Chapter 9: Being Zam for once and the encounter

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  “What’s wrong dear?” my nana asks looking at me confused as to why I am laughing.   “Nana I saw a rated SPG live show a little while ago.” I jokingly said as I let her go.   “Oh! Let me guess, Henry and Sammantha? Well! We really hate that gold digger but what can we do, it’s Henry we’re talking about. He is as hard as a rock that you can’t break even though how much you will throw it to the ground.” my nana said shaking her head.   “Oh, not a rock nana, he is just like the wrecking ball and his doll girlfriend is Miley Cyrus who is dancing him around.” I said as we laugh, my nana then looks at me.   “Oh by the way dear, I got what you asked for. I can also pack your clothes tomorrow. Are you really sure about this? I know you told me before that you are determined but is there a chance that I can change your mind?” my nana said as she rubs my hair.   I know she is still unsure about my decision, to be honest, so was I. BUT I have to do this. I have to show myself that I can do it whoever I will be Zam or Anna.   “No nana, I thought about it for so long. Besides, I’ll come over here when I get free time.” I said as my nana just take a deep breath then gives me a sigh of defeat.   “Alright then, for now, go and enjoy outside while I will see what I can do for lunch.” Nana said as she rubs my arms making me smile.   “I’ll go and bothersome people outside. Great!” I said excitedly as I run outside my room acting like a little kid when I realize that I am only wearing shorts and a t-shirt.   I run back into my room and into the closet as I hear my nana laughs followed by the closing of my room’s door indicating that nana Dolores left. I look at my body in front of my whole body size mirror in just my lacey undergarment. I sigh as I look at my now changing body feature. I am still plump but not so much as before, I weighed 91 kilos when I came to Sky Mansion but now I am weighing 73. SO much has changed like my curly rough hair is now long, soft, and straight. I look at those expensive clothes and shoes inside this closet just to smirk thinking of a fun idea. Ever since I stayed in this place I never show everyone that I can also be someone other than the province girl Anna who is satisfied wearing normal clothes that I usually wore here. I rarely wear gowns or dresses that are expensive, only when Henry is training me before. Never have I worn classy dresses willingly.   “Hmnnnn something different for a change, shall we Anna. Let’s be Zam for just this day... I am leaving tomorrow anyway.” I said then an amused smirk appeared on my lips thinking of one silly idea.   I look into the side where those luxurious dresses are hanged on a hanger line we usually see on clothes stores where clothes are displayed. I smile when I see this lovely violet dress with flower designs. It is an off-shoulder dress that looks like a tube dress if the frilly straps on the arm are not present. In the waist, there is this green ribbon design like a belt. I wear that dress and look at my reflection just to smile with a sigh.   “What am I doing? I look so.... not Anna anymore.” I said with a sigh.   I never wore clothes like this, expensive and is a little bit revealing since my shoulders and the cleavage is exposed also it is just above the knee. But since I will leave the next day, it is best if I will try to be Zam for once. I look at my reflection to see that I look weird, in my point of view BUT to others they might say that I look fabulous and HOT. I pull a black top jacket and wore it. I smile at the perfect combination I made.   “Hmnnn seems like what Aunt Carla taught me is really useful after all.”   Fashion sense is what my aunt Carla taught me every time she visits or we visit her. I have already met his son Jake Briel Xanders, he is 1 year older than me but he is so cute and handsome. He has a blonde short haircut like his mother. His eyes are the lovely light blue, elongated nose, reddish lips, 5’7 of height, masculine figure, and an aura like those of superstars. He is like a brotherly figure to me and we got closer really easily since he is just like me, fun and jolly, unlike Henry. Even his friends are my friends now. They have brought me once or twice to their gigs at their favorite place which is in the falls by the forest. I love it there it is like being in the Garden of Eden. I look back to my reflection and observe my outfit.   “It’s perfect but missing something Milady.”   I turn in surprise hearing a voice behind me as I look into these displayed shoes.  I smile seeing my now personal maid Beth. I asked my mom if I can have Beth only enter my room and help me when she has to. I don’t like the idea of having many people coming in and out of my room so openly, I still have trust issues. Plus, I feel relaxed knowing that no one can just enter my room when I am sleeping or doing something personal. I still need privacy, my mom agreed and I choose Beth as my personal maid. She is the only one allowed inside my room but when it is needed others can enter but need to ask my permission. I and Beth became friends, though Beth still bows and calls me Milady making me really uneasy but I have no choice but to let it since it is a costume done in this so luxurious place.   “What is it?” I said as I look at myself.   Beth slowly walks towards the boxes and takes a very beautiful necklace with a pendant of a star inside a circle and a chain design lace. It is long that if she will wear the necklace it will hang in her cleavage.   “This Milady, this will be perfect. Your emerald necklace will not be a problem. And also, you need matching shoes, Milady.” Beth said making me turn to look at my reflection in the mirror and Beth put the necklace on my neck.   As Beth said, it really is perfect. Beth goes through the stands of sandals. She chooses very lovely light violet ankle strap 3 inches heels with green stones design. According to Henry when he teaches me everything about clothes or proper occasional clothing, he said that all items in my closet are so expensive. I ask why and he said that those stone designs are real like what the H. Who will put real gems on shoes? That is also the reason why I never used those in the first place better be safe than never. Beth positioned it just beside my feet.   “Milady this is going to be perfect. Are you going somewhere Milady?” Beth asks as I slowly and reluctantly slide my foot in the sandal one after the other.   “Well! Ahmmnn I just want to at least do things like what people born in luxury do, try to be Zam for once. Oh! Beth can you fix my hair.” I said and Beth smiles.   We walk out of my closet while I still try at least not to fall from this 3-inch stiletto. I sit in front of my dresser and look at the side mirror to see my reflection. Beth takes a box on the side and when she opens it, compartments pop up like stairs. Make-ups with different colors are now in front of me. Beth starts to fix my hair while I put on some light makeup. I smile when I am done, I look at the mirror to see Beth’s reflection and that she finished doing my hair then she steps away from me looking so happy at what she is seeing, her hands interlaced on her stomach as she smiles at me. I liked how Beth fixed my hairs; she even added flowers to it as a design.   “Beth, come with me. Let us see the world outside this room.” I said jokingly as I stand.   We walk out of the room and Beth smile so sweetly while I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. I slowly walk down the steps like a princess as Beth amusedly walks behind me. The maids lined on the edge of the stairs and into the door. They bow as their hands interlaced on their stomach. They greet me in unison, as usual. House rules really make a hell out of this sky mansion. I can see that they are surprised to see me dressed like that when I don’t usually wear like those and be seen wearing such.   “Good morning, Milady.” Everyone utters.   I just nod and greet them back but I can still see their shocked eyes and stealing glances. I really can’t blame them; this is the very first time I am like this. I only wear simple clothes all those days that I spent here. I did wear classy clothes during Henry’s training but I made sure no one can see me on them. But today is different and I see that it arise questions in the servants. When nana came out of the kitchen and sees me, she froze and looks at me with wide eyes.   “My goodness is that you dear?” she said as she slowly walks towards me and holds both of my hands.   “Nana, who do you think it would be. Duh!! I’m the only one who can rock both worlds.” I said jokingly.   My nana smiles with happiness as if she likes what she is seeing then she looks at me from head to toe. She then suddenly calls one of the maids who are still lined and bowing at me.   “Jess faster, go and take a camera. Everyone line behind the young miss; we need to remember this day.” my nana said that shocks me, I then laugh as my nana pointed each maids position behind me by the stairs.   To our position, we look as if we are taking a grand family photo while I am in the center and the maids and servants on my side and line behind me. The maid returns with a camera used by professionals. They all positioned themselves as my nana hold me by my hand and smile as she fixes my dress before she stands beside me on my right while Beth on my left. The maid holding the camera starts to focus and counts as the camera flashes. My nana signals everyone to return to work as she kisses my forehead and also returns to the kitchen after saying that I should enjoy my day.   “Be careful okay, don’t go far away.” My nana calls out before she enters the kitchen.   I walk towards the stable as Beth follows behind me. I see Ram Albertos, the horse keeper of the place. He is petting this brown horse inside a wooden pen for the horses individually.   “Good morning Ram, how are you this morning?” I said with a smile and when Ram turns to greet me he froze.   He looks at me from head to toe before bowing and greeting me back. His face is somewhat red as he slightly rubs his head.   “Does the horse have a name?” I ask as I slowly touch the horse’s face.   “It’s Rocco Milady, the headmaster’s favorite horse here in Sky Mansion.” Ram said still feeling uneasy with my presence.   All the servants in here call my grandfather ‘head master’. Like as if I said, I am in a fairy tale without a fairy, an anime without animation, and a movie film with too much drama. How frustrating and unsettling it is.   “Can you teach me one of these days how to ride a horse? Well! Henry is supposed to teach me but it seems that he is busy with I don’t know and I don’t care; besides HE is a terrible teacher. I might end up falling on my face if he is the one teaching me. You’re expert in horses and friendly too; I bet you’re more a teacher type than His Highness.” I said I can’t hide the sound of being pissed in my voice just by mentioning that A.   “Yes definitely Milady, I will be glad to teach you. Just come and tell me when we will start. And wear something appropriate for riding Milady.” Ram said as I smile and said my thanks.   I walk out of the stable to see Beth bowing to an angry woman as Beth looks so scared and the woman is so damn mad. Oh did I forget, I sent Beth to get me a juice for Ram but it took her too long? Now I finally know why. I listened to what is going on.   “What the hell is wrong with you? Look at what you did to my dress. This is an expensive designer-brand dress. No wonder you are a maid, you are so stupid!” the woman barked that her eyebrows furrow.   Beth is now shaking as she firmly holds the half-full glass of grape juice. My nana is saying the truth, that biatch of a girlfriend of Henry is a total psycho. My anger is rising as I listen to what they are saying and how that biatch treats Beth.   “I-I’m s-so sorry ma’am. I’ll get you clothes to change, I’ll wash your dress properly ma’am.” Beth starts to cry.   Ram comes out to see what is happening, he is about to step closer to the two when I stop him. I am really waiting for the right moment to approach them; I am still giving this Sammantha the second benefit of the doubt, that perhaps she is just surprised.   “SHUT THE f**k UP!! You are a stupid, ugly, crazy, and poor woman who knows nothing at all. Get out of my way.” The biatch said making me really mad.   I guess she is just like Henry. Damnn they really suit each other. A total biatch and an A jerk.   “This girl really pisses me off. She acts differently in front of Sir Henry but her true color is showing when sir is not there. She is a devil woman.” Said Ram with a mixture of anger and hate.   “Whatever. Who does she think she is? She’s just his girlfriend. Why not tell him how mean she is?” I said with pure rage while we watch how Sammantha degrades and insult Beth who looks as pitiful as she starts to cry and just look at the ground.   “Sir Henry believes her than us commoners. The only thing we can do is shut our poor mouth and watch them.” Ram said making me snort in annoyance.   “Yah! But it didn’t benefit him. Henry is so stupid and blind to see who this girl really is, a two-faced woman hiding in her pretty innocent-looking face that she wore as a mask. We clearly see what kind of person she is though.” I said remembering what my nana told me about this Sammantha who had stolen Henry’s money and left him face humiliation on their wedding day.   I sigh as I see how that biatch raises her hand to slap Beth but she stops mid-way as Beth continuously bows asking for forgiveness. I walk towards the two and Ram follows after me.   “Beth, what’s going on here? Are you okay?” I say as I walk near Beth and look at her face.   I clearly see how red her left cheek is. My eyes widen, the b***h slapped Beth. How dare she?   “Excuse me, who are you? Oh!  A horse keeper’s woman bahh, what a desperate woman you are. What a low taste.” Sammantha said as she looks at me and Ram.   To what I hear I clench my fists as I take deep breaths to calm myself. I can’t stoop to this biatch level because I still know that THAT is wrong BUT.... when my patience is gone OH NO. Ram and Beth are about to say something when I sign them to stay quiet.   “Beth already said sorry. You don’t need to slap her. Is insulting and degrading her not enough?” I said still sounding nice but this biatch eyebrow shoots up looking like those antagonists in movies that are so bitchy.   “SHUT THE f**k UP! Do you even know who you’re talking to?” she screams at me and I clearly see the maids peeking on the windows and nana coming out from the door with some other maids following behind her.   They just stand there to watch while they all look so worried and want to come near us but choose to stay quiet. What will I do? I can’t show them my Amazona side or something bad might happen. I can’t possibly stomach it if I will bring shame to my cool, loving, and well-respected parents. BUT what this biatch said gives me no more restraint.   “Yah! Oh right! Now I remember who you are. You are the b***h I saw in the animal shop in town. You know the one who bark and bark and bark! Woof woof woof. DOG!” I said full of spite with a challenging grin.   Sammantha turns red in anger and is about to slap my face when Ram holds her hand in the air. I look at her hand that nearly slaps me making me angrier and I lost control. I immediately take the glass of grape juice from Beth’s hand and throw it into Sammantha’s face. Beth is stunned and so is Ram. Sammantha on the other hand is worse. Ram let go of her hand as Sammantha look at me with all her anger.   “WHAT? I am being kind to you but you are being a b***h. Go ahead and challenge me. I WON’T back down on you.”  
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