Chapter 24: Henry and Cole the greatest Jerks

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“I don’t believe you. You’re not acting yourself ever since you return from Canada. We were fine... very fine when we returned here before but now, you seem to be avoiding me. You won’t do that unless I did something wrong. Please tell me.” He persistently said. I turn in annoyance and jump down the railing to face him.   “I said NOTHING, okay! What do you want to hear from me? You did nothing! Leave me alone. You are one annoying, jerk.” I said and I walk away leaving him on my balcony.   Somehow just seeing his face is making me infuriated. He follows me and blocks my way to face me face to face.   “See, you can’t even look at me in the eyes. Zam, what did I do wrong? I won’t stop asking you if you will not tell me. What did I do?” he said and he takes my hand on his.   My heart starts to pound even faster and I can almost hear it. I look into our hands and I feel a sudden sting in my heart. I jerk his hand and pull my hand free before I turn my back on him. I touch my face and put my right hand on my chest.   “I can’t tell you what’s wrong, it’s not you okay! It is me.” I said in an angry and irritated voice.   I gasp after saying that and I almost feel my body shaking. My eyes widen, this feeling what is it? It is like the same as what I felt towards Michael before but no!!! I can’t feel this. It is not healthy.   “What does that mean? Zam please tell me.” He said persistent and he grabs my right shoulder trying to let me face him.   “HENRY, YOU’RE AN i***t!” I scream at him stepping far away from him.   He looks at me in shock as I look at him with a burning face. He takes a deep breath before he looks at me.   “I can’t get to understand you like this Zam. Tell me what is wrong? Do you... Do you not want to see me? I can just leave and....”   “NO! It’s not that Henry. You are getting into my head. You are like a puzzle that is making me confuse. One moment I understand you then the next you are like a block of ice that I can’t even tolerate. Can’t you understand Henry? It is not you... it’s that personality of yours that is making me like this.” I said before I turn and then stop.   “What? Zam, I don’t understand your logic. How can I understand you when you are speaking in riddles? You suddenly change your attitude towards me. One day we are fine then suddenly you are giving me a cold shoulder.” Henry said as he sighs and rubs his forehead.   “How will you understand me? You can’t get the idea that I don’t feel anything nice about that Sammantha fling of yours. How can you understand that I want you to stay away from troubles especially if it is only for her sake? How can you understand that I feel THIS pain in my heart seeing you together for I know she is not safe for you? Tell me, how can you get me to like you when your back is always on me while you face Sammantha? Henry, I don’t like this. This is not like ME.” I scream at him before I suddenly gasp and cover my mouth realizing the words I just utter.   “How... How do you suppose to want me to answer those questions? I ... I am so sorry if....”   “Forget it. Forget even hearing those. Let just think about that as if I am just being a brat, a freak, a b***h, and a sore loser. Have at it. Just stay away from me until I... until I get myself together. Don’t worry, you have nothing to fear. I can solve my own problems, maybe one of these days I will get to understand myself and get to like Sammantha for you. I just don’t want you to be in pain again especially when I like you as my brother and more especially when I find out you are my best friend's brother.” I said as I turn and walk towards my closet and get the jacket hanged on a hanger.   I am surprised when I come out and he is still there. I feel my face burn again in annoyance. I can even feel my pounding heart.   “Let me tell you what I think. You said you don’t like seeing me with Sammantha. Perhaps, you are... a little bit jealous?” he said that made me turn and look at him immediately.   “Excuse me! Jealous? Me? No way, no freaking way. Why would I? Where did you get that stupid idea anyway?” I said as I shake my head in denial.   “Well! That’s the only logical explanation of what is happening to you.” He said as he rubs his temple as if he is getting tired of that conversation.   “Jealous? No way, to whom if I may ask? To you? No way, why would I be jealous of you? Okay, you are a nice guy, a perfect ideal brother but you are so cold and irritating... no offense. There is no logical reason as to why will I be jealous of you.” I said as I look at him from head to toe but when that uncertain feeling came again I immediately look away.   “Not me, this is harder than I thought.” He said in a tired voice.   I look at him in annoyance and I turn around and walk away. I sit on my bed really pissed.   “If you think I’m jealous of Sammantha your dead wrong. My definition of jealousy is the feeling of wanting what the other has. No way, Sammantha doesn’t have anything that I want. I’ve perfectly loved no thanks. I don’t want enemies.” I said as he shakes his head as I look at him.   “That’s not what I mean. Maybe you are feeling just jealous since you have all my time before but when she came we have less time to hang out. Or maybe….”   “No, I don’t think so, I just don’t like her period.” I said.   He might be right though; I need to fix myself. What I am feeling and what I said is really not understandable. I have to stop myself from feeling this way and being this way. I think I just have to face him the same way before… a friend and the brother of my best friend. Yes, that’s it.   “Anyways, thanks for your idea but I guess this is just because of the sudden change in my life. I need a drink; you close the door if you will stay.” I said and I walk towards the door leaving Henry inside my room.   What an annoying man he is. When I am already walking down the stairs I heard the door of my room open then is gently close again. I wait if Henry will follow me but when I look up I see Sammantha walking towards Henry and giving him a small kiss on his lips. I immediately turn and clench my fingers to the staircase. That uncertain feeling is back again; this time I feel as if I want to grab Sammantha on her hair and stamp her on the floor so that she can kiss it. I shake my head and walk down the stairs. The maids line again but my mind is flying away. I walk into the kitchen and take a glass then fill it with iced tea still preoccupied. I drink it so fast that I am catching my breaths afterward.   “If you’re THAT thirsty, water is what you need.” I immediately turn around upon hearing a voice.   I rub my hand on my chest when I see Cole Lyrus sitting on the table while reading a book. What the heck is wrong with his name, why is it Cole Lyrus. Maybe his parents got lazy to think of a nicer name when he was born thus giving him the name Cole Lyrus… they could have given him a name like Coleigne, Coller, or something that so simple.   “Freaking A! You frightened me, what the hell are you doing here alone?” I utter in fright.   He looks at me as he closes the book he is reading. His face is saying “are you kidding me?” he looks at me from head to toe.   “Reading and don’t need anyone. You look f*****g ugly by the way.” He said but instead of being hurt I walk towards the chair in front of him and sit.   “Thanks and you look so not so well yourself. Hey! A-hole what are you reading?” I said as I put both of my elbows on the table and lean on my interlaced hands.   He looks at me with too much irritation but he doesn’t seem to hate me rather he seems amused with my presence.  I seem to like this guy than Henry. Cole gives this cool, jerky, and somehow cute personality despite being cold and mean. All in all, I feel so comfortable with him and I feel so warm… weird.   “First of all, I’m not a dog. Don’t hey me. Second, I’m not an a*s, don’t asshole me. Lastly, you’re too ugly and I hate seeing your face so leave. I mean it.” He said and he looks at me angrily.   I feel a little bit hurt but I also feel relieved. At least someone who is not so toxic like Henry is here to amuse me. Harsh and cold Cole might be like this now but I know he is hiding something inside of him. I take a deep breath; it seems like befriending him will be harder than I thought but..... I am up for the challenge.   “I’ve already heard that a thousand times. You know what? You and Henry are alike but different at the same time.” I said as I stand from sitting and walk towards the wide high-tech refrigerator and look inside.   I see a big cake, I take it and laid it on the counter, I take 2 plates and slice small pieces of the cake then I place it into the plates.  I pour 2 glasses with iced tea. I then returned those left cakes and juice back to the refrigerator.   “Don’t you dare compare me to that loser, I never been an i***t because of just a stupid woman.” He said.   I put the plates with a single slice of cake and the glasses of iced tea on a tray and I walk to where I sat a while ago.   “Whatever.... you two are still the same, you both are certified jerks.” I said as I laid the plate of cake into my side and the other into his.   I did the same with the iced tea. He looks at me then at the food in front of me as if it is the most horrid thing he has ever seen. Cole is so handsome with his black clean-cut jet-black hair, his lovely gemstone green eyes that seems too intimidating and charming, his beige skin tone, he is also 5 ’8 in height and he is mysteriously mystifying, maybe that is why many women are drawn to him like what I heard about him.    “What the hell is this?” he said as he looks at the things I laid in front of him.   “Are you blind? It’s food.” I said as I raise my eyebrow and sit.   “I don’t need it.” He said as he looks at me angrily.   “The more I see it; you needed it more than I do. You look pale, and it is making you look so ugly.” I said as I use the fork to eat the cake. He looks at me pissed.   “I don’t need.....”   “You’re welcome.” I said as I smile at him sweetly while I continue eating my food.   “This is irritating; you really are unbelievable. You think you can survive here and continue living like a princess. Many people want you to leave or even want you dead. Do you think your parents can protect you – that Henry can protect you? I doubt it; you are just a little butterfly on a field of flowers. People will just spray you with poison and you will be gone forever. No evidence of your existence will ever be seen on the face of the earth. Then, you will wish that you shouldn’t have flown here. Looking at you, you will only last for months.” He said as he looks at me.   I nearly laugh but I just smile at him. Somewhat his words are like a scripted drama to me. I already heard such threats and words to some of the movies and dramas I had watched before. I look at my food and end up playing it with the fork.   “You think I’m stupid, I know that from the beginning. I never wish for a life I cannot handle. I’m not here for money, I’m not here for an inheritance, and I’m not even here for fame. I am here for the parents who lost their child long ago and were hurt by time. I am here because I AM that child they had lost. If I am not that child I will never dram of staying here and facing you like this. Perhaps I’m a little butterfly but even a little butterfly can fight until the end. If protecting my place in the family means that I need to fight my place for the inheritance..... then, I’m willing to hold a g*n to fight a war.” I said as I look at him with confidence.   He looks at me in amazement. He starts to eat the cake I laid in front of him. He is still looking at me as if looking for evidence of fear.   “You? Why are you here?” I ask as I continue eating my cake.   He looks at me and then drinks his iced tea.   “I’m here to see if this fight will be interesting at all. I hope you won’t give up easily.” He said as he looks at me.   There is something to Cole’s words. I feel threatened and I feel like he is warning me. Somehow, I also feel like I want to show him that I will fight whatever happens and that he should too. He needs to free himself from his parents’ wishes if it is against his own will.
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