Chapter 22: Cool Cole and The misunderstanding

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5 people are sitting at the table including my mother. Just in front of my mother’s chair is Cole who looks as if he doesn’t care about anything and like we don’t exist at all. Beside him are Sammantha and Henry, they are both looking at me with different types of gazes. Lastly is a man I never have seen before who is silently looking at us with a friendly smile and is sitting beside my mother’s chair. I smile at the man as I sit on the chair my father has drawn for me.   “Thanks, dad. Ahmmnn seems like we have a visitor?” I said in a low voice to my mother.   “Oh! Before we could forget, Peter this is our daughter Zarianne Andrea Marlile. Dear, this man is your father’s friend and business partner Mr. Peter Alexter.” my mom introduces as the man stands and reaches for my hand for a handshake. I smile and rise to take his extended hand.   “It’s very nice to meet you, my dear. I was here at your welcome party but it was so sad that I was unable to meet you. I should say, you got your mother’s charms. And your father’s strong personality.” Mr. Peter said as we shake our hands.   I just smile as I look at the kind man’s face. He looks like a professional. Brownish skin, elongated nose, pinkish lips, brownish eyes, clean-cut brownish hair, and height about 5 ’6 or something.   “Thank you, Mr. Alexter. And it’s very nice to meet you too.” I said as I smile.   We are as silent as we eat our breakfast, I feel weird since this is not how my usual meal with my grown family is. We usually are so noisy and messy but today it is as if everyone is so scared to make a sound or even drops a piece of food or something. Geeee it makes me lose my appetite.   “Ahmnnn these foods are great. Nice job for the cook.” I said just to lighten the cold atmosphere in this dining area.   Everyone looks at me as I take a spoon full of food. I look at them just to see Sammantha’s disgusted look as if she doesn’t like the way I eat. I smirk before I place the spoon and fork on my table. I look at her then at Henry before I smirk.   “Excuse me can I ask for a small favor. Can you bring me more sauce without chili and warm milk please?” I said as I face the maid bowing and lined behind us.   “Ye- Yes, Milady.”   “Thank you.” I said as I wink at the maid who just smiles and leaves towards the kitchen.   “Now, let’s enjoy the food.” I cheer like a child as I look at the other and smile.   I look at how they all slowly eat their foods using the proper utensils and such. The way those annoying people in front of me move is making me want to laugh. I look at Cole who is acting as if he is alone in this world as he coldly looks at his food and to his cellphone, as if his food is just a decoration and his cellphone is just a cover-up.   “Hmnnn, what a boring breakfast this is. It is making me want to lose my appetite.” I utter and I swear my mother had heard it but she just looks at me and I smile at her.   I am about to take the spoon and fork when I look at Sammantha to see how she looks at me. She looks away but I clearly see her eyes full of distaste.   “Tsk, want a piece of me huh.” I utter softly.   I didn’t take the spoon and fork rather I use my hand and eat like I usually do back in our province. I see them stop eating as they all look at me. I am not making it disgusting but I know eating with hands will be bad etiquette to rich people. Thinking about that made me want to do worst. I feel sorry for my parents, to embarrass them like this but if they truly love me they will not care.   “Oh young miss you should slow down or you might choke.” Mr. Peter said as I eat.   The maid laid the sauce I ask then I thank her and continue eating really messy. They all are looking at me now. I can’t stop myself anymore. I suddenly burst out laughing after drinking my warm milk making them all look at me really confused.   “This is fun. Your reactions are like a piece in a drama. Sorry, sorry... you all are just too silent and boring to dine with so I thought I will make the table a little bit fun. Anyways, do enjoy the food. I think I will be having a stomach ache just by watching you all look at your foods like you are dissecting a frog.” I said and my cellphone rings just in time.   “Perfect, right on time. Excuse me and do.... excuse that mess. Amnnn ladies can you please clean it up for me, thank you and I am sorry for the mess.” I said as I take off the table napkin in my lap and place it on the table.   “Are- Are you sure you are done dear?” my mom said looking at me then to my messy plate.   “I am fine mom, I have to take this call or this person will pull my hair off.” I said as I wave my phone at them.   I face those annoying persons on the table and smile.   “Do enjoy guys. The food doesn’t bite. I’ll come back later.” I said and smirk towards Henry and Sammantha who looks surprised and confused.   “Your daughter is really something. BUT... she is right; the table is way too silent and feels so eerie.” Mr. Peter said as I walk out.   When I return everyone is done and the table is clean. My father, Mr. Peter, and Henry are talking about business. My mother smiles at me and holds my hand when I sit back in my chair. Cole on the other hand seems to be in his own world. He is so busy digging into his cellphone acting as if no one is there.   “So are you two planning for a wedding?” I nearly spit out my juice upon hearing what my father asks.   I look at Henry and Sammantha, Henry looks so shocked about the question while Sammantha blushes as if she is so innocent in the word “marriage”.   “Yah! I’ve been hearing many rumors on the news and newspapers lately. I even read this caption of the two of you in a restaurant saying you two are planning on a big wedding. I thought for sure that was just fake news but seeing how intimate the two of you are, I guess that was a truth.” Mr. Peter asks as they look at the two lovers.   Henry looks at me and I divert my gaze away as I act as if I don’t care at all.   “We-Well, it’s been.....” Henry didn’t finish when Sam speaks.   “We are planning on it, aren’t we Henry? Though, since we are both busy in our works, the actual date and plans aren’t finalized yet.” Sammantha said as she smiles and looks sweetly at Henry who is looking as if he was in the middle of choosing between life and death.   Upon hearing her words I want to laugh but I just keep myself together and look away as if I don’t care. Honestly, why would I even care anyway?   “Really now, I hope people won’t get so excited over a wedding that will be canceled in the end. Newspapers nowadays are just looking for garbage news just to sell. How pathetic!” we all turn towards Cole who for the first time speaks.   His attention is still on his cellphone as if he is playing a game. I look at Henry and Sammantha to see pains and shame in their eyes. Cole’s word must have hit them like a ton of bricks.   “What do you mean by that Cole?” asks Henry who looks at Cole coldly.   “Well! We should not mistake love over l**t. Love is to give and receive as two are equal, l**t, on the other hand, is to get…. and get then finally leave. I wonder where you two are, though I know many of us can see which one of the two is just by remembering what had happened in the past.” Cole said that made me smile.   I hated Cole for looking down at me. But listening to him and how he hit Henry and Sammantha with just his words made me like him.   “I-I d-don’t understand every word you said, Mr. Cole.” Sammantha said as if she is so innocent.   I almost laugh, at what Sammantha said I have just seen how stupid she is.  Or how she keeps acting as fake as my old cellphone is. Honestly, I feel that nothing is true and honest about her.   “Is what you said indicates that they are not in love with each other but only feel l**t? Sorry if my question is so offensive Henry.” Mr. Peter asks as we all look at Cole.   “I-I think that was not Cole mean Henry. Right Cole?” my mother asks.   Cole never raises his gaze but a chuckle is heard from him.   “Mr. Alexter is very smart. You all know that.” Cole said.   I see how Sammantha’s eyes are pictures of rage and insult. I smile as I look at how cool Cole is looking. I really like how Sammantha’s face changing into anger as Henry looks so insulted.   “Cole –.”   “Mr. Pilkins if you are mad at me just please say so; don’t take your anger with anyone please.” Sammantha said as she stands looking so hurt.   I almost snort as I can see how fake her reaction is. Henry touches Sam’s hand as if to console her.   “Please Sammantha; calm down, Cole I believe you owe us an apology.” Henry said.   Cole is still looking attentively on his cellphone. I heard his cool laughter as he then looks up just to meet my eyes and I smile at him, he slightly smirks before he looks at his phone again.   “I don’t owe anyone an apology. Henry, the truth does hurt, doesn’t it?” Cole said coldly as he looks at Henry with a challenging glare before returning his gaze back to his phone.   Henry walks towards Cole and pulls him by his collar as Cole just looks at him.   “Apologize.” Henry said.   “Nope, it is true that she left you like a fool and stole your money on the day of your wedding. Everyone is so brokenhearted that day. Once a liar always a liar, I bet she found out that you finally get up again so she is here to rock your head. How funny is that?” Cole said and Henry punches him on his face making Cole move back.   “Please that is enough you two!” My mom said sounding so worried.   “That really is enough!” My father also said but Cole punches Henry back to his face making Henry move back as he wipes his lips with his hand just to see blood.   I see Sammantha looks as if she is about to cry. She really infuriates me. Her fake acting skills are really so visible to me. How can Henry not notice it?   “An eye for an eye, I just return what you have given me.” Cole said and Henry is about to punch when I loud bang is heard.   Everyone looks in my direction when I tap the table with both hands creating a loud bang that startled everyone. Cole even looks at me with eyes full of shock. I look at the 3 of them with a cold angry glare.   “My goodness! Why is this table SO hard! I’m sorry what were you arguing again?! Please do continue and don’t mind us here. I am just curious... what is stronger this table, my hand or... your faces?” I said as I clench my fist looking at Henry with a menacing glare.   “What?! Do we have to try so we can get my answer? Or we just stop and think that nothing happened. But I got to say, Cole is right.... truth does hurt sometimes. And the truth that what you are arguing about is just stupid... it’s making me want to laugh at you. You are acting like barbarians, HENRY.” I said as I smile cunningly and raise an eyebrow at him before I look at my red palm.   Everyone is so quiet as if they were being scolded by their mother. This is the very first time my parents, Mr. Alexter and Cole saw this side of me. As for Sammantha and Henry they already have their first taste of my wrath. My parents walk towards me and rub my back as I try to catch my breaths in anger. My mother hands me a glass of water and I drink it so fast. My face is as red as a tomato as I feel my burning anger.   “Please calm down dear.” my mother said.   “I am calm; they should be the one who should calm down. Anyway... so do you want to continue? It’s free to do so, and I can be your referee.” I said with a menacing smile as I look at them both.   “I guess that is enough. It is just a misunderstanding. Let’s all go out and cool our heads.” My father said with a sigh as he looks at Henry and Cole, Cole just shrugs and looks at me.   “Come on you guys, its funny how you look stupider than I am, to think that I AM the one with a low standing in this room.” I said softly as I close my eyes and rub my aching forehead.   “I’m sorry, excuse me. Mom, dad I need to take a break and a fresh air. I will just take a walk outside. Do continue.” I said sarcastically as I look at Henry with all anger in my eyes.   This is my side that I can’t hide. I am always like this so I was always in trouble ever since I was a kid. Somehow, I really want to punch Henry right on his face for being a stupid jerk for that biatch Sammantha. I wonder… what will Rose or Mera do when she will see this Sammantha leach? Knowing my friend, she might make Sammantha’s life a living hell. I smirk thinking about my friend and planning to call her to come here. I might need her help.              
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