Chapter 17: Training of survival and the appearance of Zam

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The best thing about my lessons and about my teachers is that we became friends. They are all kind to me, even how many mistakes I made they are too patient and understanding... not unlike the one person I am thinking right now, Henry. I am now sitting on the bar’s counter still in my old woman disguise. My lesson with Ms. Deandra has just ended and my last test is also perfect. It is about making a disguise and putting it on. I really can’t imagine that I learned many bizarre things in my one-month stay here. I can even believe that I survived it all.   “Grandpa said my final test will be put in action tomorrow. I wonder how and what kind of test will it be. Somehow I feel like I am being trained to be a spy or something. I was even trained on how to hack computers. What a tiring month this is.” I utter and sigh.   I am drinking into this one glass of margarita that the lady bartender of the mansion’s barroom made for me. It is a mix of lime juice and tequila with other tastes that I can’t distinguish. Miss Deandra and Miss Catherine also taught me how to distinguish wines through taste and smell. The one wine I love the most is the grape wine made in my grandfather’s vineyard. They told me that the taste is just the same as what is being made from the grapes plantation back in Sky Mansion.  I am thinking if what is happening at Sky Mansion right now? How are my grown parents and my school doing now when I am here for almost a month? How and Rose is doing? She must be very worried and lonely though I called her and my adoptive family from time to time I am still curious as to what is happening without me there.   “Rose must be feeling lonely and bored without me there. But knowing her she must be using her day worth it by going to her part-time jobs.”  Knowing Rose, she must be lonely without me and doing crazy things there alone.    Through the influence of my grandfather, I was excused in my classes which I don’t know what reason he had made. All I know is that he contacted people who talked with my teachers and the administration of our college then I was excused. My grandfather assured me that ME being a daughter of a wealthy family is never mentioned in there. SO basically speaking my secret is safe.... for now.   “Ahmmnn, Zam is that you?” I slowly turn to see Gen. Benjamin and Atty. Denvert coming in from the parlor entrance.   “Hmmnn, and who are you people? I came to visit my old friend Victorio but no one was here so I just followed the maid here.” I said in an old woman’s voice, one lesson from Ms. Deandra using a voice changer from the choker necklace on my neck.   Miss Deandra said that it is a specially made invention of a great scientist in Germany that records millions of voices of well-known people and you can add as much as you want. It is operated by phone using an application that will connect to the choker wherein you can choose whose voice the changer will use as your voice. For me, it is like a good tool for spying or to prank someone. I am just saying. Ever since I came into the Villaflor family I have to get myself accustomed to those things I only thought can happen in the movies. It is so puzzling and making me want to give up but.... all I am thinking all throughout my training is how my family wants to be with me thus I have to keep going and not give up.   “Oh! Sorry ma’am but Mr. Villaflor is not here, but he will return later. We are his friends on a mission to teach her granddaughter. I am Denvert Sanchez a lawyer and this is General Benjamin Cortez.” Denvert said as the two sit on the empty stools beside me as we face the counter I smile at the bartender who just keeps quiet as I look at the two.   “Granddaughter? So the rumor is true. They finally found their bundle of joy. I would want to see this lovely lady.” I said making sure that I won’t give myself up.   “You will like her. She is... one of a kind. Not like any other brat girls out there but she is more like an angel hiding a warrior inside of her. Martini, please.” Denvert said to the bartender.   I feel my heart flutter upon hearing what they think of me. I really feel relieved that someone thinks of me like that.   “Whiskey sour.” General Benjamin said and the bartender nods as she turns her back on us and starts mixing drinks.   I stop myself from laughing; I need to perfect my own disguise. This is Miss Deandra’s final training to me so I should see if I have the talent for this. I have to act the character I am in; Miss Deandra said it is just like playing in a drama or theater. Sounds easy but if used to someone you really respect... it’s kind of harder than I thought.   “I see. No wonder you all look, professionals. Victorio’s friends are all influential no doubt. My name is Annabel Santimillion, owner of the Santimillion fashion line. I am here to talk with Victorio about our business agreement.” I said as I try to drink my glass of margarita with yellowish water below and something greenish above it I just have to follow as those distinguished women do to the movies and dramas that I watched.    It’s a good thing that Mr. Roland, my grandfather’s secretary taught me all about the important person in the world of business in every country. Every person my family knows and the family friends. My disguise is actually the face of real Annabel Santimillion, a very powerful woman in the fashion industry. She is also my grandmother’s best friend and was her partner in businessman but... now since my grandma is dead, my grandpa and Annabel Santimillion are the ones continuing my grandma’s dream in the distribution of clothes of the A and A fashion line, Anna and Alicia.   “I’ve heard about you ma’am, your designs are very famous in Paris. I watched one of your runway fashion shows, your dresses are all so beautiful. No wonder ladies go wild just by hearing your brand.” Mr. Denvert Sanchez said and I really tried so hard to act on the disguise.    I know that lying is a bad thing but Ms. Deandra said that sometimes one had to tell lies so a person can survive. Not to mention that all people on earth tell lies, it can be bad or good but all the same, it is a lie. I should not think of being righteous in any situation. If I need to lie to survive I must, if I need to be heartless to live I will, and if by lying I can stay with my family then... I will try my best.   “I see, does your girlfriend love lovely dresses? I can design one for you to give her as a gift.” I said and Mr. Denvert chuckles as he drinks his martini.    Mr. Benjamin is just as silent as he listens to our conversation.   “Oh! No ma’am, I still don’t have a girlfriend. Work had been a big reason why my girlfriends before left me. But Benjamin has one.” He said as Benjamin cough a little hiding his embarrassment.   “Denvert, that’s out of the question.” Mr. Benjamin said as he tries to hide his red face.   We are silent for a few minutes as we drink our drinks while the bartender just watches us as she wipes some glasses and wait if we will ask for something else. The bartender actually knows that this is me. She is doing great pretending she doesn’t know.   “Dear, can I have a glass of orange juice?” I said as I look at the bartender.   “Ye- yes ma’am.” The girl said as if she is startled before she turns and I look at the two.   I can’t keep the acting for too long and I am really having a hard time lying to the 2 people who became like brothers to me. I am about to laugh when someone suddenly speaks from the bar’s entrance.   “Finally, you passed. Zam, I got to say... you nailed it. I think our lesson will end here. You’ve learned so fast. You can prepare for your final test tomorrow.” We turn to see Deandra leaning on the entrance’s door frame.    The two look at me with surprise and wide eyes. Benjamin drops his glass as Denvert looks at me trying to make sense of what was happening. The bartender immediately cleans the broken glasses on the counter from Benjamin’s glass.   “I am so sorry.” He utters to the bartender who just smiles and shakes her head.   There is a burst of laughter echoing in the barroom and we look just to see Catherine who is now standing beside Deandra. The two women walk in and sit on the empty chairs beside the two men beside me looking at me in disbelief.   “What! She is really Zam? I thought for sure that she is Mrs. Annabel Santimillion.” Denvert said still unwilling to believe.    I start to take off the rubbery mask that I perfectly place on my face-like skin. They both gasp as I laid it on the counter. I smile and then peel off the fake old woman's skin on my hands. Seeing that surprise in the two’s faces, I and the two ladies laugh in amusement.   “Oh my, it is sure so believable. The voice and face had fooled us.” Denvert said as Benjamin rub the back of his head.   Another week of my training had passed finally. I also passed through many exercises and real scenes tests. My final test is they get some men to kidnap me while we are walking in the marketplace of that place. I fight them all and escape and when I escaped they still look for me so I have to do some disguises with clothes and some make-up and sunglasses. Luckily I had been able to pass it even though I was so scared for I believed it is real.    “Congratulation Zam, you finally pass your entire test. That was an unbelievable one.” They said when I return back home safely.   “That was a test?! I was so scared, they said they will kidnap me and call you grandpa for a ransom. That is so dangerous, they have guns!” I utter when I find out that THAT is my final test.   “Relax my little crazy THAT was just a controlled test from me. I can just stop them when things go wrong BUT.... dear what if it is real? You have to survive it.” My grandpa said as I feel my burning face starts to cool down for what he said is right, what will I do if it is real?   I just sigh and nod. What he said is true. I have to face more dangers from now on when they will show me in public. Seeing how rich and powerful the Villaflor family is it is bound that someone will kidnap, kill or even trash me. I have to face them all with courage and the ability to survive on my own.   “You are great my little crazy. You have learned fast when you were just taught for a month. I am proud of you.” My grandpa said hugging me tightly.   “Aww grandpa, that hurts.” I utter and he looks at me then raises my t-shirt just to sigh seeing the bruises that I acquired fighting those men who are supposed to kidnap me.   “You should rest, you have done well; you are indeed my flesh and blood, my one and only granddaughter. You have the wits; the brain, the bravery, and everything of you are like a mini version of me.”    “Ya ya ya whatever you say, grandpa. Just so you know I AM your one and only granddaughter. I have to rest.” I said with jest and he nod as I wave to my teachers on the couch smiling at me.   I was so silent these past weeks of my training so they must have thought that I am fine. The truth is that I wanted to give up and my body hurts. My bruises and wounds are still visible on my body. My grandfather already warned me that when we will return to sky mansion a big party will be given for my appearance. Many people will attend the media, even my so-called opportunist relatives and I also know how dangerous it is for me. My grandpa and my teachers said that for our last week here and our second month’s first week is that I should rest and heal my wounds and bruises.    “You should be prepared. Enjoy your one week here relaxing and maybe if you like we can tour the city market and the beaches here.” My grandpa said as I smile and nod in happiness.   “Great, I am so proud of you.” he said before he kisses my forehead.   We are actually sitting outside the mansion at an outdoor table as the maids brought out food from the mansion. We are happy telling stories and they keep on congratulating me for learning so fast.   “Mr. Villaflor we are so amazed how Zam learned with just a month. With what she learned she can be able to face those opportunist persons who will want to hurt her.” Benjamin said as he drinks his wine.   “Thanks to all of you and being patient so she learned fast. From this time on it is all in Zam’s hands. How she will use everything she learned from here will depend on her.” my grandfather said as he looks at me proudly.    I am just silently sitting there drinking my iced tea.    “She will be fine. She is already a fighter even before we have trained her. She will get by Sir.” Denvert said as my grandpa chuckles.   For another week, my 5th week here I spent it resting and having fun on the ranch, the plantation, and swimming in the pool or on the river near the mansion. Mr. Benjamin, Mr. Denvert, Ms. Catherine, Ms. Deandra, Mr. Roland, and some of the maids will accompany me. My grandfather is also always going with me so the two of us are now so close that I can’t even imagine that my grandfather is actually just like any normal grandfathers. I thought before that my grandfather will be like those grandfathers on movies or dramas that are so stingy, strict, egoistic, and authoritarian; thank God my grandpa isn’t like that. I never meet my grandfather as Anna so I never know how it’s like to have one. That goodness my grandfather Vistorio Alvares III is a kind, fun, caring, friendly and approachable one despite his standing in life.   “So.... my little crazy, are you ready to face the world. After this day we will return and the party will happen. Many rich faces will come and some people will crowd on you. You think you can handle that my little crazy ahh no.... now my brave princess?” my grandfather asks as he hands me a glass of lemonade, well!    I am already 20 yet they are thinking and treating me like a teenager. Well! I don’t like other of those cocktails they let me taste before that I just tried drinking but I am more on juice and sodas.   “I-I guess so, you’ll be there right, so I can manage. Also, five great teachers taught me so much. My body still feels painful thought; I’ll make sure my efforts won’t be wasted.” I said in a joking voice and everyone chuckles as they drink their own wines.    We are having a small party on our own and foods are everywhere. This is like the last day I will stay here. By tomorrow morning we will be returning to Sky Mansion with grandpa.   “You have a very strong body and you have learned so fast. Your flexibility and strength are impressive. For the years of training soldiers, I never came across to a lady who can match with a man’s skills development, to think that you are training under 5 teachers.” General Benjamin said as he wraps his arm around my shoulders.   “I-I think it’s all because I grow up in a province and I was taught to work on the farm and fight with my brothers.” I said and smile at them.     “I see, now I know why you are a great fighter.” they all nod and start to have private talk to one another.    I am just watching them silently, thinking how high my life went after I have entered the car with my biological parents before. I take a deep breath and shake my head, I have to face this. This is my life now, I have to fight and survive.    “M-Milady you look.... look so beautiful.” Beth said as I sit on the chair in front of my dresser.    Beth has just finished fixing my hair. I am wearing one of my Aunt Carla’s designed gowns. After we return from Canada I was stunned to know that the party will happen the next day. Henry is in Manila and will return on the day of the party which is today. I bet he went to see that psycho Sammantha again. Upon remembering that biatch I feel my blood boiling as I look at my reflection really pissed.   “B-Beth, are t-there many visitors downstairs now?” I ask as Beth nods.   “Your parents are welcoming them by the door. There are also reporters and photographers. Your family’s friends and business partners of your family are here also. Your uncle and aunt are both down there with their sons. Your grandfather will come later to escort you down the stairs.” Beth said as I take a deep breath.   “B-Beth I’m so nervous. I don’t really like being in crowded places especially being all eye of the crowd. I don’t think I can handle walking down the stairs with those prying eyes of high societies. I might faint.” I utter nervously as I stand and walk back and forth as I play with my hand.   “Milady you’ll be fine, just don’t let anyone mock or laugh at you. Besides, your parents and your grandfather will be there.” I look at my reflection in the mirror as I listen to Beth’s encouraging words.  
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