Chapter 37: The successful k********g

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  “Henry I need your help with doing the written report. I hate reports especially writing them.” I said making Rose laughs as Henry just nod.   “Zyrem, Clide we will need a wider space since we will be having some people over to help so kindly clear-up the area. I hope they can make it without letting anyone know that they are coming here. Rose and I will be going out for a while so you will have the space to do what I asked. I will appreciate it so much.” I said directly as I take off my t-shirt automatically making the 3 men turn with red faces.   Rose just laughs as I change my clothes. It’s late when I realize that I am not alone in the boarding house like before that is why I suddenly take off my t-shirt. I just acted casually since I don’t want them to see that I was embarrassed about what I did. Luckily when I take off my t-shirt I am wearing a thin pink top. I sigh and walk towards my room closing it behind me so I can change. I came out of the room just to see Henry with his red face upon seeing me.   “Jesus! Zam for goodness sake stop undressing while in the presence of men. You even did the same with your cousins before.” Henry said as Rose laughs making me sigh remembering that time when I just came out of the bathroom when those jerks are inside my room… no privacy at all tsk.   “Well!! If they are really a man, they know enough not to look. I’m done, let’s go, Rose. Guys enjoy your tasks and Henry – phone away, please. Zyrem, Clide watch over him make sure he won’t do something to trigger THE annoyance.” I said as we walk out of the door but Zyrem runs after us.   “You can never leave without one of us Milady. I’ll drive.” He said.   We had no choice but to nod even if I already know how to drive as Gen. Cortez taught me while in Canada when he said it can be useful ones I will escape from someone. I close the door leaving Clide who is starting to move furniture and Henry who sits on my chair and starts to type on the laptop.   “Your brother is one workaholic one. He can do this.” I said and Rose smile and nods.   After 30 minutes of driving, we stop at the SM. I and Rose walk towards the market section and bought some groceries. We even bought things we might use before going back. We see Clide and Henry looking into these files scattered on the floor when we enter the boarding house. My place is now clearer and wider. The table is moved on the corner with the chairs and the other furniture making the place a little brighter and fresher. I walk towards Henry to see what he had finished on the laptop just to be surprised. He already finished almost 14 pages of the report. I look at him to see him looking at me; I immediately avert my eyes to a different direction when I feel my face starting to burn.   “Seriously man, you need to get a life. You have finished 14 pages in a short time. What are you the terminator?” I said as I read the report he had written while he moves out of the seat and looks into the files on the desk.   “That is already done all you need to do is to edit it.” He said as he fixes the files.   I just look at him then shake my head. He did become useful for 4 hours that we left. This man really is something, no wonder he became successful after what his parents did to him. Now I know why that biatch of a girlfriend of his is hanging unto him tightly.   ‘Tsk, Henry is a fool to even notice that she is just using him. Is it love really?’ I said with a heavy sigh as I look into the screen and try to read the report Henry had started.   4 days passed and it is just 8 days before the presentation. Atty. Denvert and Mr. Roland came to help me in secret and stayed with us where they temporarily stayed at my Uncle Oliver’s place since his house is bigger and with empty rooms with only a few of them living, that made it possible for the two to help me in the process of the project proposal for a few days. They even help me practice by doing a simulation presentation of the work so I won’t blank out during the actual presentation. 2 days before the presentation, the project is finally done and I almost drop to the floor in happiness.   “Yes! Finally, it’s done.” I utter as I take a deep breath as if I am so relieved.   I finish placing the pages of my report in a clear book that will be distributed to people during the presentation. 20 red clear books are now arranged perfectly on the table as Mr. Roland, Atty. Denvert, Rose, and Henry sit on the sofa and drink their coffee made by Zyrem.   “I’m honestly amazed that you came up with such an amazing presentation. You even planned ahead everything even the location. If I am an investor I will surely invest since you had prepared everything. I mean… you even talked to the government about the land and even the Department of Education. It is as if you know that it will be a success.” Mr. Roland said as they sip their coffee and look into the last wide chart hanging before our eyes. It was the final outcome of the said project.   “Well, we must be prepared for what might happen. I don’t want to be a laughing stock to my relatives. I know they will do their best to embarrass and discourage me while I am presenting there. I have to have my basis and other things I might need to face them. It is like having a practice teaching in front of many students.” I said making them nod.   “To think that we are here to help but it turns out that you did all the work for yourself.” Atty. Denvert said as he sips his coffee.   I walk in front of them then bowed taking all of them by surprise.   “Please don’t say that I made the work alone. You helped me a lot and I’m so thankful. Without you Denvert my dear sir, I can never think of some introduction without you Mr. Roland I can never find the right place and to calculate the possibilities of profit and expenses, without Henry my hands would be hurting by now due to typing and without Mera, I cannot have a PowerPoint presentation. Honestly, you did all the work for me – thank you.” I said sincerely taking them all by surprise.   I stand straight to see their faces when Rose stands and walks towards me looking so proud and happy. Rose put her hands over my shoulders as she smiles and looks at me.   “Dude honestly your so cute right now. I know how lazy you are so no need to say thank you to us. Besides, all of the plans are your ideas. We just help a little, BUT if your project succeeds. Dude – you need to do something special to thank us.” Rose said and I look at my friend to see her silly smile.   “Well sure, by now I really feel like marrying all of you.” I said as I take a deep breath.   Everyone gasps especially the two who are very stunned, Henry and Att. Denvert. I also smile and wrap my arms around Rose’s neck. Rose is taller than me so I had to reach up. Honestly, where do these siblings get their heights? How unfair.   “Hmnn marry us, huh, that sounds great. Sis if things get better you better do something surprising for us.” Rose said with her silly smile and it is as if we are reading each other’s mind I also smile evilly.   “Well sis I don’t know if it will be a success but if it will, then I will marry you all.” I said and everyone gasps in surprise and Att. Denvert nearly chokes on his coffee.   “Marry- marry us?” Denvert said as he slowly laid his cup on the table.   Henry, Att. Denvert and Mr. Roland look at one another with confusion on their faces. Zyrem and Clide are just silent on the side as they wait for any command to them.   “Yes I will, it will be your reward for helping your beloved Empress. You three can become my wives and Mera will become my queen. Hmmnn I’ll have 3 concubines and a queen all in all. My life will become so easy I must say. Wait! How about adding a few more in my harem? Let’s see – Jake, Zyrem, Clide, and Sir Benjamin hmmnn sounds lovely.” I said as I rub my chin with my acting tone.   Rose starts to laugh as everyone looks so confused then they all start to laugh with Rose. I just smile as I look at them and when I and Rose look at each other I wink at her thinking of a crazy idea making Rose smile with crazy intent.   “Okay your majesty, go ahead and widen your harem.” Rose said as everyone also laugh.   Henry tried to clear his throat thus gaining my attention but when he looks away with the hint of embarrassment on his face, I just sigh and seriously look at the others.   “But really – I WILL make sure my project proposal will succeed. I am already thinking of many things I want everyone will do for me.” I said looking at each of them with a deadly look on my face and a scary smile then I laugh devilishly.   The men look at one another as Mera looks at me nervously. I can tell that they are starting to feel frightened and nervous about what I am doing now.   “Oh please, just don’t make us do something shady.” Rose said and I look at Rose with a mocking grin.   “I will think about it. I’m already thinking of a lovely room, lovely clothes and some cameramen. Hmmnn sounds fun enough.” I said looking at each of them with a meaningful grin.   “Oh no, please don’t say that you are….” I didn’t let Rose continue by giving her a kiss on her cheek taking her off guard.   “You’re thinking something perverted; I’m not that low, besides I’m thinking something that I WILL enjoy doing to all of you. Let see… hmnn how about some flowers, dresses and some cameras?” I said and when I see the fear in their eyes, I started to laugh.   I walk towards the men and give them a kiss on their cheeks and a hug taking them off guard too. Henry looks so lost when I did that to him, I sigh as I smile at them.   “Thank you once again for helping me.” I said sincerely as they blink to comprehend what had just happened.   I spent my 2 days facing school works and going to school. I am walking too fast to head towards the parking area. It is already 1:00 pm and I need to go to Star company for the project proposal thing. Rose already went there because it seems like her father is one of the judges. Rose keeps on calling me every minute. I can’t help it because that day is my report in creative writing which Rose didn’t know so she is absent.   “Okay- okay I am already moving too fast.” I said as I wash my hand in the C.R of the mall where I agreed to meet Zyrem and Clide with the car in the parking lot after we get off of the helicopter right in that mall in Palawan.   I already fixed myself to become Zam again. As I pull the cell phone from my ear because of Rose’s shouting I dried my hand with the napkin on the side throwing it on the trash can.   “Make it fast! They are about to start just a few more hours after the judges which are the big shot investors by the way of your grandfather! By the way, your relatives are too happy and thinking you had given up. Your parents are always looking around and I’m freaking here. Make it fast!!” Mera angrily shouted as I look at my reflection in the mirror.   “Alright, alright I’m on my way to the parking lot. Zyrem and Clide are waiting for me, so Mera wait for …… hmmnn mmnnn-.” I drop my cell phone and books when a man wearing a mask came behind me and covered my mouth with a wet cloth.   I tried my best to struggles but the man held me so tight. That cloth in my mouth is a little bit wet and that smell of chemicals is visible in it. I had watched these in movies many times so I tried so hard to fight back but after a few minutes I started to see blurs then I totally blackout.   “Hello! Anna! What the hell!! ZAM!!” I heard Mera’s loud shouting from my cell phone on the floor before I totally lost my consciousness.   I am awakened by some loud voices and when I open my eyes I see that I am tied into an old wooden chair and I am being held into an old schoolroom that looks like a scene in a horror movie.  I see knocked old chairs around me and the windows of the room are broken. I try to move my numb hands that are tied behind me but it seems to be tied a little tight. I twist and twist; I concentrated then take a deep breath before I pull my hands off the rope. I give off a deep sigh of relief when my hands break free. I work on the bound behind me that is wrapped around my body when I heard again those men’s voices behind the closed door.   “We have our orders. We will hold her here and wait for that man’s order. When he will give us the money he promised then we can do what we want to her. Be patient and just drink.” The man said and I heard some laughter.   “Man huh.” I utter hearing that from them, I already have the slightest doubt who might they are talking about.   I continue to untie the rope and I feel my hands aching for tagging the rope. After a few seconds, the rope is untied so the rope around me loosens. I quickly take it off of me and then move to work on the rope on my feet. After breaking free from those bounds I move to the room silently to figure out what to do and where to escape. I look out of the window to see that I am on the 2nd floor of an old school building. I see a black van outside and 2 men smoking at the entrance. I look at my watch to see that I am held here for almost 45 minutes it only means that I am near the mall and this place is still in Palawan. I need to hurry before the project presentation ends. I won’t give my crazy relatives the satisfaction after they did this to me. I know they are the ones behind this k********g. Who else will plan such a stupid move… this is making me angrier than usual. I can’t really deny that my strong character as Anna can be useful in this war proposed by my so-called stupid relatives.   “Finally, you started the game. This is bold of you to do when it is just starting.” I said as all my scary bad characters came out.   I slowly open the window to see that it opened wide, I see a small ladder. I slowly walk out of the window and walk up into the ladder praying that this rusty old ladder will not break or I’ll fall to the ground seeing that I am on the 3rd floor of the old school. I am now standing on the rooftop of the building and I see a wide vast of nothing. The place looks so deserted and with many kinds of grass. The only eye-catching thing in this place is the wide cemented road.   “Well! This is good as nothing.” I said as I walk to the adjacent rooftop of the second building.   I run down its rundown stairs until I am on the first floor. I see that I had to jump to get out of the building since the metal stairs are rusty and already ruined. I take a deep breath then jump. I heard my t-shirt rip and when I look at it I see that my left waist is bleeding from a scratch I had from the rusty railings from the stairs that I jump off to. I look at my jeans and flat shoes before running towards the forest behind the school. Yes! I run to the back rather than the front. If I run to that road they can easily find me. There is nothing for me to hide into that road. I only hope I can successfully escape. The heck! Where am I and where are my bodyguards? I hope I can escape and get to the company on time. I won’t give those evil people the satisfaction of winning after they did this to me. Just they wait and see who Anna Marie Marcelo really is.    
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