Chapter 16: Three jerky Cousins-Train her how to survive

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“So, THIS is our long-lost cousin? I must say.... she’s quietly not so – fancy.” The one who is sitting on my bed said as he looks at me from head to toe.   I can hear the sarcasm in his words, but I must keep my cool before I will beat the hell out of these guys. They look like some princes and gods with their handsome faces but deep inside they look like some rotten apples with their rotten personalities though the other one on my bed feels so different. He just looks at me with cold emotions but I don’t see that he is looking down on me.   “Okay everyone this is our daughter Zarianne Andrea Marlile. Zam dear, this guy at the bed is Cole Lyrus Pilkins, your uncle Mar’s son. These are Austin and Marlon, they are twins and they are your aunt Joleene’s son’s.” my father said as I look at them.   “I must say, it’s NOT a pleasure to finally meeting you.” The one called Marlon said and my mother and father look as hurt.   I feel like my parents feel so insulted and sad. They also want to say something but unable to. I look at these new faces and smile with my irritable-looking smile.   “And if I must say... the feeling is mutual my dearest’s cousins. It’s very mannered of you to enter into a lady’s room without even knocking.” I said sarcastically.    The twins look at me unbelieving. What I said must surprise them. I see Henry smile and hide his laughter by acting so cool. I look at the man on my bed which dad named as Cole Lyrus just to see him looking at me amused and with this smile on his lips.   “As far as we can see, there is NO such lady in here.” The man named Marlon said as he looks at me from head to toe.   “Really? That IS shocking.... then if you don’t mind brothers if....” I slowly take off my towel and I clearly see how my parent’s face reddened.    The 3 looks so worst and they suddenly turn their backs on me. Henry blushes and turns facing the door to hide his burning face.   “Zam dear, my God! What are you doing?” my mother said.    I almost laugh upon seeing their faces. They did not see that I am wearing another towel underneath the wide towel I already taken off and holding in my hand.   “Oh! I thought there is NO lady in here. What a shame.” I said in sarcasm as I walk towards my parents and kiss their cheeks.   “I’m back home, I’m sorry... about leaving without telling you.” I said whispering to them as they hug me.   “Dear, please go and change first.” my mother said kissing me right to my forehead and pushing me to go towards my closet.   “We’ll have this conversation later.” my father said as they push me to the closet.   I change into a simple t-shirt that is colored black and a pair of skinny jean with matching 1-inch black heels. I pull a white topper on the hanger and wear it before walking out of the closet. I sigh in relief seeing that those guys are gone, and I only see Henry sitting on the bed then look at me with his smug smile.   “I’ve got to say, you never disappoint me.” He said that I smirk and sit beside him.   “They don’t like me. I see it in the way they looked at me. It is just liked the way you looked at me before. It makes me angry.” I said as I take a deep breath.   “Yah! Sorry about that, I will tell you why they are like that. Normally they are not so bad but......” He looks at me and I smile, I think he really changed so much.   “Okay, I’ll listen.” I said as I fix myself to sit properly.   “Your grandfather and your grandmother thought that they could never have a child, someone to inherit the state and business after them. They adopted your uncle Marz Pilkins who was 5 years old upon his parent’s death. He grows up to be so ambitious, thinking to be the sole heir and the owner of all Villaflor states. Next, they adopted your aunt Joleene, the mother of Austin and Marlon. Like your uncle Marz, she is dreaming to take the state and the money. But then they were crushed when finally, your father came and caused your grandmother’s death upon his birth. They hated him and..... they hope to see him gone. They might even wish that you will be gone too. I think they imparted their children the exact same dream, BUT... now that you are here. Everything will be a loss for them.” I look at him with surprise as he looks at me seriously.   “Money really is a b***h. But I have got to say. If I DO something scary...  you know why.” I said as I stand and look away toward the window.   “Don’t worry we will help you with anything.” He said as he looks at me.   “Oh! I’m not worried, they should be.” I said as I smiled at him.    This kind of play is really making my strong alter ego come out. If they all are expecting a meek princess, they are way too over their heads. We both head out of the room; we are silently walking down the stairs and the maids are lined as usual. I just shake my head and greet them back with a smile. We walk towards the parlor and we see my parents together with the 3 newcomers. They all look at me as I walk closer to them. I see my grandfather standing there and behind him are his bodyguards.   “Oh! Here comes my little crazy. Come here and let me tell all of you something important.” my grandfather said as both me and Henry walks toward them.    I sit on the sofa just in front of my mother and father while on the other side are the 3 idiots who are standing there looking so smug and are looking at me like I am is a piece of crap they’re about to step into.   “What is it, grandpa? Is it about my sudden disappearance? I’m really sorry I know I worried and hurt all of you but......”    “It’s okay dear we understand. Save the stories for later. Besides, after what your nana said and after reading your letter, we are so proud of you for doing what you believe in.” my grandfather said as they look at me.   “Your grandfather is right dear. We do understand and know that we are proud of you.” My mother said making me smile.   “Yes, my little crazy, that’s not what I want to talk about. We all know that one of these days Zam will have to face the world. After reading what my little crazy has written to me I realized that she needs to be ready for the new world she has to face without forgetting who she was before.” my grandfather said seriously.   When he is serious everyone should listen silently. The whole room is as silent as we listen to him. I look at those newcomers to see them looking like obedient children that are shaking in fear as they get scolded by their parents.   “What do you mean sir?” my father asks.   “For 4 weeks I want Zam to come and stay with me at the main mansion in Canada. I want to enjoy my remaining years knowing that my granddaughter is finally home. Then perhaps my friends can teach her so she can be ready.” my grandfather said that everyone gasps especially the 3 idiots who look so devastated about the news.    Henry seems like he does not care about the news. My parents are looking at each other trying to see what the other thinks about the idea.   “B-But grandpa I still have to return back to where I was staying, I still have to attend my studies.” I said hesitatingly as I look at my parents and my grandpa.   “Oh! About that, I will take care of that so that you can return as nothing happened. Don’t worry no one will know about your secret.” my grandfather whispers to me.   He is so determined that after that day I am with him in his helicopter going to Canada while my parents and everyone in Sky Mansion waves me goodbye and good luck. I really cannot believe that I am going to Canada when I have no passport. I do not know how long that will take but I was told that we will transfer to the private jet owned by my grandfather. Like.... how rich is he anyway? I look at Henry to see that everything that is happening has no effect on him for as everyone wave at us he is on the side happily answering a call which I guess is from his psycho fling. I am somewhat feeling so hurt and perhaps disappointed. I thought he will at least be worried or something but.... why am I expecting things from him anyway?   “Are you feeling alright, Zam?” my grandfather said as the helicopter takes off.   “Ahh yah! I- I am just still uneasy riding helicopters and such. I’m sorry if I worry you, grandpa.” I said as I take a deep breath.     After many hours that even made me sleep, I wake up just to find out that we arrived in a mansion bigger than sky mansion. The ride was so exhausting since when we ride the private plane where I sleep, we stop at an airport, and then a helicopter is waiting for us to fly us to the mansion. My jaw drops upon seeing the place. It is like a palace on top of a mountain surrounded by trees. Like what Sky Mansion is there is also a ranch and a plantation of grapes, a few meters away from the grapes is a plantation of apples and oranges.   “Do you like it my little crazy?” I look at my grandpa who is sitting in front of me as I look out of the window.   “T-This is so amazing.... and it is just like being in a big stupid dream.” I said and my grandpa laughs.    “These are all me and your grandmother’s hard work. We both are from a rich family and are just set to be married for the family state to merge. Unlike any other arranged marriage, I fell in love with your grandmother and her to me. We strive harder and we did not know we finally hit the top. Some say that we have a lucky charm on us that attracts money.” My grandfather said chuckling as he recalls my grandmother.   I smile knowing how much they both love one another. At first, I have doubts about being the child they are looking for. I mean... everything of this? It is just like a big joke that I am a part of something bigger than what I have imagined. To ease my doubts my grandfather and parents conduct a DNA test in which I watch how they take my blood and my father’s. When the result came, I was beyond shock... I AM indeed Zam! That seems like a fairytale s**t to me but with the evidence in front of me... I must accept the fact that I have to make them proud of me. I am back to myself when one of my grandfather’s bodyguard whispers to him and he nod as he looks at me.   “We are finally here my little crazy. I want you to listen to me. I cannot tell you the reason why I want to bring you here other than to teach you, at that time your cousins are there. I want them to think that you will just be training to act like a princess or something BUT you must listen Zam; you are here to learn everything that can help you to protect yourself. Once you will be introduced to the world, many attempts to your life will not be inevitable. You need to be able to protect yourself and your place in the Villaflor state. Especially that you are the one and only original heiress of the Villaflor state. I already have given your uncle and aunt their inheritance for them to use and enlarge. Yet, their lives turned out to be run by money. It also seems like they have shared this insight with their children. I am so extremely disappointed; I will not let them ruin the family state just for pleasure. After all, you are here now, the rightful owner of your grandma and my state and even your parents’ hard-earned money. Basically, speaking my little crazy, you are a walking treasure and danger will befall you. You need to learn. THAT is why you here, to learn how to survive.” He said as I look at him so confuse but I know he is right.    I really cannot understand my grandfather, he acts like a foolish child in front of others and there are times he talks so professionally. He really is a weird old man. I watch as the helicopter lands on a wide-area design for landing helicopters. We walk out of the helicopter as I hold my hair in place for the strong wind not to shove it all over my face. There I see 4 persons standing just meters from where the helicopter landed waiting for us. 2 gentlemen wearing business suits and are looking so handsome and dignified and 2 ladies wearing lovely dresses all are smiling at us as my grandfather pull me toward the strangers who bows to us as we stop in front of them.   “Welcome back, sir and young miss.” They all said, and I just wave at them and smile.   “Hi” I utter shyly.   “Ah! Perfect, you have already arrived. Everyone I want you to meet my granddaughter, the heiress of the Villaflor state, Zarianne Andrea Marlile Villaflor. Zam this is Attorney Denvert Sanchez, this is General Benjamin Cortez, this lovely lady with a class dress is a famous designer and make-up expert in Paris and Germany Ms. Catherine Gellan and lastly, this beautiful young lady is none other than the famous actress worldwide, she is from Italy and also she is a master of disguise who studied under the famous magician who is expert on disguising skills. Her name is Deandra Mulsifier. They are going to be your teacher from now on, my little crazy.” my grandfather said as the 4 bows and smile at me. I shake hands with them.   “I will be on your care then.” I said smiling as I look at them.   “We would be honored to help you, Mr. Villaflor. Your granddaughter looks so smart so I bet she can learn in no time.” The one name Catherine said as we all walk towards the big mansion that is looking like a palace.   “That is good to hear, remember you only have 4 weeks to teach her everything you know that can benefit her. Oh, one more thing, my secretary Mr. Roland Robinna will also teach you about our business matters and the family history. You can just tell me if you are tired and unable to go with the training so we can let you rest. Are you okay with that my little crazy?” my grandfather asks as I just smile and silently walk with him.   “Well, I am up for the challenge. I only hope I will not make things hard on them. I think I am a heard-headed student.” I said with a sound of jest making them all laugh.   Every maid and servant in the main mansion became my friends, just like in Sky Mansion. For the past 2 weeks, I was under major training. In the morning General Benjamin Cortez trains, me on how to fight and how to use weapons. It amazes me how I can immediately learn how to use weapons. I mean... I hated the idea of guns before but when I tried my first shot, I am amazed I like it. Of course, General Benjamin is always behind me so I can get used to the impact. The general is a kind teacher; he knows when I am scared and when I can do it without his instruction. I can now use guns, arrows, knives, swords, and even how to pull a pin of grenades and other kinds of weapons. It ceases to amaze me how on earth the simple girl like me before is now holding guns and grenades? My whole body hurt, I have bruises and scratches all over my body too. Our training ends after lunch and we do that every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. After lunch next is Ms. Deandra the actress and the disguise expert. She teaches me how to act, how to dance modern dances, how to play musical instruments like piano, the guitar which is too hard for me to learn, violin and the flute, she is also teaching me how to sing and all those what classy rich women do.   “Okay, you’re getting it, perfect.” Deandra said as I am dancing the tango with someone named Emmil.   The main lesson that Deandra taught me is how to use disguises and how to act the disguise I am on. She said that it will be so useful to me when I need to hide from anyone like the reporters or kidnappers. On Tuesdays and Thursdays Mr. Denvert, the lawyer, and Ms. Catherine, the fashion designer are my teacher. On Saturdays, my grandfather’s secretary Mr. Roland will teach me how to manage and use my influences. He even told me about the family history. My whole days went into my lessons and I feel so tired, but I am doing my best to learn. Staying here and getting trained I lost count of my days here. I am doing fine since every servant is too kind to me and serves me well. Before I sleep the maids will always come to my room and massage me or even make me relax. Courtesy of my grandfather I suppose.   “Zam, you must get ready for your final training. This time no one will assist you. You will be put in a situation where you will be alone, and you have to survive it.” My grandfather said making me gasps.   I do not know what kind of final training it is but by the sound of it... it must be so dangerous. Why do I feel like I am being trained to become a spy? I hope I can survive it all and get to return as being Anna back at Baguio.        
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