Chapter 8: Appearance of Henry’s ex

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“Zam, dear what’s wrong? I thought you are already asleep.” Nana Dolores said as she looks at me looking so worried.   “Nana, can I sleep with you? My bed is.... currently occupied.” I said with a tone of jest.   “Occupied?” my nana asks confused.   “Henry is sleeping there, he fainted actually. He needs to rest and get some sleep; he is not sleeping because he loves his work so much. I just let him sleep in my room. I don’t know where I can sleep tonight; I can’t possibly sleep beside Henry so....” I said and my nana Dolores shakes her head and pulled me inside the room.   She let me sit on her bed cover with a brown sheet. It is not fancy as my princess-style bed but I like it here much better. It gives the feeling of just being normal.   “That kid, I need to put some sense in his head in the morning. You can just sleep with me in here dear; this is going to be our first time. Let’s make it fun.” my nana said as she takes one more blanket in her cabinet.   “Come on dear lay on the bed and warm yourself. Here are your blanket and pillow. I’m sorry if my room is not like yours.” my nana said looking at my face as if trying to see my reaction.     “Oh no it's perfect nana, I am starting to get bored in my room. It is not what I’m used to. Your room feels welcoming and warm. Thank you, nana.” I said sincerely as I slowly climb up to my nana’s bed.   My nana covers the thick gray blanket on me and I just lean on the wall in a sitting position waiting for her to slide inside the warm blanket with me.   “Dear are you already comfortable. That poor Henry, he really doesn’t listen. Not even to your parents.” my nana said as she sits beside me and pulls the blanket to cover half of our body. She also leans on the wall on the head of the bed in a sitting position.   “Nana, can I ask you something?” I ask after a few moments of awkward silence.   My nana looks at me and then nods with her warm smile. Like my real parents' nana Dolores is also making sure to be careful around me. They seem to fear giving me something to change my mind and leave them.   “Yes- yes dear, tell me what it is?” nana Dolores said sounding so nervous and careful.   “Nana, why is Henry like that? I mean every.... every time we have our lessons he is so cold, mean, always angry and emotionless. His words are so offensive making our lessons turn into a debate.” I said and nana Dolores smiles as she shakes her head as if my question made her remember something.   “Henry was not usually like that, he was a loving, kind, sensitive, and a happy kid when his father was bringing him here long ago. He changed when he turned 6, his parents divorced but before that, they usually fight and quarrel in front of him. He was broken, his father remarried a woman who has 2 sons and his father loved them more than he loves Henry. Henry was neglected, his mother on the other hand.... forgotten that she has a son. Your father, Sir Alvict basically took Henry in and helps him manage the money his father has given him as a separation allowance. He managed to prosper and now owns 2 companies; he is now the great competitor of his father’s business. He really hated his father that he wanted to drag the old man down. Then he finally fell deeply in love with a singer, her name is Sammantha Ravenwood. He changed, he has forgotten his revenge and they planned to get married. On their wedding day, Sammantha never walked into the aisle and it shattered Henry. The next day he found out that Sammantha stole 30 million from his bank account and run away. He managed to get back his money through hard work again but THAT has given a great impact on his character. He doesn’t trust people and avoid physical contact. He believes that the only way to protect his heart again is to hate women. Well! Your presence here is another story. He seems to be changing over time. It must be your influence.” my nana said looking so overjoyed.   Upon hearing that it made me feels so bad after calling him names right in his face. I knew it, he has a great reason to be this cold and distant BUT... he can’t just hate me without knowing me yet.   “Well! Dear, that’s enough for today. Let us get some sleep. Goodnight dear.” my nana said as she slowly laid her back on the bed. I also did the same.   “Goodnight nana.” I utter as I take a deep breath and look up to the ceiling.   Looks like Henry’s life is more screwed than mine but he has no right to treat me the way he is doing. I pitied what happened to him, BUT that doesn’t mean that HE should pour all his bitterness on me.   I wake up to see that my nana is not in bed this early. I get up and walk out of the room. I didn’t bother to comb or see myself in the mirror. The maids lined up to greet me as usual. Making me shake my head and signs them to get to their works and not to mind me. I walk towards my room and open the door. I am surprised to see Henry still soundly sleeping on my bed.   “He must be so tired.” I said with a deep sigh.   I just shake my head and walk into the bathroom inside my room to take a bath. When I get out I am surprised to see Henry looking so stunned and look lost as he looks around then at me. He is still sitting in my bed and is looking around, his eyes stop at me. I look at myself to remember that I am just wearing a towel. I then just act normal, hiding the fact that I am so embarrassed.   “Oh! Good morning, you’re awake. Did you sleep soundly?” I said casually as I walk past him as he just looks at me looking so confused.   “You fainted after uhmmnn after washing my feet. As my thank you, I lend you my bed. Oh! And before I will forget.....Thank you but next time, sleep for your own health.” I said as I walk into my closet and look into this pile of clothes.   I made sure that my closet door is lock before taking off my towel. We never knew how screwed a man’s mind is. I look at my appearance in the full-size mirror. After I change into a much Anna Marcelo style, a simple loose brown t-shirt covered by my blue hoody jacket, a simple jeans partner by blue rubber shoes. I walk out to see that Henry is gone and that my room looks so quiet.   “That man is really frustrating, can he at least show some gratitude.” I utter as I throw that wet towel to that laundry basket on the corner, I am aware that maids are doing the cleaning in my room and even my laundry... kind of weird for me who usually do all those words but every time I want to help they just won’t let me.   “How long can I keep this up? What will become of me if I stay longer in this place?”   A few weeks later I finally decided to become Anna again. I can’t be this rich princess Zam as everyone expects me to be. I can’t continue lying to myself. Now, I know how fun and happy my life was as Anna than I am now as Zam. Don’t get me wrong I love my real parents, they are kind and gentle BUT..... THIS golden life I have now is not what I am used to. I can see that my parents noticed that, how lonely I am and how I feel so alone despite the smiles I have been showing them.   “I have to do this.”   I ask my friend Rose to enroll me and I decided to do it without telling everyone yet. I start noticing that Henry is changing; he started to smile and laugh. This shocked not only me but everyone else. Henry also started to cut his regular stay in the sky mansion. He just goes here once or twice a week. He is always calling someone with a smile on his face. But every time WE face each other, the same as always. He remains to be a cold jerk towards me.   “What is his issue about me?” I sigh as I sit at my desk frustrated.   I walk towards my window when I hear a car arrives and some voices. I peek and I see Henry and a beautiful woman wearing much-revealing clothes, so gross. Henry’s face looks so much in love. I shake my head and a smirk is a form in my lips. This guy is going to get it. He smiles at others and treated me like s**t. How dear him. So THAT type of girl is his taste. And he is making me act like those women looking like a biatch.... no shits.   “Oh great! So she’s back. The witch just waves her eyelashes and walks like a duck, and there it goes. Henry, why can’t he wake up and see how devious she is.” I spin around in surprise hearing someone speaks behind me.   I just furrow my forehead seeing my nana Dolores behind me who is also peeking on my window. I just look at her confused. Devious? Does Nana know that woman?   “Who is that girl nana? It seems like you know her really well.” I ask as we look at the devious lady with a much too revealing dress.   My nana looks at me while shaking her head as if distasteful. She shoots a deadly look towards the lady and Henry who are still oblivious of us watching them as they walk towards the front yard.   “She is the girl I told you about. SHE is the one who stole Henry’s money and left him on the altar on their wedding day. I wonder what she has said to Henry to ease his anger.” my nana said as we look at the 2 lovey- dove that is walking and chatting sweetly.   SO she is that devil woman? How interesting. The way my nana look at her made me thinks that THAT woman must be a bitchy character. I see how Henry kisses the lady and I almost puked.   “Yuck! SO, she’s THE Sammantha Ravenwood, Oh! Yuck, that’s disgusting.” I said and I pull the curtain to cover the window.   My nana laughs and I look around my room. Then I remember why I ask my nana to see me.   “Please listen nana, can I ask you a favor? This is a secret and I hope you can keep it from my parents and anyone else.” I said as I sit on my bed.   My nana looks at me waiting for what I have said. Her face is full of wonder and worry.   “Nana I’ve asked myself about this matter a thousand times and I finally decided. I called my friend and she enrolled me in my old school. I know if I tell dad and mom they won’t agree with me. I want to continue my studies as Anna Marie Marcelo. I want to end what I started and to see for myself what Anna can really do. This will hurt my parents and all of you but this decision is what made me unable to sleep at night. I know I have to give my best to be Zarianne Andrea Marlile and become a proud daughter of well-respected and loved parents. I thought of it a thousand times, I want to show the world that Anna can be a pride to Zarianne Andrea. With that, I can be able to look those mocking relatives into the eyes and tell them that my life as Anna is as perfect as my life as Zam. THAT I can become great even if I am just the province girl Anna Marie. Nana, please help me. You’re the only one I can trust right now and I know you can help me.” I said as tears start dropping into my interlaced hands in my lap as I look at it.   This decision is really hard since I know my real family will be hurt and they might think that I don’t like to be with them. My nana steps forward and takes my interlaced hands into hers. She looks at me and I see that she is smiling as tears start to fall from her eyes.   “Oh Zam, is this really what you want? If it is, then your parents will understand. Tell them and they might help you too. I will help you but don’t you think it is better to talk about this matter with them. They will be too heartbroken.” my nana said as she holds my hands.   “I know they will BUT No, I don’t want them to do anything. I want to prove to myself that I can do this alone. I want to leave without them knowing until I can settle myself in there then I can call them. I am sure that if I tell them now they will make sure that I’ll be treated well and like a princess. I want to do this like what Anna has been doing before. The fact that I am Zam will always be in my heart. You can tell them nana about what I have said; make sure to tell them that I love them so much THAT is why I have to do this. I want to make them proud and for myself to be confident enough if I face those rich relatives they so-called as ‘opportunists’.” I said as I wipe my eyes.   My nana nod as she looks at me with pride before she kisses my forehead. Then firmly squeeze my hands into hers to comfort me.   “I’ll help you and I’ll them after, I promise. What is that favor dear? Oh! We’re going to miss you for sure.” She said as she hugs me tightly.   “Thank you nana, Can you buy me a ticket back to Baguio and can you pack me some clothes I can use there? I have already called my grown parents and they are already fixing our boarding where I stayed before. They are also there to meet me. Please do this secretly and I need it by next week. The start of our class is at 5 so I need to be there by 4.” I said as my nana nods.   “Alright, I’ll see what I can do. Don’t worry too much. But what if your parents find out and see you leave?”   “Oh don’t worry I heard they will go to America next week for a business trip. They won’t know until then. I’ll be gone before they can notice. By then, tell them everything I told you.” I said and my nana just nods again as she kisses my forehead.   Days passed so fast and it is already Saturday. Our class will start on Monday making me so nervous and uneasy. My parents went to America for a business trip while Henry is busy managing his business branch in Manila and is so busy with his biatch girlfriend to even notice my plans. He even cut off my training thus giving me time to plan my leaving.   I wake up to hear a car arriving into the mansion’s parking lot which is a few meters away from the side of the house where my room is. I walk to peek to see Henry and his biatch girlfriend who is wearing this white dress that is revealing her breast and is just 3 inches above her knee. When she will walk the piece of the dress will be pulled up and reveal her yah!! Fair skin and I almost puked how Henry rubs his hand on her exposed back from her backless dress.   “So gross, no decency at all. I guess rich biatches and jerks always swing like that.”   I notice that her dress is so backless and she is not wearing a b*a at all. They kissed and I see the girl wrap her arms around Henry’s neck and her dress went too high.   “Uhggg rated SPG early in the morning yuck.” I said and when I see that Henry’s eyes are looking up in my direction catching me.   I act as if I never see them and open my sliding door towards the balcony and pull my cellphone in my shorts. I see that Henry is looking at me as his girl walk ahead of him. I didn’t bother to let him see that I saw them arrived. I casually dial my friend’s number as I walk out of my balcony and sit on the cemented railing. I smile when Rose confirmed that we are in the same classes and same schedule. Surely we are the same; Rose is the one who enrolled me duh!! When I end the call I see that Henry is already gone and I give off a small laugh when I notice that my nana came into my room. I happily run towards her and hug my nana while I am laughing.   “What made you amused early in the morning?” nana asks as I just laugh and let her go.   I just smile thinking how am I able to escape when Henry and his girlfriend suddenly arrive unannounced. What will happen now?          
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