Chapter 23: The Horse and Henry’s Question

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  I really hate how Henry easily gets mad when the matter is all about the bitchy girlfriend of his. He really is a blind fool and I hate Henry for that.   “Tsk she isn’t that pretty anyway.” I utter as I walk out of the mansion towards the plantation.   I am walking in the plantation as Beth is silently following behind me with her hands interlaced right her stomach, usual gestures of all the maids here. Everything in sky mansion really doesn’t make me feel normal. It is as if I am stepping on a freaky fairy tale that is slowly turning into a nightmare.   “My gosh! Is he that blind? She is a freaking liar and a terrible actress. All I can see in her are all fakes. Ahhh gosh! What is wrong with me? The hell I care about that ugly doll and that fool, I really need to clear my head.” I utter in frustration as I continue to shake my head.    Beth is just silently watching me as she stands a few feet behind me. I suddenly turn to face Beth after a few seconds.   “What is wrong Milady?” Beth asks in confusion when I face her with a silly smile on my face.   “Let’s go and see Ram, shall we Beth? I bet the horses can entertain me and change my mood right now. I really love seeing the horses. Let us go before I start thinking of what happened again.” I said as I walk ahead of Beth as I hum.    When we arrive in the stables I turn to look at Beth with a questioning face when I see few men pulling a white beautiful horse that is jumping up and down as if it is really mad. I see Henry and Sammantha who is now wearing this jean and boots. I nearly laugh seeing how messy Sammantha looks. Sammantha’s hairs are flying everywhere and her clothes are really muddy. I see Henry looking to Sam’s arm and to her muddy face. I grin to see a scratch on Sammantha’s arm. I also see Ram slightly rubbing the horse’s back trying to stop the horse from losing control and hurting any of the men who are handling it but the horse just keeps on jumping and wiggling around as if it wanted to run away from there.   “What’s going on here?” I ask again as we stand away from the crowd.    I see my parents coming towards us when they see us standing here. I look at the lovey dove couple then at that white horse being pulled by some men.   “Hello dear are you okay now?” my mom asks as she touches my arm.    I just nod and then smile at them.   “I am sorry about what happened. I can’t stop myself, I’m really sorry. What’s happening there?” I ask them as my dad takes a deep breath and looks at me with a smile.   “It is alright my beloved. I am happy to see that you can now freely express yourself unlike before that you are so timid and so aloof. Your grandfather sent that horse as a gift to you. The horse is hard to tame. Why did he send such a troublesome horse to you? Sometimes, I really don’t understand that old man.” He said as he shakes his head as kisses my head.   “Grandpa? A horse? It’s very pretty. What is its name?” I said as I look at the angry horse.   “It doesn’t have a name. Your grandfather said that you will name it since it is yours now.” my mom said as my dad gives off a sound of distaste.   “Say you don’t like it my beloved so I can tell them to return it to him.” my dad said as both me and mom look at him in surprise.   “Alvic honey, stop with your hateful jokes towards your father. You’re talking with our daughter.” mom utter in disbelief.    My dad smiles and then kisses my mother’s cheek making me feel my check burn. They are way too sweet and it is making me feel odd. My papa and mama never did like this and never been sweet to each other though they always are together and help one another on the farm. It is still awkward for me since I was never exposed to the major sweetness of lovers before like what my mom and dad are showing me. At least it warms my heart to see how they love one another.   “I’m sorry honey, I am just saying it. So, what do you think Zam dear?” my dad asks and I smile as I look at the crowd.    Mr. Alexter is walking towards us when Henry and Sam’s voice caught my attention.   “Hello Mr. Alexter, ahmmnn what happened to her… Sammantha? Why is she... messy?” I said trying to sound concerned as we all look at Henry and Sammantha, all of the people near the horse weren’t aware of our presence here.   “Hello to you too my dear we’re sorry about what happened this morning. Anyway, Sammantha thought she can tame the horse for you so she changed and rode it but it started to get angry then jump and run around. She ends up falling to the mud and end up with some bruises.” Mr. Alexter said as I stop myself from laughing.   “Is it a she or a he? I have to give it a name aren’t I?” I ask as I slowly walk towards the crowd... towards the horse.    The horse seems familiar. It looks like the horse I rode once in Canada when they were training me. The men, Ram and Henry all look at us while the servants stop and bow then greet us.   “It is a male, my dear. What name do you have in mind?” Mr. Alexter said as they walk behind me.    I am still fascinated by the horse as I walk near it. I stop just a few feet away from the wiggling horse as Ram tries so hard to hold it in place so that the horse won’t run me down.   “Please Milady, it’s very dangerous here. Please stay far away.” Ram said as he looks at the angry horse.   “It cannot be tamed and it won’t listen to no one. Stay away from him Zam.” Henry said as he walks towards me and grabs my wrist.    I look at his hand holding my hand and then look at him with a burning glare. He slowly let my hand go as he looks at me in shock. His face is saying “what’s wrong”.   “Tell me, Ram, they told me in the main mansion in Canada that horses are smart. Are they Ram?” I ask as I walk near the horse.    I am now a few inches away from the wiggling horse who keeps on making angry noises.   “Yes- Yes I- I believe so, Milady.” Ram answers in confusion as he tries hard to hold the rope tightly holding the horse down so it won’t jump up and down.   “My grandfather sent him to me. I am now his owner. I’ll name him.....” I pause as I stretch my hand and slowly rub the horse’s nose.    The horse suddenly stops and slowly went closer to me and bows his face as I rub its back. Mr. Benjamin and Mr. Denvert taught me this and it is how I made this horse relax to my presence back in Canada. I know it; this is that horse that I rode before. His brownish eyes and its tail with black on its tip are the same.   “Fire and wind... Firewind will be his name. It burns like a fire so strong and with the wind, becomes stronger. One that is faithful towards his owner.” I said as everyone gasps in awe.    The horse is now calm and Ram slowly loosens the rope he is pulling a while ago.   “This is amazing. The horse that can't be tamed suddenly stops by just her touch. Magnificent!” Mr. Alexter utters in surprise.    I just face them and smile at them sweetly. I hold the horse's neck and rub my hand on its fur.   “He just doesn’t want other people to ride him other than his owner. That’s why; he got angry with Sammantha who suddenly rode him without the owner’s permission, what a smart horse.” I said as I smile cunningly and rub the horse’s neck.    Deep inside me, I am laughing so hard towards Sammantha’s embarrassment. That serves her right that should teach her not to step into the line and out of her boundary. I know that ME feeling this way towards someone’s misfortune is bad but... I am also a human that can be mean like any person out there. As I said, I am not Cinderella who will just bow my head and let other people bully me or treat me badly.   “This is really amazing my beloved.” dad said with pride.    He walks towards me and slowly rubs the horse’s face that calmly lets him.   “I’ve ridden him when I was at the main mansion before. Grandpa said it was a gift for grandma before my grandma’s friends in Mexico. Grandma was already gone so the horse should be given to you dad but grandpa saves it for someone special since the horse is also special. I can’t believe that he will send him to me.” I said in surprise as I rub the horse’s back.    Dad looks at me as everyone silently watches. I see how he looks sad but then smile seeing that I am looking at him.   “Is that so? Then this was the horse he was talking about. He really is special, Firewind huh! Nice name coming from you my beloved.” dad said as I smile.    I ride Firewind as Ram, Mr. Peter and my father ride with me with the other horses. They accompanied me to ride around the properties. We even rode towards the forest where I got lost before. I am having so much fun and enjoying until we decided to return to the stables to return the horses. Firewind has a very wide stall just for him. Ram promised me that he will take good care of my horse. I smile thinking about it. For the first time, I have something special that I never thought I can own and I can call mine.   “Somewhat, I almost fear waking up one day and realizing that everything of this is just a dream. It is so good that I feel I am getting used to it. This is getting bad.” I utter with a sigh as I look at my reflection.   I am in my room I have just finished taking a bath and changing my clothes. I decided to walk out to the balcony. I sit on the cemented railings as I watch the workers on the plantation of grapes. The plantation is divided so grapes are not the only fruit grown here. There are apples, oranges, and mangoes on the other side of the forest. I heard my door opens but I never looked to see who it was, thinking it might be just Beth, nanny, or mom who entered.   “Zam, can we talk?” I nearly fall when I heard Henry’s voice.    Henry grabs me by the arm as I slowly fix my position on the railings.   “What the heck Henry! What’s your deal? What- what are you doing here? Do you even know how to knock?” I said in a pissed voice.    I immediately look away from looking at his face. My heart is pounding really fast and I don’t know why. I only thought that it was all because I nearly fall from the second floor where I am.   “I’m sorry, I- I really need to talk to you. I got the feeling that you are mad at me. I want to know why? Did I do something wrong?” he said as he looks at my face.    I take a deep breath. I look at him trying to hide my unknown feelings and try to look normal – like before.   “No I’m not; it is just your own imagination. Now leave, I’m not mad at anyone. Why would I? Where’s your girlfriend?” I said as I look away from his face into the wide plantation.   This is crazy, my head is aching every time I think of that biach girlfriend of his. I wonder, why am I being like this? I clearly know that I don’t love Henry but…… why do I feel this anger towards him in regards to Sammantha? There must be something off to Sammantha and I subconsciously know it. I just wonder… what is it?   
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