Chapter 36: the project proposal

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“This house has rules, if you can obey the rules you can stay and if not… just leave.” I said still looking directly at Henry with my annoyed and frustrated gaze before I turn to look at my laptop screen.   I can feel that silence as I stare at my empty monitor with only the word Project Proposal is written. I know I need more help but from Henry…… it might be impossible when I feel this certain annoyance and anger to him and his so-called fling, I don’t even know why I feel like this towards them but who cares right. I know Rose brought him here to help me but I am just so tired and stress out with this and then seeing him… I might just end up pouring my annoyance and anger on him even if he is not doing anything.   “Okay, lay them all down.” Rose said as she smirks seeing my mischievous grin while looking at Henry.   “Hmnn are you sure you can really do these rules? Make sure to yourself before I’ll tell you.” I said with a cold stare to Henry who just rubs his nape as he looks away.   “I- I'll try my best.” Henry said looking like a beat-up child.   I can’t help myself from getting annoyed and pissed every time I see his face. Somewhat I feel like I am a kid who is acting cold and angry to the person who she likes… wait, yes I admit it now. I do like Henry BUT……… only as a big brother. That is all, I think.   “Phones away, no telling of stories unless asked to, no talking unless asked to and lastly if you are here do only as I say and we won’t have any problem. Got it?” I said coldly as Rose smirks seeing that I am being pretty cold and direct.   Stress must be getting into me why I am being so moody nowadays. If this gets on any longer I might lose my mind.   “We got it, dear princess.” Rose said as she bows just like what they do in the drama we always watch.   I just nod and turn my chair to face the laptop again and before I could touch the keyboard I sigh.   “Those rules are for Y.O.U Henry.” I said sounding so mean as he sounds before when he is teaching me things in the mansion.   Rose suddenly burst out laughing so hard. As I hear Henry clearing his throat.   “Gosh! Ennie meanie pretty Anna is so mean.” Rose said as she laughs in amusement.   I just silently face the laptop and look at the files I was reading on the table. I just take a deep breath and frustrated shove the files out of the table making them fall on the floor where Clide silently leans down and starts picking the papers.   “Aha I know right. Second I don’t like galleries. Third I’m mean because this project proposal thing is FREAKING HARD! I am an ordinary college student for Christ's sake!” I utter in frustration.   I rub my head then I stand and started walking like a zombie and slam my body on the sofa that we newly bought where I can seat to relax if ever. I heard Rose laugh as she walks and sit beside me on the sofa armrest.   “Okay no seriously, what do you want to do as a proposal. You are an imaginative self-proclaimed writer, think big. Imagine yourself in every situation.” Rose said seriously.   “Easy for you to say, this is not just a story I can only imagine then write. If I mess up my ever so-called relatives will surely laugh and humiliate me. I don’t want that to happen and embarrass my parents. They already branded me as dumb and stupid ambitious girl I have to show them otherwise.” I said with a heavy sigh just thinking and imagining myself in front of those relatives of ours and how they will attack me with their insults once I present my proposal, I have watched such scene a countless times in dramas and movies so I know what I have to expect.   I get up and look at the standing Henry who looks as silent as he waits for further instruction to him or if what I will say. He looks like a child lost in the sea with nothing to eat or drink. I sigh as I look at the window.   “Henry- Henry you better sit down and help us think of something. Since you are already here might as well help me since I really am lost in this kind of thing. I am not a businesswoman for crying out loud. I really do need your help and I don’t want to hear that stupid girlfriend of yours name so don’t bring her up ever.” I as I look at that empty white screen of the laptop and those pile of files in my desk that Clide fixed after I messed it all up a little while ago.   My friend smiles and looks at her brother with a deadly warning glare signaling him to say something nice. Henry takes a deep breath before he looks at me.   “I know and understand. I’m here to help. I’ll follow what you’ve said. But first I think we need to eat so we all can think openly and diligently.” Henry said and I look up at him only to quickly avert my eyes upon seeing that he is looking at me with somewhat a little different expression.   “Zyrem are you done there?” Henry calls and Zyrem appears holding an apron that he is using to wipe his hands as he bows to us.   “Lunch is ready Milady, Sir Henry, and lady Mera.” He said and I stand and stretch before I grab Rose’s arm giving it a slight squeeze.   “Seriously sis, you amuse the hell out of me.” Rose said poking my left waist.   I look at her with a deadly glare and Rose just laughs. I can’t blame Rose thought; many different attitudes of mine are starting to come out even how much I acted to be weak, meek, and just boring. I know my strengths and fighting personality still will come out once or twice… especially with the situation I am in with this inheritance issue.   “What should I do?” I utter as I rub my nape feeling that heaviness as I think of that project proposal thing and that inheritance feud in the family.   After lunch, I listened to my friend and Henry’s explanations with their suggestions but ended up disapproving those all because it is so expensive and not realistic for me to achieve and call as my own idea. Clide already finished my assignments and even my project which surprised me. I am currently thinking so hard when I suddenly stand and run towards my drawers shocking everyone who is sitting on the floor reading the past proposal files that Mr. Roland has sent to me as my basis.   “Yes, yes, yes!” I suddenly jump up and down as I hold an anime cover picture in my hand.   “What? What did we miss?” Rose said as she walks towards me and takes the Cd cover in my hand.   “Gezz Anna don’t freaking tell me you’re going to watch an anime in this type of situation!” Rose uttered in disbelief.   I sigh as I smile at them making Rose and the others shiver for my smile is like an evil grin.   “What is with that creepy smile Anna? With that evil grin of yours, it is making us nervous. What are you plotting now?” Rose asks as I look at them with a wider grin as I use that CD cover as a fan to fan my face.   “Do YOU really want to know?” I said still with a wider smile as Rose looks at her brother nervously who just shake his head and look at me.   “What are you……”   “Rose, Rose, Rose sometimes answers to problems will just present themselves just like that. We just have to notice them. With that, I think I found mine…… in THIS.” I said showing them the cover of the anime CD with the cover picture of the movie.   “What?! And what does that boring anime had given you?” Rose said as I smile and sit on the sofa.   “An idea… well of course if it is okay to become my project proposal, Grandpa said that I need to think of a project that can be beneficial to people and to the company. So I was thinking that what if… a school… an academy that is economical. An academy that teaches agriculture, poultry, raising hogs, and many more that give us products from the students’ hard works that we can sell to the market, of course to be beneficial to the students… the students will be those street kids all over the world, beggars, and those poor kids who have no means for themselves. In which they will study free, live in a nice dorm, learn how to work and eat nice food all for free BUT in exchange, they have to work hard to produce products for us to sell into markets. So…… what do you think of such an idea?” I ask as I look at the brother and sister who are listening to me intensively.   I know that I thought it impossible but it is the only thing I thought that can be beneficial to the students and to the company. I am actually confident with this one since it is unique and no one might have thought about it yet. A gallery is also okay but it is so common now and if talking about today’s generation we prefer going to the internet to view paintings rather than going to galleries and paying entrance fees. Galleries are only for those who can afford but how about those who cannot? That is why I thought of an economical academy where street kids and those who beg on the streets can study and produce goods for the company to sell. If my idea is approved by the others just by imagining it we can help the countries governments and even help other people by recruiting those children in different countries to be the school’s students lessening the problem on street children. Of course, it is only a competition but I am thinking of all possibilities.   “What do you think Henry? Will it be a fine project proposal? I mean - it may be impossible but to think of it – it will be a win to win situation.” I said as I look at Henry who is thinking deeply after I told them of my silly idea.   I see Rose nudge her brother’s arm to answer and Henry looks at her before he looks at me. I take a deep breath as I wait to what they will say. I don’t know if my idea can be a good project so it is making me nervous as to what Henry who is the one experienced in this house will say.   “Ahmnn well, an Academy like that will be perfect. We just need to start to draft and also do the actual plan. We need to think of something persuasive to say for your project to gain the judges' and investors’ attention. It might be so impossible but since it is just a competition amongst Villaflor grandchildren then I think it can be possible. We should make it practical for investors to invest so that your relatives won’t laugh at you or say that your proposal is so impossible.” Henry said as he looks at me with amazement and amusement.   He might not believe that I can come up with an interesting yet impossible thinking proposal. He is right though. With my relatives trying so hard to drag me down they will surely disapprove and criticize me. I have to be brave and firm once that happens. I can’t show them that they can beat me with just insults.   “Oh so, who are your target benefactors again?” Rose asks seriously as if she is thinking.   I stand from that sofa and walk towards my desk to sit. I start to type in the laptop before I turn and look at them.   “Well, precisely those who are living on the streets and begging for food who will be the benefactors of the project. I told you, this project is a win-to-win project. This is a big project so I’ll need a lot of help from friends. So first I need Mr. Roland and Mr. Denvert here.” I said as I look into my cell phone, the one given by my grandfather.   I sorted all contacts in my 3 cell phones. The apple touch screen cell phone given by my grandfather contains the numbers of people I met at the main mansion in Canada and those friends grandpa that he introduced to me that can help me one of these days. The cell phone with the color pink given by my father is my personal cell phone; I had my parents and my crazy relatives’ numbers on this cell phone. Lastly, my red simple Lenovo phone the cell phone I own when I am still Anna, contains my friends, classmates, and grown parents’ numbers. After calling the two friends of my grandfather who can help me, I look back at them and smile. I wonder how this proposal will be. I hope I can survive this too. But what I am curious about is Cole, what will he do? I wonder… why do I feel this certain fast beating on my chest just remembering him? What is this? Why is it so different from what I am feeling towards Henry? I can’t possibly be… no way! He is like my cousin. Not blood related but still………      
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