Chapter 20: Cunning relatives of the Villaflors

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“Why! Rose.... because we’re friends and that’s what friends do. We support each other. What am I to you then? I am just a cover-up to your fake life, so your life is NONE of my business… And I thought we’re best friends.” I scream as I tightly clench my dress on my fist. They both look at me surprised.    Rose’s face went pale and she is unable to speak as she looks at me shocked. I am crying as I tightly clench my dress as both Henry and Rose look at me.   “All this time you are a stranger who hides her identity behind my best friend Rose. I- I can’t believe that I even believed everything you have told me about you. WHO are you?” I said as they both look at me.   “A- Anna!” she utters in pure disbelief as her hands hang on her side her cold character a little while ago is now gone.   “Anna! Anna! Ho- How?” Rose utter by then I turn around then run towards the gate and out of nowhere.    I hear them shouting my name but I am too emotional right now to turn or to stop. I see that I am now on the grapes plantation, I fall on the ground when my heels hit a rock. I slowly got up and then I turn just to see Rose running towards me holding her dress up. Without her nerdy glasses, her short brownish hair that is longer straight brunet now, her face with heavy make-up but just enough to show her beauty, seeing her now she isn’t that chubby instead she is smoking hot on her green tube dress. So everything about her as Rose is an entire lie. SO... that is why she keeps on wearing loose clothes and such.    “Wait, Anna! We need to talk.” Rose said as I stop few feet away from her breathing as hard as I hold my dress up.   “I’m sorry okay; I can’t tell you because if I did then... I might end up losing you. I also can’t tell you because I hated my life as Merajane. Being Rose and being with you – it’s a different story. I’m sorry; I don’t know any other way.” Rose said.   “Now at least you know what I feel now. I feel like you never trusted me and have never acknowledged me as your friend. By now... I don’t know if this friendship between us is still warm or like you, it turned cold. Excuse me I need time to accept the fact that you never told me ANYTHING that is true about your life.” I said and Rose’s eyes widen, I turn to leave when I remember something.   “Oh! You might be wondering what I am doing here. Henry can explain it to you, just in case you will feel bad, I intended to tell you after I’ll get back. Because... unlike you, I have considered you more than just a friend but as my sister.” I said.   “Anna! Wait- just wait… please let us talk.” Rose said but I just walk away from there.   I don’t know how long I am walking and by the time I am back to myself, I am lost in a forest. I slowly walk in the dark trying to see where I might be. I can feel my feet hurting now and my eyes are swollen. I bend and take off my heels before continuing to walk back. I am now in a forest and I can’t clearly see which way to go. I am also cold since I am wearing a party dress with an off-shoulder cleavage and I don’t have my cellphone with me. I take a deep breath and I pull my dress up so I won’t step on it. I continue walking with my heels in my free hand as I am holding the dress up with my other hand until I see that I am now back on the plantation. I see people holding flashlights looking around calling my name. I give off a sigh of relief before walking towards the mansion. I am now by the gate when I heard voices in the garden area. I slowly walk towards it and see who.   “That girl, she doesn’t deserve to be called the heiress of the Villaflor state. Just the look at her you will know how stupid she is. She is a pain in my sight.” I heard a voice of a woman.    I get it clear that they are talking about me. Did they just insult me? The nerve! I hide on the bed of roses my mother loves so much and peek. I clearly see my so-called aunt Joleene and her husband talking as they smoke a cigarette.   “Don’t worry honey; she will be out of our way sooner. You will be the one to inherit the state.” Her husband said and my aunt smile really cunningly then she wraps her hand around her husband’s neck and kisses him.   “I heard she is missing.” my aunt Joleene’s husband said.   I try so hard not to throw a stone at the two stupid relatives of ours that I just have met. Now I know where those jerks Marlon and Austin inherited their lowly and rotten attitudes.   “Well! I hope she dies somewhere out there.” my aunt Joleene said as they laugh as they walk towards the door.   I stand and realize that my palm is aching. When I look at it I see that my palm is bleeding. My nails have pierced my palm when I had tightly clenched my fist in anger. I smile with my devilish smile.   “Fine, you want to have a war with me. I hope you are ready for what you will lose later.” I said with a smirk as I slowly walk towards the back door leading towards the kitchen.   When I enter I sigh feeling that warmth inside the kitchen. My forehead furrows when I see the maids chatting and looking as worried as they crowed together on the kitchen’s doorway towards the living room. They haven’t notice that I entered the back door.   “What’s wrong? Is everything okay?” I ask softly as I look at them.    They are all turned startled as they lined before me and bow to greet me. I sign them to be silent.   “What’s going on?” I ask as they all give off a sigh of relief.   “Milady they said you were missing a while ago and one of us had heard your uncle Marz talking in the comfort room on his cellphone saying the plan is perfect. So we thought...” One of the maids said the last part almost a whisper.   “I’m fine I was just lost a while ago. Don’t worry and can you tell my parents that I’m fine. Let the people looking for me to stop, tell them that I am back and safe. Just tell them that I am in my room resting and no one should bother me. Can one of you bring me warm water and a towel up to my room? Oh! Can you bring me a warm hot chocolate also, please? Thank you.” I said as I smile at them.    They all look at me then they glance at one another looking so surprised. Did I say something wrong?   “Why? Is there something wrong?” I ask as I look at them worriedly.   “Ah no, no Milady, there is nothing wrong. It is just that this is the first time we servants heard a rich young miss asking for something saying please and thank you. Our previous employers before we are hired here are treating us lowly so... it is a surprise to us.” They said making me smile.   “I am much too different from those brats. I was raised to be humble and kind, not to mention my parents are all kind. I’ll wait for the things I asked back in my room. Thank you.” I said with a warm smile.   “Yes, Milady.” They all said and I silently walk up to my room without being noticed by someone.    I drop my heels on the floor when I enter the room. I see my cellphones on my dresser and see that there are 50 missed calls and 73 messages. I sit on the edge of the bed waiting for the warm water and the towel. I look at my call logs to see that the calls came from my father, my mother, Henry, my grandfather, and on my old phone as Anna is Rose’s 23 missed calls and 31 messages. I sigh before I look into the messages; it was the same. I sigh and place my expensive cellphones from dad and grandpa on the bed and look at my messages on my old phone. One message is from my grown papa saying that they are having a birthday celebration and they are missing me. The last message I read is from Rose. Her last text is longer and a touching one. She is asking for forgiveness and that she wants to talk to me in person. She explained in her message why she never told me, she even added the story of her life then she is begging me to meet her and talk about the matter. I send her a reply with a time, setting, and place. All of which will be at the place I am known as Anna. After reading her reply I throw my phone on her bed as I rub and massage my aching feet. 2 maids came in holding everything I have asked for.   “Thank you can you put the bowl of warm water on the floor beside my feet. My feet are swollen and I think I can’t walk anymore. I think I even step on twigs with spikes.” I said and the maid laid the bowl just beside my feet.    The other laid on the table the warm chocolate I had asked for. I am surprised when they both kneel in front of me and slowly laid my feet on the bowl.   “Oh! It’s okay I can do it on my own.” I said.   “No Milady, please let us do this and just rest.” One of the maids said.    I am silent as they wash my feet and then wipe them with a soft towel. The other maid handed me the hot Choco and as I drink the coffee, they are massaging my feet. After drinking my coffee, they made me lay flat on my stomach and they slowly massage my back. I really appreciate it especially when my body is still aching with the pain of my training. Because I am so tired I doze off and fell asleep.   I am awakened by a light shining through my face. I slowly get up in a sitting position to see someone sitting on the edge of the bed just on my right side. I look up to see who it is and a smile form on my lips upon seeing who.   “Hello dear, how are you? You suddenly disappeared last night. You scared us half to death. What has happened? Henry came saying you run away looking so upset. What has happened Zam?” my mother said as she slightly rubs my hair.    I take a deep breath and look into my mother’s eyes. I start to tell her about Rose and what has happened last night. My mother just listened as she hugs me tightly.   “What will you do now dear? I mean she is your friend for almost 3 years. Do you think you can still give her a chance to explain?” my mom said as I lay my cheek towards my mom’s chest.   “Mom I am your daughter, I can never hate anyone or get angry with someone for so long. We’ll see what she will say then I may give our friendship a second chance. Who knows, perhaps not just Anna and Rose but as Zam and Merajane too.” I said and my mother kisses my head and just hugs me tightly.   After a few days, the heat from my family grudges grew so hot that I can feel all those burning glares that they are giving me. I finally talked to Rose when I returned to our school as Anna. Rose explained so much about her life as Merajane that I feel like her story suddenly becomes a drama in my head.    “I see sucks to be you. Having Henry for a brother... I am telling you, it will be your greatest nightmare.” I said as I drink my ice tea.    
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