to come when the monster starts raising hell. It’s kind of frustrating knowing how weak I am.” Nathaniel said in a low voice. Ark couldn’t respond to what Nathaniel said. He had experienced that kind of feeling years ago when he was still nothing but a beggar doing all kinds of jobs just to feed himself. There were times when the money he worked so hard for would get stolen by some robbers and when he fought back they would always beat him up. In those times, he wished he had the strength to fight back. To fight back for his money he poured his blood, sweat and tears too. “You don’t have to worry about that. We’ll do that work. Your job is just to stay at the rear and watch us do the hunting because just like what you said you don’t have the power to do anything. Remember, in this mission, your job is to stay alive.” Ark said harshly, it was because he also knew that giving false hope will only result in further breakdown in the future.
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