Chapter 15: Violence gets the best of me and Back home

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“What the –” Henry also utters as I try to dry myself using the tissue I take on the table.   I look at the girl who has thrown the ice tea to my face. There are 4 rich-looking BITCHY ladies standing there looking like smug prostitutes because of their much too revealing clothes. They are looking at me with despise and disgust. When Henry looks up to see who, he seems to recognize them because his eyes widen.   “That’s for Sam, YOU wench! Henry do you got any class at all? You are CHEATING on our friend with a freaking ugly poor freak. Sam will know about this.” The lady wearing a miniskirt said as she looks at me with disgrace.   My eyebrows went up just like how my blood boils and all my resolve disappeared.   “Megan, guys you’ve got the wrong idea. You didn’t need to do that.” Henry stands in annoyance and surprise as I look at them with a burning glare.   Henry can see that my face is getting darker out of anger. I know that he knows how I hated being insulted and worst even treated like this.   “She deserved it for being a SLUT.” The other girl said and my face really darkens even more.   Henry sees how I take the untouched plate of spaghetti on my side and I slam it into the face of the woman who has thrown the juice into my face.  I smile devilishly as the group looks at me in pure surprise. I clearly see how the people inside the fast-food chain looking at us and whisper, some are even taking their phones to take a video or picture.   “What! Do you think I will just stand down and let you humiliate me? I am not like any other unfortunate person who you can step into. I pity your ignorance. You even called me a freak, ugly and poor. So if I am poor... how about you? Even if how RICH you are if you are so poor in character and are STUPID to understand the situation then you are more freaking ugly than I am. Oh! And for your information, I’m not in a relationship with Henry. I know he has a girlfriend in the name of Sammantha Ravenwood, I’ve already met her. Before you act, do you know WHO you are barking to?” I said with my cunning smile as the group look at me.   The other girl behind the girl I slammed the spaghetti came forward and tried to slap me but I just grab her skinny wrist and look at her devilishly. With my free hand, a strong flying slap lands on the girl’s face as I look at her really mad. Remind you not to treat Anna Marie Marcelo like a piece of s**t.   “Raise a hand on me and I’ll give you a double, crazy biatch.” I said in pure anger as I look at them with my challenging glare.   I might be a good person but hiding inside my kind face is a girl ready for battle. Some of my childhood playmates back in the province know that really well. I am kind of a badass kid back in our province but I tried hiding that side of mine when I reach high school and came to study here at Baguio. But, I once joined a kiddie fight against the higher grade level where I face a boy on his 8 and I was like 6 that time, seems like luck is on my side I manage to win over him and he went home crying with a black eye. My brothers did train me how to fight as I become their sparring buddy. Henry went beside me and takes the girl’s hand from my tight grip.   “That’s enough, now ladies. We are in a public place for goodness sake. Megan, Cara, Sarah, and Pam you better apologize to her or you might regret it for the rest of your lives.” He said that I look at him surprised, he sided me. That’s new.   “So you’re saying that you will do something to us because we told her that she is a f*****g w***e?” they said looking at Henry angrily.   “No, I won’t do anything to you. But.... her family will, especially her grandfather.” He said and they all laugh at what he said.   “Really bring them on, whoever they are. Just make sure Henry that they can pay a lawyer.” Megan said as she wipes her face with a tissue from our table.   “Oh they can Megan; they can even pay the army. Who are they? Her parents are Mr. Alvictos William Villaflor and Mrs. Leliana Victoria Rene Villaflor. And her grandfather is.....Don Victorio Alvares Villaflor III. Now still want to continue this charade?” he said and they look at me stunned and with wide eyes.   “You’re lying.” The girl Pam whom I slap utters as she looks at me from head to toe still with degrading eyes.   Henry scans on his phone and then showed them something. I look into it to see that it is the picture of me, in between my parents and my grandfather hugging me behind. I am wearing a simple violet dress and a smile is on my lips. How come he has that picture? We have taken that as a family photo of us and my mother hanged that on the side of the grand staircase in Sky Mansion to be seen by everyone.   “She- She is?” they all utter in surprise.   “Yes she is and you’ve just angered her. Want to save your selves?” he said as he looks at me.   The 4 suddenly drop to their feet and kneel before me taking me by surprise. I just look at Henry now surprised and confuse as to what I should do next.   “For- Forgive us, we- we just thought that Henry is cheating behind our friend’s back. Forgive us.” They said still bow at me.   They are so weird. First, they are really humiliating me and like a biatch they bad-mouthed me and now.... they are kneeling as if they are about to die. Why are they so scared of my family? All I know is that the Villaflors are well respected and are rich but to be feared like this.... are they some kind of a yakuza. I have to find out more about our family. I look at the 4 and sigh; damn I need to deal with my anger issue. Should I join an anger management class?   “You don’t need to ask for forgiveness since I have also done something mean to you.  You throw a juice on my face and I slammed food on your face so it’s a given. The person you need to ask for forgiveness is... to Henry. You just have literally implied that he is not to be trusted and that he is a cheater. You actually wronged him. If he forgives you then you can go free.” I said as I try so hard to calm myself.   This is really what I hated the most about myself. I really hate being violated or bullied like that and my strong personality always tends to fight back. Is that wrong? I know that it is wrong to hurt back a person who hurt you but my internal instinct to justice acts faster than my mind. It is just like what happened between me, Henry, Sammantha, and Beth back in Sky Mansion. I really don’t want to do those things but... I just did and no back downs.   “We’re so sorry Henry, please forgive us.” They said as they look up to Henry.   “It is quite okay, it is human nature to think like that. I forgive you. If this happens again, please just come and ask so we can explain without a fight.” He said after taking a deep breath.   This surprises the 4 and I see it in their eyes. I can’t blame them, Henry usually gets mad and screams at everyone but now he is calm and thinking calmly before speaking. He really is learning. I smile and look at the 4 girls.   “Okay good, you may go.” I said and they stand as they march fast towards the door.   I almost laugh upon seeing panic in their faces. I look around to see those people with their phones up. I immediately cover my face with my hair as I wipe the ice tea off of my chest.   “Tsk instead of helping people just watch on the corner as if everything is just for fun. Damn, these stupid bystander people are so irritating!” I utter and Henry looks around with a straight face.   Henry looks at his phone and then calls someone about making sure that a certain video of us will not be licked or something. I didn’t care to ask as I look at him.   “Henry you shouldn’t have said that, you scared them to death. It’s not like my parents are mafia leaders right?” I said and he faces me after talking to someone on the phone.   I look into his face as he looks into my appearance.   “Nah, your parents are well respected and they have friends from higher positions even in the army or in politics. Your family is so powerful in connections that everyone is scared of them but don’t worry they need to know how strong the wall they’ve hit in to. That will be their first, just like your punch on my eye is my first.” He said as he smiles at me.   “Oh yeah! Can we just leave now? People are looking at us. It’s really uneasy and bothering the way they stare then whisper.” I said.   Henry grabs my bag and I walk ahead of him out of the fast-food chain. He pulls me towards the clothes shop and he looks into a pile of dresses. He hands me a blue dress with white designs.   “Here try this one.” I just take it and look, he points me at the dressing room and I just didn’t have any choice but to do so.   I walk in and take off my school uniforms that are wet because of that ice tea. I call out to Henry and he hands me my bag from the space above the door. I take my wet wipes and start to wipe the sticky ice tea from my face and chest. I sigh before I put on the dress after folding my uniforms. I reluctantly walk out and Henry looks at me from head to toe.   “Emmnn, what?” I said as I look at him with eyebrows up.   “Your black shoe doesn’t compliment the dress. Uhmmnn miss do you have any blue sandals?” he said facing the saleslady who is looking at Henry and trying to flirt.   “Yes sir, we have one, please wait for a few moments and I will get them.” The lady said giving Henry her sweetest smile before turning to leave.   Well! Henry is handsome, no doubt about that. I can’t blame ladies who will fall for it. But like yuck! Come on ladies... can we still have dignity and pride?   “She likes you; want me to give your number to her?” I said as I sit beside him.   He looks at me then starts to laugh. I just smile and look around the store. After that happening in the food chain I feel so worn out. Dang it! Biatch people are making me feel so worn out.   12 days passed, almost two weeks when Henry came for me. We have so much fun together though Rose still thinks Henry to be a psychotic man like I had told her before. Rose didn’t even meet Henry and still thinks that Henry will hurt us if he will get near. I know that it is so wrong but I think that it is better that way than answering too many questions and it might give Rose ideas. I even noticed that Henry is forgetting about returning home, he is enjoying his stay and I noticed that Henry doesn’t call every hour like before. He is even cooking for both of us; I taught him how to cook some simple common people’s food. He is good at it than me though.   “Oh! What’s wrong with that look?” Henry said as I walk towards him after Rose ride to a jeep.   “I hate too many requirements.” I just said as I look at him.   He laughs as he takes my books and my bag. I as usual am wearing my school uniform and Henry is wearing jeans, rubber shoes, and a white dress shirt which is opened 2 buttons above.   “Let’s just go eat some.” He said.   “Did you fix the house before coming here? Like the gas, the lights, the locks, and oh! You didn’t cook right?” I said as I walk beside him.   “Yes, yes, yes, and yes. Why anyway? Got tired of my worst cooking?” he said jokingly as we enter the fast-food chain of Jollibee.   We are in SM again since I decided that it is wider here and car parking space is just accessible.   “No, and better look around the restaurant, I don’t want someone throwing something at me again.” I said as Henry do so then I laugh.   We are eating when my cellphone rings. I answer it and I look at Henry.   “Are you ready to go back home?” I ask and Henry slowly drops his spoon on the table and looks at me surprised.   “We are? You have no more classes?” he said as he looks at me.   By the look on his face, he seems to be reluctant to leave. I just smile as I look at him.   “I still have to return here, but we have no class on Monday since it is a holiday so I better go back and see the family especially grandpa or he might end up flooding his house with tears. Besides, you need to return to. You have work that you have neglected for 2 weeks. It will be a shock that your business is gone if you continue to neglect it.” I said and I smile at him.   “You love doing that to me, right?” he asks as he looks at my face.   I look at him confused as I didn’t comprehend what he meant by that. I am aware that he feels fine living here now but... his life and business is back in Manila and Palawan so I have to return him before his biatch girl comes rushing here.   “Doing what?” I said as I look at him.   “For making me feel so stupid.” He said.   I just smile upon hearing that. He looks at me smiling as he drinks his juice.   “Stupid no BUT.... an i***t, yes you are. Are you done? Ram is waiting for us in the parking area downstairs.” I said as he looks at me again, he looks so stunned.   “Really? My, that was so fast.” He said and I smile.   I called Ram 2 days ago and he came with the family helicopter. Father called his employees here and they went to the Baguio vacation house where Ram landed the helicopter to send him a car he can use to pick us in SM. It appears that Ram knows how to pilot and that my father owns a vacation house here. SHOCK!   Ram is surprised upon seeing us both especially Henry. I just wave to him and we enter the car. The trip is so fun since I always make fun of either Henry or Ram who both are just going along with me. The ride is so long that I had dozed off because of being tired and stressed from school. I am awakened by someone lifting me from the car. I slowly and sleepily open my eyes to see that Henry is holding me in a lover’s carry. With less energy, I just close and opened my eyes trying to awaken myself but it’s too tiring to do so. He looks down at my face to see me slowly blinking. He smiles and kisses my forehead, a gesture he suddenly acquired upon living with me that I always reprimand him but now I can’t get to argue with him.   “I’m so tired bring me to a soft bed, please.” I said almost a whisper and I heard him laugh.   I once again drift back to sleep and I didn’t notice when he laid me to bed and what he did next. I was so tired that I just sleep it all the way.   I am awakened by a loud sound of people talking and shouting outside the house. I wake up to see myself still wearing my uniform and I am now in my room at Sky Mansion. I slowly slide down the bed and went to look out of the window, my forehead furrow when I see many reporters outside the gate and I see many people there crowding a group of people.   “What is going on? Is there a celebrity in here? What’s with the reporters? Ahhh, too noisy early in the morning! It is giving me a damn headache.” I said.   I walk away to the window and walk towards the bathroom. I fill the bathtub with water then add some bath powder with lavender scent and some rose petals. This is the one my nana taught me before and I found it a little bit over the top. I take off my clothes and put them in the wash basket and I slowly slide in the tub and I feel so relax finally. I heard the door opened and I just let it thinking that it could be Beth, Nana, or Mom. I slowly rise and step out of the tub to shower. After wrapping 2 towels in my body which I love doing since it is warmer and safer that way, I walk out of the bathroom to be greeted by 3 handsome men and Henry inside my room.   “Oh- my- Gosh! Does anyone of you know how to knock?! Who is who?” I said as I look at them crossing my arm on my chest.   The way these new faces look at me is so degrading as if they are judging me. They are like those rich brats who think of themselves as mighty high, just like Henry before. The 2 strangers are sitting on my bed while the other one is looking into my mirror as he sat on the study table. Henry on the other hand looks as apologetic as they all look at me. My eyebrows shoot up. My parents came to my room and look so delighted upon seeing me but look at the 3 new faces with concern.   “We told you boys that we can just call her downstairs to introduce you to her. You didn’t need to barge in here.” my father said to the 3 strangers who are so handsome and are looking like supermodels but I see them as crazy social freaks.    By the look of how they look at me, I immediately understand that they are here not to see me but to – mess with me. Take your chances but I won’t back down. If they all think of me as a Cinderella girl who will just look at the floor and cry... they should think again. I won’t back down to their degrading gazes. I smirk and look at them.    
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