Chapter 21: Returning home and mixed emotions

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Rose is a daughter of a business tycoon in the name of Amore Riverstood and her mother Camel Riverstood, who is also the despised mother of Henry. Upon learning about her mother’s sins, Rose or Merajane as she is really called starts to go against their words and became a rebel. At the age of 16, she runs away with her nanny who is actually the one I have been meeting as Rose’s mother, Mrs. Angie Domingo. They settled as a mother and daughter while living a normal and simple life. Behind her cover as Rose, she is using her money for charities and adoption houses. Hiding her true identity can also help her from being drag by her parents back to their house. The money Rose is getting from her part-time jobs, she uses for donations for street children and homeless beggars. Rose asked for forgiveness in regards to how she acted and what she had said that night. She even told me that she had to act differently as Merajane, Mera is supposed to be a spoiled, hard-headed, cold, snobbish, and bitchy brat who always goes against her parents’ words so she had to be one. On the other hand, her characteristics as Rose are much too different. She even told me that she loves being Rose as much as being Merajane. It looks like we are in the same situation right now.   “Every time I’m in the house with them I always tend to imagine the pains Henry have suffered. I can’t be happy with my parents knowing that my mother is not the mother I thought I know very well. I never thought that I was a result of their a******y that they cover up by mo- she... pretending to argue with Henry’s father so she can leave to hide the pregnancy. It’s like a knife slowly stabbing me right in the heart. I’m so sorry for lying to you all this time. I just don’t want you to change your attitude towards me after knowing that I am a daughter of a rich man and an adulterer mother who chooses to leave her son for her own happiness. I really am so sorry.” Rose said making me finally give in and forgive her.   I also told her how my life changed from poor to rich. Rose is shocked as she listens to my story. In the end, we finally reconciled and become friends again not just as Anna and Rose but also as Zam and Mera.   “So you know who Henry was all along yet you acted as scared when I told you at that time that Henry is psychotic. You freak!” I said as I slightly punch Rose on her shoulders. Rose is laughing as she blocks my punches.   “But then I was shocked upon seeing him. Then again, Mera is Mera and Rose does not know who Henry is so I had to act so realistic. I was so confused back then how on earth that you know my brother and even called him a psychotic. So what happened that you hated him before? Is he still the one who slaps you? Oh my gosh! That’s it! Who really slap you back then? Your cheek is so swollen and looks so bad before.” Rose said laughing as we eat at McDonald's and drinks our hot Choco.   I retold Rose everything that happened even about Sammantha and what she did thus making me slap her in the face and Henry on me. All the time as I am retelling her that she looks so shocked and wide eyes but her lips curved into an evil grin when I told her how I punch Henry right to his eyes.   “Gosh! Anna, you really are an sss lady. I got to say.... this Sammantha leach takes my interest. The way you hated her makes me think something is really off about her. I don’t know why, I HAVE heard about her and seen her in photos even in magazines but.... her face looks a little bit familiar. I wonder why?” Rose said making me as confused as I shake my head.   “Anyway, so Henry DID became your teacher?” Rose said with a teasing smile.   “Gosh, he IS so annoying! Remembering it makes my head hurt. Imagine being in front of a menopausal teacher, every mistake you make there will be a long hurtful speech and shouting. I swear if he continued shouting at me when I was really pissed I could have shoved a handful of grapes into his mouth just to keep him silent. And yes, he slaps me just for slapping his biatch girlfriend who insulted and degraded my friend who is my personal maid Beth.” I said and Rose laughs.   “I can’t believe that my brother is the one who did that to you. I also heard stories about that Sammantha woman; she is a gold-digging b***h that once left my brother after stealing his money. I can’t even believe that they are back together again.” Rose said as she stabs her fork to the fried chicken on her plate looking so pissed.   We continue telling stories until it’s time for us to head home. Our lessons for the day are all done so we meet at McDonald's to clear things up.   “I am so happy we are back together again.” Rose said as she hugs me when we separate to the jeep station where she will take her to ride home.   “Me too, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said as I wave at her while she gets inside the jeep.   After 2 weeks being Anna and staying here to my usual normal life, a call from my grandfather came. I am now on my way back to Sky Mansion; Ram is driving quietly as I look outside. Rose also told me that she will visit her foundation as Mera so she will be absent for a few days. Well, this is our lives now. We might as well enjoy it. Because of being tired and lacking sleep due to our research thesis I didn’t notice that I start to nap. I am awakened by a slow lift from a strong arm. I slowly open my eyes to see my father carrying me with a warm smile.   “Dad, I’m heavy.” I said almost like a whisper.   My father chuckles and kisses my forehead.   “I’m strong, don’t worry my princess. Go back to sleep okay.” my father said as I smile and nod.   “Okay, but stop calling me princess... I’m home.”   “Welcome back home my princess.... oh sorry, my beloved. Now rest and we can bond tomorrow. Your mom misses you, she always complains about how unfair you are. Don’t worry about it Zam. She is just missing you so much, that is why she said that.” my father said that I am now wide awake even if my eyes are closed.   I feel so guilty, they have just found me and wish to be with me all the remaining time. They are hoping to get even towards those years they had lost me, yet I wanted to be away from them. I am too lucky that they are not saying anything and let me be, BUT I know how much pain it gives them. I have to at least get even to them.   “Don’t worry dad you can have me for a week if you can manage to make me a medical record saying I got sick for me to be excused at school. I missed you all so much, I’m stressed and always lacking sleep because of that thesis of ours.” I said as I slowly slide down from my father’s arms.   My father stops walking as I stand in front of him with a silly smile on my face.   “That would be so perfect Zam. Oh, don’t worry my secretary will see to it that you will be excused from school. Oh, love if only you can just stay here and learn from a tutor, we could not miss you this badly. BUT... we know that you are an independent person so we will support you to what you plan to do.” my father said as he kisses me on the forehead.   I smile and I slowly lean my cheek towards my father’s chest and hug him tightly.   “Don’t worry dad, Anna will soon graduate. After the practice teaching in this second semester and after the board exam I believe I can stay here for as long as I want.” I said as my father hugs me tightly with a warm smile plastered on his lips.   “We trust you love. We will be with you in every decision you will make and in every step you make. Don’t forget that okay.” he said.   “I won’t, and thank you so much for understanding and letting me go back and become Anna again.” I said whole-heartedly looking into my father’s eyes.   “We know how strong your principles are and how strong you are to accomplish them. We can continue talking and telling stories tomorrow. I bet your grandfather will be coming too since he is the one who suddenly asks you to come. It must be very important.” He said as he guides me inside the mansion.   As usual, the maids lined up and greet us. Nana and Beth came forward to take my bags and suitcase as they follow behind us towards my room. My mother meets us at my room’s door and hugs me really tight. After kissing me on the forehead and saying goodnight they left me to drift back to sleep. I just wonder what will happen to me here as I stay in this mansion. I know it will be too scary since I am already shown to the whole world and people already know who I am. I am just as grateful that no one had recognized me back home every time I am Anna. I always made sure I look so different than that girl who appeared before those high society people just for me to be safe.   “This is harder than I thought” I utter with a deep sigh.   I am awakened by a bright light hitting my eyes. I reluctantly get up into a sitting position as I stretch my arms. I see my curtains drawn and the sunlight is hitting the bed.   “It’s morning already?” I said with a sigh.   I slide down from the bed and bare-footed walks towards my balcony. I lean to the cemented railings and look down to the mansion’s parking area. I just snort when I see Henry and Sammantha walking towards the vineyards while sweetly hugging each other. Sammantha is wearing this mini skirt that if she will raise her arms higher her skirt will go up and her panty will be seen. Henry looks as happy as he laughs at what Sammantha is telling him. I feel this unfamiliar feeling of hatred and piss towards Sammantha; I shake my head to get it off from my head. I turn upon hearing my door opens.   “Oh! Milady you are awake. I already have drawn you a warm bath I just went down for a while because your mother asked me to do something for her.” Beth said as she does her usual courtesy gestures. I smile and walk towards her.   “It’s okay, thank you, Beth. Oh! Do we have any visitors except for that bitchy girlfriend of Henry, visitors like those good-for-nothing cousins of mine?” I said as Beth helps me take off my clothes for me to take a relaxing bath.   “Yes Milady, your cousin Cole has been staying here for almost 3 days now. I’ve heard that he was not on good terms with his parents so he runaway and decided to stay here for a few days. Your parents let him stay as long as he won’t start trouble. Also, among your 3 cousins, Cole is the one closest to your parents. He stayed here before and gives them company every time he and his parents have arguments.” Beth said that made me turn to look at her.   “I see, I hope I can get to tolerate his presence as long as he won’t bother me.” I said as I slowly slide in and lay on the bathtub.   Beth starts to my body with a bar of soap and massages my shoulders.   “Tell me; Cole, Marlon, and Austin are not my real cousins, right? Like they are not my blood relatives?” I ask Beth as we enter my closet.   “As far as I know Milady, your Aunt and uncle are both adopted so yes.... they are not your blood relatives so they are not illegible to inherit your grandfather’s state. But, I think they can inherit few portions if the grandmaster will grant them some.” Beth said as we look into my pile of clothes.   “I see.” I said with a deep sigh.   Beth hands me a pair of blue skinny jeans and a white t-shirt with a lovely design. I take it and start to wear it. Beth helps me to put on inched black warm boots. Beth fixes my hair and by the time I am done a knock came from the door.   “Zam dear, time for breakfast, are you ready yet?” I hear my father’s call.   “Wait dad, I am nearly done.” I call back.   I smile towards Beth as I stand from my dresser to walk towards my door. Beth opens it for me as I grab my father’s arm and he kisses me good morning. I am clinging to my father’s arm as we walk into the dining area while Beth follows behind us.   “Oh! Dear come and sit beside me. Look at you, have you been starving yourself? You look pale and your face looks so tired.” my mom said as she stands and hugs me as my father pulls me into a chair.   I just thought that what if… what if I am beautiful, sexy, and successful. Will Henry and the other treat me the same way they are giving me cold treatments? I wonder… how long can I take it until I break again? This is really frustrating for someone like me.  
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