Chapter 25: The first attempt and fight near death

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“You’re a terrible liar, you know?” I said as I laid my fork down and look at him. He looks at me questioningly.   “Why did you say so?” he said looking at me as if I said something outrageous.   The way he arcs his eyebrows as he looks at me looks so cute. Not only is that but his cold personality so charming.   “You’re here because you don’t want to be part of the fight. You wanted something for your own but your parents want you to do something else. I bet you don’t like being told what to do.” I said.   I look at him when he suddenly stands then taps the table creating a loud bang. He looks at me angrily. I just look at him. Even if I fear what he would do I still know he won’t harm me, he seems like a nice guy. It’s weird because his presence is different from Henry when I first meet him. Henry gives me that eerie feeling of annoyance and disgust while Cole gives me off the feeling of someone wanting to be free, sad, and alone.   “You don’t know what you’re talking about. You know nothing, and no one can boss me around – no one!” He screams as if what I said is the most disgusting words he ever heard.    I stand and walk around the table. I walk towards him and look at him observing his face. I can see in his eyes that all I had said are true. From the anger in his eyes, I am right to the point.   “I am right; you are here to be away from your parents. I can see right through you.” I said as I look at him.    He looks at me then I see how he clinches his fist but just looks at me. He looks as if he is in a battle with his mind as he looks at me angrily then I see how he loosen his hands and then looks at my eyes.    “You dare tell me that you can see right through me when you know nothing about me. You are just a stranger who came here. I’m just here to see if you can keep up with this fight. You know NOTHING about me.” He said and he ends up taking a deep breath.   “You’re right, I know nothing about you. And you know NOTHING about me too. So you should never look down on me. I WILL surely fight until the end, be sure to save all your strengths. But thank you.... for the warning. At least I can get myself ready.” I said and I walk out of the kitchen leaving him there.    Maids silently come in and bow to me as they greet me. I just nod and tell them to fix the table for me. I walk towards the front door and I walk out hugging myself. My life as Zam is as complicated as a puzzle with missing pieces. I slowly walk towards my mother’s garden. I see the sun setting and how beautiful the color of the sky is.  I sit on the stone made into a chair on the grassy side. I take my cellphone from my skirt’s pocket, my old phone as Anna. I dial the number of my grown mother.    “Hello, Anna how have you been.” I suddenly take a deep breath upon hearing my mama’s voice.   “Ma, I’m fine…… I just feel so tired. How- How are you there?” I said and I heard my mama talking to papa and I hear him calling at me in the background.   We talked for almost hours and they even told me about my Brother Rafael’s wedding. I am shocked about the news; I was told that the wedding will be next week and on Saturday. The reception will be held at the girl’s place which is just near our house back in the province. Rafael is marrying Susanah, the daughter of one of the village elders in our province and my brother’s childhood sweetheart.   “Alright ma I will be there, don’t worry.” I said as I set an appointment on my cellphone’s calendar.   “Okay call us if anything happens. Don’t forget that you need to come okay you are one of their bridesmaids.”   “I will come I promise.” I said with a smile.   “Okay, bye.” my mama said and I end the call.    I take a deep breath and I look up to the sky. My life as Zam is complicated; the fight over the inheritance will one day separate me from my grown family. I need to take them out of this raging heat of greed. Thinking about it made me feel so sad. I don’t want to be completely separate from the life Anna is used to. I love the simple life Anna has, no complications and no dangers. I love my biological family but..... if only those greedy relatives of the Villaflor's will just stop and become nice to me. We all might have happy life altogether.   “Milady, you should go back to your room. It’s cold in here.” I turn to see Beth standing behind me.   I smile and look at Beth. Somehow I wonder how things will turn up now. I know that my fight is now about to start. I wonder... what will I face first?   “Don’t worry about me Beth, you can return inside. I’ll go in later.” I said and Beth seems to be unwilling to leave me here but then she curtsy and head back inside seeing that I want her to leave me alone.    I smile and shake my head I feel as if I am not yet tired, the conversation I had with both Cole and Henry is still haunting my mind, especially the one I had with Henry. I decide to walk until I am on the wide plantation of oranges. I am surprised upon seeing a man laying the ground. I run towards him and I see that he is one of the workers of the plantation. He is unconscious not to mention he even has bruises and even his arm is also bleeding.   “Sir, are you okay? What happened? Who did this to you?” I ask as I pull the man’s head on my lap.    He slowly opens his eyes and upon seeing me, he begins to panic.   “M-Milady y-you shouldn’t be in here. Some men are here to take you. Pl-please run pleas.....” He didn’t finish when I see 3 men standing a few feet away from us.    They are laughing while looking at me. 2 men are on the left since we are on the pathway in between 2 beds of oranges and 1 man is standing behind me. I slowly stand after slowly laying the worker’s head down to the ground slowly. I should not panic; I need to think. My training should not be wasted, I can do this. Didn’t I escape my very first k********g incident even if it is just a final test from grandpa? What makes this any different when those men before having guns.   “Perfect, we don’t need to work hard to find her. I thought we need to climb that silly room of hers. Look like lady luck is on our side.” One of the men said grinning at me.    I can’t seem to think straight as fear is making my heart pound so hard. I take a deep breath and exhales. I need to be brave; this is just like my final test in Canada. The worker tries to get up but ended losing consciousness. I have to bring them away from the poor worker.   “Enough with the chit-chat we need to take her with us.” The other one said as they slowly walk towards me.    Because I am cornered all I did is to step back. The man behind me grabs me from behind. I struggle as I can smell his stinky smell. Mixed alcohol and cigarette are making me feel ugly in my stomach.    “Easy now princess, we need you alive.” He said and I can smell that terrible odor of cigarettes and liquor.   “Let go, you freak! You think you can take me that easy. Think again, bastards.” I scream.    The man tried to cover my mouth to avoid me from screaming using his smelly hand but I use my strength to step on his foot really hard using the heels of my chunky boots. He let me go so I kick his crotch so hard. The man rolls on the ground as the two looks at the man before they look at me angrily.   “You b***h you can’t get away from that!” the other one screams and they both pulled a knife from behind their pants.    I can’t clearly see their faces because of their hooded jackets but I know that they look so ugly and look like goons. They slowly walk towards me; their knives are shining from the light of the appearing moon. I need to calm down and think fast. General Benjamin’s lessons will surely help me; all I need is not to panic. I take a deep breath and when the other man jumps towards me the knife scratch my arm before I could have jump aside. I kick the man on his hip and he is pushed aside hitting one orange tree. My family plantation is actually divided into three parts, one is on the left where grapes are planted, and on the right are oranges and apples... that is where we are now.    “You brat! When I get my hand on you I’ll make sure make you beg me to stop torturing you.” The other man said in pure malice.   “I don’t think so.” I said before I position my feet and hand to defend myself.   The next man runs after me and grabs my hair pulling some strands also my hairpins. My hair is now flying all over my face. I face that man and kick him but he caught my leg in a tight grip. He smiles at me mockingly. I smile back and I pull all my strength and make a spinning kick using my free leg. I hit the third man on his head knocking him unconscious. I can feel the pain in my feet from the impact but I have to stay alert, my wounded arm is also throbbing from the pain. The first man I kicked on the crotch slowly stands and so is the second. They look at me with too much anger.   “You’re f*****g dead b***h!!” the first man shouts as he leaps towards me.    He caught my long violet skirt and I hear a rip, his other hand pulls me from my pink blouse and I again hear another tear. I punch the man on his grinning face with all my strength and he let me go as he touches his face in pain. I am already breathing heavily but I run far away from there towards the forest and I realized that I am now away from the mansion, that I am running in the wrong direction so I stop and about to return by taking another pathway but the 2nd man who is the only one standing when I escape then is running after me followed by his companions.   “I’ll kill you, I will really kill you!” he shouts as he runs after me holding his knife.    I see the other 2 following him so I have to continue running. When I am now on the edge of the plantation, I stop. I face their direction and take a deep breath.    “I have to face them, I have no other choice.” I said as I position myself to fight them.   They stop 6 feet away from me. They look at me with their burning eyes and pissed face. The two are holding their knives in their hands as the other looks at me and glares. The one without a knife jumps towards me to grab me but I step aside and he ends up falling on the ground. I kick his arms then get ready for the other one. The first man with a knife jumps at me trying to stab me but I just kick his hand and the knife went up.   “YOU!”    I catch the knife and stab it on his chest before kicking him on his leg. He drops on the ground right on my feet as he covers his bleeding chest. The other one attacks me and ends wounding me on the right thigh. When he positions himself to stab me on my arm I immediately grab hold of his hand holding the knife. I remembered what Mr. Benjamin taught me about knives. I twist his arm holding his knife and pull it behind him. I take the knife from his hand and stab it on his back. I look at them as they howl in pain.   “I- I am so sorry, but- but you’re trying to harm me.” I said in a stammer as I breathe heavily.    I turn upon hearing someone calling my name. I sigh in relief when I see lights from flashlights. I take a deep breath as I see Cole and Henry running towards me. I smile in relief; they stop just a few feet away from me and look at me then at the howling men behind me.   “Zam are you okay? My God, what happened?” Henry utters in his concerned and worried voice.    “Gee Henry are you blind?” I utter as I look at him with a pissed expression on my face.   “Isn’t it too obvious? They nearly killed her.” I heard Cole’s cold tone as he looks at me.   “I got to say... for your first time, you did well.” Cole said as he walks towards me.   “Good to hear that.” I said in sarcasm as I flash a smile and a thumbs-up.   I can see how worried they look even if Cole is sounding as cold as usual but the look in his eyes is calming. I smile knowing they cared – at least. I look at Cole who is looking at me as they approach me; he is looking at me from head to toe. I look at myself too and I give off a breath of rage. I forgot that the other man grabbed my clothes and end up tearing them. I look how messy I look and my hairs are flying everywhere. In short, I look like a mother after doing many labors. I grab my arm when the pain grips my body.    “Zam? Are you okay?” Henry asks and Cole looks at him looking so irritated.   “Henry will you please stop asking stupid questions. Just look at her... she looks terrible.” Cole said as Henry faces him as they look at one another as if ready to fight.   “Stop that you two.” I said looking at them annoyed.   My wound is aching, even the wound on my thigh so I suddenly hold into my arm and winch in pain. They are acting like children in their prime. They see what I did so they walk towards me. My vision starts to darken and I end up slowly dropping on the floor with my vision blurring.    “Henry, go and call the others so you will catch those guys before they escape. I’ll take her back to the mansion. What a troublesome girl.” Cole said as he catches me before I could drop to the floor.   That is the last thing I remember and a strong arm wrapping around me as I feel being lifted in the air. I also feel something warm air and a soft voice near my ear.   “Rest now dear cousin, the battle is just starting.”           
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