Chapter 7: How rich is this family?

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I am walking into the vineyard wearing the heels Henry wanted me to get used to. He sounded like a menopausal mother forcing me to dress like a princess and walk and talks like a princess. Gosh!! He's so annoying! I start to get pissed and my feet are hurting. I am dress in this super-tight party dress and my hairs are now long and straight. I am even wearing make-up, not only that but Henry forced me into a hard diet. He scolded every maid who just won’t do what he asked. For 1 month I know that Anna is slowly fading away. I hated it so much. I sit on the ground and take off my shoes. What killer shoes. Those who invented these shoes must be bored and hates walking. Why make shoes that are so hard to use and walk into?   “What the hell are you doing there, sitting like that with your dress? You’re distracting the workers you know.” A voice I really hated said but I just ignore him and never bothered to look up to see his face.   “Whatever! This is what HIS HIGHNESS forced me to wear. It’s not MY fault that it is distracting people. JERK!” I said as I throw those red killer pumps with 3 inches heels at his feet hitting his black shoes.   Like, why on earth do I need to wear this craziness of a dress and pumps? I think this ‘jerk’ is just tormenting me in any way he can. How frustrating this guy is. Also, I have the idea that he is molding me into the kind of girl he likes. Looking at me now, yuck!! He must like those biatch ladies on the clubs cause I look like one on how he had me dressed.   “Stop being such a princess, stand up and let’s head back.” He said, his voice looks too tired.   “Oh, NOW I’m being such a princess. As far as I can remember THAT is what YOUR HIGHNESS has been teaching me for.” I said full of spite and sarcasm.   This A is really despicable. I wanted to do much to grab his hair and slap his face but that will be too against my character.   “Tsk a total A-hole and a jerk!” I said making sure he can hear me.   There is a minute of silence as I sit there and rub my aching feet. I sigh seeing that red on my toes and I think I see a little wound. He suddenly kneels in front of me making me look at his close face with too much hate and annoyance. I am stunned when he suddenly carries me in a lover’s carry and starts to walk back to the mansion. I never got the chance to react. But I wanted so bad to punch his still emotionless face as he seriously looks at the ground.   “W-What the ...” I am about to scream at him to let me down but I stop seeing something odd about his face, he looks so tired and his eyes are red.   “I have no energy to fight with you. Just shut up and rest your annoying mouth princess.” He said.   “Damn you! Call me princess again and I WILL chop your annoying mouth. You are a JERK you know right. Can you at least for once treat me like a human too, just so you know… I have feelings too.” I said as I sigh and look away.   I wanted so much to cry every time I hear offensive words from him but I know I have to be brave. I can’t show them that I am weak. I have to be brave like my mama said before I came here with my real parents.   “This time Anna, you should be brave. Many will sway you so you will leave your real family and lost your confidence in yourself. It can be just for money, for honor, or just so you won’t be with the Villaflors. Be brave, we taught you enough for you to survive. If things get pretty tough.... just come back to us.” That’s my mama’s words and I am holding unto that.   Henry just silently walks carrying me until we reach my room’s door. A maid opens it and he went straight to the bed and laid me there. He turns to instruct the maid for warm water and a towel. When it arrives he kneels in front of me placing the bowl of warm water on the floor. He suddenly takes my left foot surprising me making me pull it up but his warm hand is still holding it firmly. He looks at me with his annoyed look.   “Stop moving before I get annoyed.” He said, I look at him, and if my gaze can kill he might have turn into ashes this very moment.   Seeing his tired and swollen look I just take a deep breath and slowly laid my feet down again. He subconsciously starts to wash my swollen, wounded, and tired feet one after the other. I am surprised when I suddenly hear my old cellphone rings as Henry just keeps on washing my feet without talking. By the look of his face, his mind is far away. I look at my cellphone on my table and the maid who is standing on the corner walk towards it and handed it to me. I smile and look at the maid to see that it is Beth Casamero the one who told me about my grandfather before.   “Thank you, Beth.” I said as Beth bows and steps back and places her hands on her stomach, the usual gestures of the servants in that mansion.   I still feel awkward about this place and its people, they always remind me that this is where total richness is. I look to the caller; I smile but then feel uneasy to answer the call seeing that it is my best friend Rose. I slowly and reluctantly hit the answer pad and place the cellphone on my ear. Henry just keeps on doing what he is doing, the mind seems somewhere far away.   “Hello.” I softly answer; I waited for a response when there is just a minute of silence.   Odd, I look at it again to see if the call has been ended but it was not. When I place it back again towards my ear, I close my eyes when the tiger roars.   “Anna! What the hell! I’ve been trying to reach you but you’re always unattended. Where the hell in the world are you?” a shout made me jerk and pulls my cellphone away from my ear.   Even Henry looks up at me, he seems to be back to himself from that shouting from Rose from the next line. He just looks at me then looks down to my feet and continues what he is doing. Somewhat, his silence and tired look are making me worry. Even if how much I hated and am annoyed by this A, I have been with him all throughout my stay in Sky Mansion so yes... I feel also worried for him.   “Rose, volume down and your screaming is making me deaf. What is wrong with you? Are you giving birth already?” I said with a jesting tone as Henry wipes my feet with a soft and warm towel making me feel relaxed.   “Ha ha funny now listen…” Rose’s voice lowers so I know that Henry can’t hear it now.   Rose informed me about this upcoming enrollment in the University as I just listen. I nearly forget all about that ever since I became Zam. Somehow I feel worried and confuse about what I should do. Can I still study as Anna? What will my real parents say? Will they feel bad?   “Anna so… are you coming to Baguio to enroll?”   “I don’t know I’ll have to ask them. But can you text me about the date and when will be the starting of the school day will be?” I said as Henry signs Beth to take the bowl and towel.   Beth takes those and left my room. Henry is looking at me as if waiting to tell me something. He slowly stands as he just looks at me with his arms on his side. I didn’t look at him but I can feel his gaze on me. What is this jerk’s problem now? His current change is making me nervous.   “Okay then, thanks Rose I appreciate it so much, just text me okay. Bye then.” I softly said aware that Henry is now listening then I end the call.   I look up to Henry while furrowing my forehead. I look at him just to see that he looks really tired with his swollen eyes. I guess he never gets any sleep at all. This jerk is somewhat a workaholic jerk. He is good in everything he does BUT his cold and serious attitudes are making him scary to even look at.   “Henry, are you okay? You look... strange. What now?” I said still acting pissed as I look at him as he stands in front of me.   I don’t want him to see that I am concern or somewhat worried about him. I can’t show people here that I have a weakness.... and that is being pitiful. They might use it against me one day. And as much as possible I don’t want to give my mom and dad a problem.   “Yah I’m fine, you learned fast so… we can take a break tomorrow?” he said and I see his eyes seem to hide some sadness, he is really making me nervous. What is going on?   “Break? You mean, we don’t meet for a lesson? That would be the nicest news you have said to me. Just so you know... I am already tired of always seeing your freaking face every day. Henry, one of these days you will find out you are all alone because of your unpleasant attitudes. Why not try to be kind or....” I immediately slide down to the bed to catch Henry seeing that his eyes close and about to fall.   I sigh as I slowly pull him towards my bed and after just making him drop to the soft bed with his face on my fluffy pillow I check if he is okay. I take a deep breath upon seeing that he is fine and he is just sleeping. He must have hated sleeping; I am aware of his sleeping issues. I know that he just works and works even during the night so that must be the reason why he fainted now. I pull the blanket and cover him after I take off his shoes.   “Man, you need to learn how to live your life. Who do you think you are an immortal, a robot, or Superman? Are you committing suicide?”  I utter as I look at him and sigh after carrying him, he is so heavy.   “Y-You look cuter when you’re asleep. You look like a baby.” I said before shaking my head to clear my thoughts; I smile upon seeing how calm his face is.   He looks like a sleeping child. I take my cellphone, the cellphone given to me by my grandfather, and take a photo of him. Someday I might use it as blackmail to this jerk bwahaha. I smile wickedly and slowly laid the cellphone on the table. It is a very expensive touch screen cellphone, it is a Falcon Supernova iPhone 6 Pink Diamond and I really want to return it not until my grandfather acted as if he is about to cry and mumbled that it is a gift from him but I don’t want it making him feel so sad. It even made me want to return it after my dad said that this cellphone costs 48.5 million DOLLARS. The device is made up of 24-carat gold and is studded with a huge Pink Diamond on the back. The phone also comes with a platinum coating and hack protection. Knowing that and unable to return it, I always make sure that I put it in my pouch and is safe. Like come on, I am holding a real gold and diamond in a form of a cellphone. How unbelievable is that? Like.... how rich is my family? What I know is that my grandfather has another mansion in Canada and that he owns a mining company somewhere in Dubai. I also found out that he owned many businesses all over the country. THAT is how large the Villaflor state is.   “Sometimes I wonder how he became the third richest man in the business world of the whole world with his childish character.” I sigh.   I had no choice but to gladly accept that and some expensive gifts that I only fantasized before to own that they’ve given me. The party they keep on saying is always interjected by my parents; they are scared of what the relatives will do to me. I got the feeling that THESE relatives are so scary, well! I like it anyway... the party being canceled that is. I hated people’s attention; parties really are not my thing, especially when the parties they are talking about are for Richie rich people.     “I just wonder, I have stayed here for months but why have I not seen those relatives they keep on talking about? They must not care if I am found or not. They sound trouble too.” I sigh.   I sit beside Henry on the bed and started thinking about what Rose said. It is finally enrolment in our school, I never thought about that. It is my last year in college now. All my effort will just be wasted if I won’t continue. The problem is if I will tell everyone they might probably feel bad or convince me to go to a rich school or just study here. I want to see my friends and everyone I know. Honestly, I want to become Anna Marie for the second time again. I look into my reflection on my wide mirror and stare into my face.   “Anna where are you now? I wonder.”   The traces of me being Anna are now fading away. Anna’s curly black hairs are now longer and shiny straight. My fat body that was weighing 90 kilos is now losing a few kilos thanks to Henry’s strict diet plan. All I can see in my tables are pure vegetables, fruits, and some controlled meat. I really hated this guy for basically forbidding me to eat those that make me happy. My simple life went up so high that I can’t keep up with the flow.   “Oh! Anna where are you.” I said frustrated as I look at my picture in my elementary graduation that I keep in my wallet for so long.   After a few minutes, I stand and walk out of my room. I walk towards my nana Dolores room and knocks. My nana is surprised upon seeing me in my thin nightgown. I could go and try to sleep with my parents but they are not in the mansion right now, they went on a business trip to Mexico and they might return now.   ‘I think my nana is the best option now.’ I said on my mind before I sigh.   I keep on thinking and worrying about my studies. What will happen to me now? Will I be able to return to Baguio and see my friends and my grown family? When will I meet my relatives? I only hope they are.... not so mean like those in the movies. I hope so.
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