Chapter 35: Rocking my brother’s wedding reception

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  As we slowly walk towards the crowd of the people who will walk into the church I can hear people talking, I see some of my cousins as Anna and other relatives looking our way with that certain weird look on their faces.   “Anna, can we take a picture?” Pam my cousin said and I smile at her.   Pam came to my side and wraps her arms over my shoulders as her sister Mabell positioned to take our picture. Pam smiles at me and wave before she left and walks inside the church followed by her sister.   “Come on Anna we should get ready.” my partner Allan who is also my cousin said as I just nod and sigh.   I take off Clide’s trench coat that I am wearing and my black sling purse. I hand it to Zyrem who returned again when I called to him before my mama could guide them inside the church with Rose. I hand it as I watch him walk into the church with the others. I rub my gown and Clayra walks towards me nagging me to carry her. I sigh as I carry Clayra as I smile at how pretty Susanah is in her wedding dress.   “Aunt Anna, Aunt Anna.”   “Yes, what is it?” I ask as I look at my niece.   “Please buy me one of those.” Clayra said as she points towards someone who is selling a food wrap in colorful wrappers.   She is so persistent that I had no choice but to put her down as she pulled me out of the line towards the corner where sellers are sitting on a cemented bench as they hold their umbrellas and entertain their customers. I pull my gown up so I won’t step on it and trip as I follow after my niece. Luckily I am ready for something like this. I put my cellphone the one my dad given me and some money in the design ribbon on my gown’s stomach area. I paid for the one pack Clayra to take from the seller's displayed foods and then she happily runs towards her grandmother after I receive my change and face the line again. I slowly walk back to Allan’s side just to see him smiling at me.   “Kids huh!” Allan said.   “Yup.” I said as I smile back at him.   After the ceremony in the church we are all back to the bride’s place where she and the other bride’s-maids are sitting on the front where there is a mini stage – sitting in the middle are my brother and my now sister-in-law. I stand and walk to the yard where the food is being cooked. I went around looking for Rose as the program is starting and some are presenting for the new couple.   “Anna there you are, so what now? Are we still going for that thing we prepared?” Rose asks as they meet me in the doorway of the house of the bride’s family.   “Well, are you okay with doing that? I am nervous though because the people here know me well and when I am just a kid I am just this wimpy kid who plays with the other kids. I feel so nervous showing them something they never expected me to do.” I said with a sigh as Clide walk towards me and place the trench coat over my shoulders.   “Isn’t that a great thing, they will remember you differently once they see you do something unexpected. Besides, we will just dance and sing a love song so…… what bad can it be?” Rose said as I sigh.   “Yeah, I know right. It is just that the costume we had picked is making me nervous. But then again…… you are right. I want to show those people who are underestimating me before and now what I am now. Someone they will never hurt again. So, let’s go and get change. I already told my sister Daisy who is in charge of the program that we will become the highlight while everyone will eat. We better get those costumes in the car and head to my room so we can change. I really want to get this gown off of me.” I said as Rose smile and we walk towards the car that is parked near our house but a little farther from Susanah’s residence where all the people are crowding.   We silently sneak out of the crowd listening to someone singing. We head towards the car and take a box then we went into my parents’ house and into the room, I occupied for how many years. Zyrem and Clide are left on the door while Rose and I lock the door and walk towards the bed, I sigh seeing my gifts to my family on the side. Our gifts for the couple are already brought to the bride’s residence where the program is commencing.   “Are you done changing so we can call the guys here? We need to make sure they know the steps. Damn those clothes are smoking hot on you.” Rose said as she looks at me.   I sigh as I look at her. Rose is wearing a black mini short, an off-shoulder white top covered by a gangster-style black leather jacket that is a motorcycle jacket. Rose partnered it with thigh-high black leather boots that have 2-inch heels. I am also wearing the exactly same as hers and we fixed our hairs in a ponytail and wear some slight makeups. Rose change my earing into something that has some dangling designs, it is called to be tassel earrings.   “Guys come in here.” Rose said as she unlocks the door and Zyrem and Clide enter with their wide eyes as they look at me and Rose.   “So…… what do you think?”  Rose asks as we stand before them.   “You both look pretty Milady.” Both said making me sigh as Rose looked at me and I just laugh at their reaction.   “Okay, do not forget the steps of the dance and the sequence. We will dance the waltz then you two take these dresses off of us and walk aside so we can dance the second sequence which is our hip-hop choreography.” Rose said handing me a dress that is an open one that needs to be pasted and easy to take off to reveal our shorts that is our hip-hop outfits.   “Yes, we do understand.” The two said making me nod as I take a deep breath.   Rose takes the coats with a hood in the box and hand the other one to me. We wore it hiding our clothes so people won’t see before our performance. I and Rose wait for the guys to change into their dancing outfit that is just simple jeans, a dress shirt, and their black shoes. We silently return to the reception area to see that no one had noticed us because they are already handing us food. I sign my sister Daisy who nods and instructed boys to fix the ground in front of the couple. People are confused when they are told to move their seats back creating this wide space in the grassy area. Everyone is whispering in confusion when men start bringing out some wooden platforms they fix in that wide space creating a stage made of wood but lower height than where the couple is sitting as they are served some foods.   “Hello everyone while you are enjoying your food some people had prepared us a special number hence that wood platforms in front of us. Well, let see if they are already ready.” My sister Daisy said since she is like the MC.   Rose runs towards the sound system and connects her cellphone to the speaker. I look at Zyrem and Clide as Rose signs at us. I step into the platform and Rose joined me as we take off our coat and throw it into the side. I hear people gasping and whispers are all over the place, who wouldn’t when they see me wearing something I never would wear before and it might get worst when these skirts will be gone later on and reveal our shorts. Our upper are still the same, the white top and that leather motorcycle jacket and we are still in our leather thigh-high boots.   “Let’s give it up to Anna and Rose with our foreigner friends.” Daisy said as she claps followed by the others.   “Ahmnnn this dance is supposed to be done by the couple but since they didn’t practice any dance so we will do it for them. Sit back and enjoy the show as you enjoy your food. Please note that everything you will see, you are allowed to praise but God always punish those who insult other people.” Rose said earning some surprised look from the people.   “Also, we really practiced this so hard for entertainment. It doesn’t mean that you can misjudge us because of it.” I said making everyone gasps for I suddenly change from that boring and shy Anna to someone brave and cunning. I smile then look at Rose.   “Let’s do this.” Rose said as the soft waltz song starts to play.   Clide and Zyrem walk towards us as we feel the soft waltz song as our bodies get serious and move. We start to dance a soft waltz making everyone silent as some start to take some video and picture. Seems like everyone is enchanted as we dance to the song until it ends with us bowing to everyone then Zyrem and Clide made Rose and me turn pulling the skirt off with them as they walk to the side and our shorts are revealed as the intro of the hip-hops song we remixed. Rose and I start dancing in sync making everyone frozen before those my age in this village starts cheering on us. We end the dance with us standing back to back with our arms crossed over our chest while we take heavy breaths as happy cheering and clapping emerge.   “Wow, that is one way to entertain. I believe they will have another performance later on so please don’t leave after lunch so you can witness it. This is the first time we are seeing this from Anna and her friends so I hope we all are enjoying it and not misjudging her because of it.” Susanah said as we turn to her and I nod as Clide and Zyrem walk towards us handing us our coats.   We also eat our lunch inside the house of Susanah’s parents since the cold will get to me and Rose with our clothes. We will still sing later on the song ‘How Does a Moment Last Forever by Celine Dion.’ When Allan sees me inside the house he waves and signs me to get closer to him and Michael with some crowds. I excuse myself from Rose and the two guys and walk towards them.   “Yow, what’s up?” I ask with a casual smile as I pull my coat to cover my clothes as I stand beside them.   “Oh, you look great. Hey Anna, can we take a photo with them since they came here to celebrate with us? Besides, nothing like this can happen every day. You guys are amazing back there. We were surprised since we never had seen you like that before. You look really pretty by the way.” Allan said as he gave Michael his cellphone.   “Thanks… we had thought this through before we came here. I am glad you guys enjoyed that. At least I now know that you guys are enjoying it so I will not feel bad inviting the others here without anything interesting to see.” I said as I smile at Mark and the others who are smiling at me.   “Anyway let’s have some pictures.” Allan said as I just nod.   Allan wraps his arm on my shoulders and Michael takes a photo. The next photo is that Allan is behind me holding both of my shoulders.   “Wow, Allan you really want to show that I’m shorter than you even in heels.” I said as I elbowed his stomach. He just laughs as Michael again takes more photos.   “Okay, Michael it is your turn to and then the others.” Allan said.   “Huh! Oh okay then.” He said shyly as he walks towards me and stands beside me.   “Dude you’re too far.” Allan said.   “Come on Michael, I have no transmittable disease.” I said as I wrap my arms into his arm making him froze.   Rose and the others appeared as Rose brought out her cellphone and also take some photos.   “We like to join.” Rose said as she pulls Allan to where we are.   “Zyrem use my phone and take some photos too.” I said as Rose give Clide her cellphone.   Zyrem nods at me as he takes my cellphone the one given by my dad from my purse bag. The two silently take some photos when my sister Arsey, Clayra’s mother, and my other sister Daisy came and volunteered to take the photos so that Zyrem and Clide can join us. Rose pulls Mark and the others making Allan and me in the middle. We took many pictures before we are called to do our last performance. I and Rose sing as everyone is silent as they watch us, after that and after the visitors left we all begin to clean. On the night we had the dance party for the singles that will be led by the couple. The next day I handed everyone their gifts before me and Rose bid my family goodbye. With my uncle Oliver and the others, we return back to Baguio.   “This is so hash. I am so tired.” I utter in frustration.   After 2 days I am now sitting on my desk thinking about what will be my project proposal. My grandfather’s secretary Mr. Roland Rolinna had sent me the process and some examples of the files of proposals with some videos of someone presenting a project proposal but up until now, I am still distressed as to what will I do. I realized that it is too hard for someone like me who is not used to this kind of work. I mean… I should have studied business management had I known this will happen. I look at Clide who volunteered to do my school assignments so I can focus on this project proposal thingy. I don’t want to at first but he insisted so I have no choice but to let him. I really feel so embarrassed for letting him do it but I really had no choice. After 2 weeks I have to present a project proposal and I have not yet even started a single introduction.   “Milady, do you like the tempura crispy brown or soft?” Zyrem call from the kitchen.   “Soft, please Zyrem and can you bring me a hot chocolate. Thank you.” I answer as I look again to my apple touchscreen laptop given by my beloved grandpa.   Zyrem laid a cup of hot chocolate beside me before returning to the kitchen.   “Hmmnn something worth investing too, that your money will return doubled hmmnn.” I utter as I sip on my hot chocolate, my mind start to travel to an imaginary land.   “How about a gallery shop?” a woman’s voice returns my attention to the present.   I look behind me to see Rose and beside her stand the last person I don’t want to see. My mood dropped and the 2 looks at each other innocently. Rose looked at me just to be met by my depressed and annoying glare.   “Geee okay... okay. We are here to help you. Henry is more capable and experienced than me when talking about business presentations. Perhaps he can help you and compensate for his mistakes... or he can be your punching bag for a stress reliever.” Rose said in defense then look at her brother mockingly.   I just look at Rose then shifted my glare to Henry who just stands there quietly. I look at him from his head into his foot as I cross my arms in my chest and leaned on the chair. I smile at them cunningly as I look at them both.  
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