Chapter 10: Slap the couple's faces

3018 Words
  “Oh now looking at Y.O.U and the way you are dressed. I now remember who you are. You are the one I saw in a movie; you know... the one who stands on the side of the road and waits for a man to pay you for a good time. Yeah! What do you call them again? Oh, yeah! w***e!” I said with pure venom as I smile at this biatch devilishly.   Sammantha looks at me really red like a volcano that is about to erupt then she suddenly raises her hand to slap me. I caught her hand before she can hit me and firmly grip her wrist looking at her with a burning glare, how dare her. It is really a great benefit for me that despite my still fat figure I am still the strong Anna raised in the province. Sammantha is tall and thin but I can be able to hold her like that, how pathetic. With full force, I slap Sammantha on her face that she is thrown to the ground when she lost balance due to the impact of my blow. Hmpfff I hope that THAT one single slap on her face will put her in her place. Sammantha is so stunned so is everyone else who is watching and I am so aware of it. The hell with good manners and right conduct performance they teach me here.   “THAT is for coming here and slapping Beth. For your information, I don’t like violence BUT... if you DARE lay a finger on MY friends. Oh missy, be ready for a WAR because I’ll bring YOU TO HELL.” I said as I look down at Sammantha with my burning face and angry eyes.   Sammantha looks up at me as she touches her now red cheek. She looks as pathetic as she looks so surprised that someone will do that to her. I just look at her with a deadly smirk as I look down at her. Don’t treat me like a piece of s**t if you know nothing about me. Anna can be an angel BUT she can also become the devil once provoked.   “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?” Henry came with a very angry face as he looks at Ram and Beth.   He leans to pull Sammantha up to her feet while looking at her worriedly. Sammantha suddenly burst into tears as she buries her face into Henry’s chest. I just look at them with a face saying ‘Oh Come On!’. What a pitiful act from a biatch.   “Henry people here are so rude. The maid bumps on me and spilled the juice on my dress, I said sorry but she starts to scold me so I slapped her. Then...... this- this lady came and throws all the juice on my face then slaps me. Henry, how- how can they do this to me? I know I was wrong for hurting you before, why can’t they forgive me and give me another chance.” She starts to say as she sobs, Henry, look at all of us with a burning glare.   Ram and Beth look into the ground looking so scared. When he looks at me I just look at him with my serious and challenging eyes. WHAT? Does this jerk have another issue with me again? I am already tired of him. He looks like an i***t as I look at him now with his biatch girlfriend on his side.   “What the hell Anna, what is wrong with you. Finally! Your true nature is out. No wonder why you are here. It's money right!” he said as I look at him with a face saying ‘are you for real?’.   His words cut me like a double edge sword. Not only that, but it made me really mad. I AM the one who should be mad. How dare he treat me like this.   “Henry... she- she is a mean girl. Drive her away from here; make her leave. It- It appears that she is only influencing the other maids to become disrespectful.” Sammantha said and I nearly laugh.   “I’m so disappointed Anna. I thought you were different; you are now acting like a princess after staying here for just a few months. What shame money can do?” Henry said looking at me with so much despise in his eyes.   I feel so hurt and want to cry but I couldn’t. I know I am in the right so why would I succumb to sadness now. I do not regret slapping the biatch face, she deserves it. Henry is really a fool not to see her so obvious fake acting. I really don’t like this psycho biatch, not a single bit.   “Henry have you forgotten already, YOU are the one who thought me that. REMEMBER. And oh Sammantha honey sorry to burst your bubble but HE can’t drive me away. First of all, I’m not a car. Second, know who I am first before you say that.” I said as Henry looks at me really madly.   “Anna! Watch your words; you are talking to my girlfriend.” “Really now Henry, she is a total b***h and YOU are a total JERK for not being unable to see through her masks.” I said and Henry suddenly slaps me that Beth and Ram look up at Henry in shock.   “S-Sir” they both said as I touch their arms as I rub my now aching swollen cheek.   I clearly see how Sammantha smiles in triumph as if she is enjoying what she is witnessing. I angrily look at Henry, all my anger and resolve are now seen in my eyes. Henry seems to realize what he did that he is looking at his hand. No one now can stop me and ease my anger. Henry just gives me the answer that I am looking for as to why he never treated me right.... in short, he really hates my very existence. From the beginning, he thought of me as trash and a gold digger that is only aiming for fame and many more. Irony right, he can’t seem to see that the miner is just beside him now. Like duh who needs money when you are like a prisoner every day?   “Right, you are not a jerk. You are just blind, blinded by love. Can’t you see, EVERYONE in here is your family, they love and care for you henry. Yet, you don’t trust them, you treated them like trash the same way you did to me, you push us away like we are pests, you don’t even open your eyes to see that everyone you can wish for is right in front of you. You are a foolish Henry..... somehow YOU do not deserve us. Isn’t this what you wanted, ME accepting who I am now?” As I am saying all that I can’t stop my tears that are now falling on my eyes.   “Mi-Milady, oh gosh please don’t...” Beth utters seeing me cry like that.   I understand why I am hearing whispers from the maids inside the mansion just a few meters from where we are and gasp from both Ram and Beth. All the time I am here I never showed my tears and sadness. All I have shown them so far is my best fighting act, my smiles and laughter, and also... I never showed them my desire to see my grown family and friends.   “What is it that you said? Do not let anyone step on you. Remember who you are and that your family is well respected. Try not to bring them down. Villaflors never back down when they know they are right. You confuse me, you want me to act like a princess as Zam YET you are treating me wrong like I am just trash picked in the garbage. That I have NO RIGHT to be in here? WELL THEN!” I pull all my strength and then punch him right into his face.   I begin to laugh menacingly before I look at Henry. This time, my demon is out. I put all my anger, frustration, and pains in that one punch. I have to make this man feel what I am feeling now and what I felt all those times that he treated me like s**t.   “THAT is what Anna’s brothers taught her. Oh by the way miss Ravenwood just so you know and remember me. My name is..... Zarianne Andrea Marlile Villaflor long lost daughter of the owner of the very land you are stepping into and the place you are telling me to leave BUT...  I am better known as Anna Marie, the one who never backs down to anyone who is so mean and with a bad character LIKE YOU. Oh and by the way... NICE MEETING YOU biatch. You really have a one-of-a-kind girlfriend Henry. Imagine that, she made you turn your back to the people who really cared about you in just one day. Come Ram, Beth I don’t want my day to be wasted with such foolishness.” I said and my weak self who cried in front of them suddenly disappears in a flash while I wipe my tears.   “I’m sorry but I have to say this Henry. You disappoint me, you are supposed to take good care of me but WHAT did you do? I thought you can change into a better person once you know me really well but I was wrong. Something doesn’t change for the better... they change for the worst. You just made me realize that. One more thing, I hate you, Henry. I regret ever meeting you or seeing you rather. Instead of helping me lessen my sadness and desire to see my grown parents... YOU made it worst.” I spite with venom as I walk bypassing them with my head up as I intentionally bump on Henry.   “Thank you… for letting me know and realize what you really think of me, Henry. Do not worry; as much as you hated my presence here I’ll be out of your way. DO NOT expect anything from me starting now for if you hate me that much I hate you worst.” I said as I stop beside Henry who just froze there.   I walk away while Ram and Beth follow after me silently. We are walking for almost 3 minutes of silence. The two are just following me as I stop and look up at the sky. I take a deep breath and rub my still aching cheek. I suddenly laugh then sigh.   “Mi- Milady, are you okay?” Ram said as they just stand behind me waiting for me to say something.   Somewhat I still feel my mixed emotions. All my life even before I found out about my real family I never showed anyone my demonic side. I always stayed silent and meek.   “Physically, yes but.... emotionally, no. You know what, this day is supposed to be special for me but it seems like it is a disaster. But, I still want to enjoy this day. These get up will be of waste if I let what happened to affect me.” I said and I smile before I turn to face them.   “Milady, thank you for- for doing that for me, but you didn’t have to do that for a lowly one like....”   “Beth you heard all that I said, it’s not your fault that it happened. She just really pissed me off. Anyway, my plan was supposed to be walking on the plantation but for now, due to what happened I need to be at a distance to sky mansion. Change of plan, Ram can you call me a car and Beth can you run to my room and get me a purse, put all my things there like my cellphones and... some money. Thanks.” I said as the two looks at each other and nod. They then turn to leave to do what they are told.   “Oh Beth, can you get me an ice I don’t want my cheek to become swollen forever.” I said with a sound of jest. “You also should cold compress your cheek”   “Yes, Milady.” Beth said as she walks towards the mansion.   A few minutes a car came and Ram returns to the stable as Beth came out of the mansion holding a green purse with a strap, and an ice bag. She hands it to me as she bows there. I slowly get inside the car while the driver opens the door for me. I look at Beth who is bowing at me.   “Beth, tell nana that I’ll be back by dark. Uhmmnn where- where are the JERK and his crazy biatch?” I said as Beth look up at me.   “They-They are in Sir Henry’s room; she must be changing.” Beth said.   “Good, tell everyone to stay 3 feet away from that girl and keep your guards up. We can never know when she will bark and bite again.” I said and anger shoots up to my burning face.   “Ye- yes Milady.” Beth said.   “Oh! And Beth, I want you away from Henry for now. You should stay with Ram on the stables for your safety; help him tend to the horses until I get back. I don’t want Henry pouring his anger on the two of you.” I said as Beth nods.   I smile and said goodbye as the car start to head away from there. I look for my cellphone in the purse Beth brought for me. I smile when I see some make-up, my 2 expensive cellphones (the black one that is given by my father and the other golden one that is given by my grandfather), my wallet and an earphone. Beth really knows what I will need.   “I- I still feel so weird and out of myself. That Henry.... he is really a jerk.”   I take my cellphone, the one given by my father, and dialed Jake’s number, my Aunt Carla’s son. I ask where he is and told him that I am coming over. He sounds so happy and gives me a kiss before ending the call. He is still in her mother’s shop; they are planning to do their gig again in the waterfall so I want to go so I can forget the incident with Henry and his biatch psycho girlfriend.   “This day should be fun for me. I have to enjoy my last day in this oddly awesome place.”   I take the compact Beth put in the purse for me. I look at my face to see that my cheek is so red and already starting to swell. I take a deep breath as I slowly press the ice bag on my cheek. I can now feel the pain but I let the ice bag still press on my cheek until we arrive in town. I take the concealer in my purse and apply it to my still red cheek to hide its very visible color, the disadvantage of having a beige color skin tone, from my usual sunburn brown skin to beige skin tone due to the intense care given to me.   “Milady, we are here.” The driver said making me look into the window then sigh as I look at my face in my mirror.   Hulio the driver walks out of the car and walks towards my side and opens the door for me. I smile as I step out of the car and look at Aunt Carla’s shop then to Hulio who is wearing this black uniform we usually see worn by drivers in movies and in other countries. He also has a white earpiece on his ear where all employees of Sky Mansion contact one another.   “Thank you Hulio for driving me here again. Uhmnnn you can return to the mansion. I will ask Jake to drive me home.” I said and he bows at me before leaving me outside my Aunt Carla’s shop.   I enter the shop, I smile when I see my aunt talking to a customer who is looking into some of the sketches of wedding gowns. Jake on the other hand is sitting in the waiting area reading a magazine. I sit behind him as the customer leaves. My aunt Carla faces our direction and is stun to see me.   “Ohh Riri, you came!” my Aunt utter excitedly.   “Hi!” I smile as I look at her.   Jake puts down the magazine he is reading and turns to hug me. My aunt Carla hugs us both as she laughs so hard in happiness.   “You look so stunning, dear. I’m so happy you came to visit; I want to show you something. Come, Jake go and get it for her.” My aunt Carla said as she pulls me into the fitting room.   I smile when I see a dress displayed into a mannequin. It is so lovely that I can’t help but touch the dress. I wonder, will this dress look good to someone like me? What will happen to Henry and me after that incident? What will the servants say since I know they all saw what I did? Ahhh, so frustrating this is.    
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