Chapter 18: The party and mixed emotions

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I sigh as I look at my reflection. I am wearing a lovely bluish gown with an off-shoulder cleavage and a ribbon on my waist. I am wearing open-toe heels that are colored blue and are designed with red, green, and diamond stones. I look at my face with slight make-up which I especially ask Beth to do since I don’t like heavy make-ups. My hairs are fixed and are curly and are hanging freely on my back with some butterfly pins as designs. Beth said that those pins are made of real stones so all of my clothes and pieces of jewelry are pricey.    “Where- Where are Jake and Aunt Carla?” I ask as I slowly feel calm.   “They are also there Milady, Jake is with his band. They are going to be in charge of the music for the day.” Beth said and somewhat knowing that Jake and the others are there to support me made me feel a little bit okay.   “How- How about Henry, is he here now?” I ask as Beth who is kneeling in front of me and starts to straighten the folds of my dress created by me sitting a while ago.   “They will arrive later, he and Sammantha I believe. Your grandfather’s friends are also there now. They have just arrived.” Somewhat after hearing Sammantha’s name again I feel really weird and different.    I just shake my head to clear my mind. No, Henry is just a friend, a brother who is just close to me. Yet, after saying that I still feel really empty and sad… somewhat he is more like a brother to me than a friend but something else also. I just can’t point out WHY I can’t get to like Sammantha for him. I am very clear to myself that I am not jealous of her but somehow I feel so angry just the mere mention of her name.   “Mi- Milady, are you okay?” Beth said as she looks into my pale face.    Beth touches both of my cheeks with her warm hands and I look at Beth with a smile. Somehow her warm touch made me feel that I have to be stronger. I should show those people that I am not just any Cinderella fellow they have ever seen. I have the right to be here, I am the one true daughter of both Leliana and Alvictos Villaflor. That freaking DNA test proved it so.   “I’m nervous but- but I will be fine. After all, I’m the one girl who punched a guy’s face and slaps a biatch’s face. I will be fine Beth… I will be fine.” I said as Beth smiles as she applies a pink lipstick on my lips.    “And you surely will be Milady. We will be just here to give you a hand.” Beth said as she steps back and then curtsy at me.   I watch as Beth walk towards my closet then come back with a box and a pair of lovely red earrings that will complement my whole get-up. Beth with care slides the earrings on my ears before she looks at me. Beth opens the box she is holding and laid it on my dresser as she takes that pricey bracelet that she slides on my hand. Beth pins lovely green flower brooches made of green rhinestones with rubies as designs on the middle of the flower on my right chest. I am still wearing the necklace my father gave me before.    “You look so lovely Milady.” Beth said as she stands behind me as we look at my reflection in the mirror.   Looking at my reflection all I can see is a perfect image of a princess reflected from my mirror BUT, in my heart, I am still Anna Marie Marcelo, the simple and strong province girl. I close my eyes as my grandfather’s words before we get out of the helicopter when we arrived here before came into my mind.   “Being Zam doesn’t mean that you need to forget Anna. Zam co-exists with Anna, all you need to do is to embody them both in one body. After all, Zam needs Anna’s beliefs and principles and Anna also needs Zam’s status. Never forget that... my brave princess.” He said as he kisses me on my forehead.    I take a deep breath as I close my eyes upon remembering that. Sounds easy than done BUT... he is right. Zam is rich and powerful while Anna is brave and strong... I will need both if I will show these high social freaks that I am not a Cinderella girl who relies on a rich prince to save me from my doomed life.   “Embody them both in one.” I said as Beth looks at me confused.   “Milady what does that mean?” Beth asks as I just shake her head and smile.   We hear a knock on my room’s door and we both look at it. Beth walks towards it and opens the door. My grandfather comes in with a smile on his face upon seeing me.   “Are you ready my brave princess?” he said as he offers his left hand towards me.    “Let’s just get this over with.” I said as I take a deep breath.   I smile and walk towards my grandfather then place my right hand on top of his extended palm then he takes my hand into his arm. He taps my hand which is now wrapped on his right arm as he smiles at me making me sigh then smile. We both walk out of my room as Beth follows behind us. We stop by the end of the stairs before going down. I can hear voices and I can see many people down there in their high-class expensive gowns and suits. I begin to shake but my grandfather taps my hand on his arm to calm me. I look at his face to see his calm and encouraging smile. I take a deep breath before we start to step down the stairs.   “Everyone we would like to introduce to all of you, our long-lost daughter, Zarianne Andrea Marlile Villaflor. The precious treasure no one could ever replace to us with thousands of gold. The little baby we lost 20 years ago is now a stunning young lady that is so amazing in her own ways.” I heard my father said as we descend into the stairs and I heard chatters, clapping, and flashes of cameras everywhere.    My hold into my grandfather’s arm tightens and I look at his face to see his calming smile. I take a deep breath as we come down the last step. I see happy faces clapping their hands but as a person who loves observing people’s faces and reactions, I see some faces that are not happy about my appearance. I sigh before I smile with my million-dollar smile, the one cunning fake smile Miss Deandra taught me before. Even if I am sad or scared I have to show them this smile, a smile that says ‘I am not giving up.’   “Hello everyone, welcome to Sky Mansion, thank you for coming to see me despite your busy schedules and I hope you all enjoy the party.” I said with my award-winning fake smile as everyone look at me.   I am standing alone on the very edge as I play with the glass of wine I am holding. I am trying so hard to hide and not to be seen by people. I see happy people dancing on the wide ballroom that was previously the wide living room that was just cleared by the servants to widen. Jake and his friends are on a mini stage playing a soft slow music. My parents are entertaining a couple and their daughter that I can’t see the face because her parents are blocking her. I know that they are newcomers and that they immediately approached my parents to converse. Someone asked me for a dance a while ago and I kept on giving excuses just to stay away from the crowds.   “Why are you hiding here? You know, you should enjoy this party, after all, it’s your party.” I turn to see who suddenly speaks behind me just to feel annoyed and I feel my anger rising, I see Henry.    I look at him really annoyed, seeing his face gives me this uncertain feeling that I am starting to get confused. His face pisses me off and I hate it.   “Whatever.... just leave me alone. I want to be alone.” I suddenly said as I see his eyebrows went up.    I can’t blame him, my voice seems so mad. I can’t figure out why I suddenly feel my anger rising when I see him. I just think that it is because he never showed concern to me after my one-month training. My parents called me every time but he never did call me not even once. Then when I return he is not in Sky Mansion rather he is in Manila with his psycho girlfriend.   “Ahmmnn what happened to you? I can see you look great? Why are you looking at me like that? Did- Did I do something bad?” he said worriedly and tried to touch my face but I step away from him.   This jerk really is something; if he is this concerned about me then he should have contacted me after I was gone for one month. My whole freaking body is hurting yet he didn’t even ask me if I am okay? At what I did he look as shocked as he looks at my face.   “I’m fine, stop wasting your time on me and enjoy this party. Your girlfriend is looking for you.” I said and point towards Sammantha who is coming towards us and just being seeing her face I feel more annoyed.   Sammantha is wearing this tube dress and I can see that it is a backless dress. She is wearing very expensive pieces of jewelry and she walks like she is walking on a fashion runway. The very sight of her pisses me off.   “Henry I’ve been looking for you. Oh! Miss Villaflor I’ve got to say, this is a very nice party.” Sammantha said as she comes closer to Henry and wraps her hands around his waist.   “Thank you, I’m glad you’re enjoying it so much. Now excuse me, my grandfather’s friends are calling for me. Please don’t feel too shy and enjoy yourselves.” I seriously said and give them a smile before I walk past them leaving the glass of wine I was holding onto the table just beside them.    I walk directly towards where Denvert and my other teachers are standing while conversing. A man blocks my way and asks me for a dance, I turn down his invitation with a warm smile and an excuse. 2 more men came asking for a dance but I just turn them down also. I take a deep breath and continue going towards my teachers and friends when Henry comes blocking my way.   “Hey, you okay? You look.... what happened to you? I can see that you are angry with me. I’ve already known you when I live with you for a few weeks. Did I do something wrong?” he asks as if trying to see through my eyes.   I look at him then I suddenly laugh and tap his shoulder.   “I’m fine, nothing happened and no... you never did anything at all. Now, excuse me.” I said as I try to walk past him but he blocks me again.    By the look into his face, I can see that he didn’t buy my words. The way he is blocking my path is making me more agitated more than I already am. These freaking high social freaks are getting on my nerve. Do they think I can’t feel and hear how some of them ridicule me? The nerve they have.   “Then, can I dance with you?” he said extending his hands towards me.    I just look into his hand and I take a deep breath to calm my now infuriated and irritated self.   “I’m sorry Henry but no... I’ve already danced to my limit, dancing with my father and my grandpa. Besides, you should be dancing and enjoying yourself with your girlfriend. Now, please excuse me.” I said seriously and I walk past him.   He looks so shocked and I feel sorry for him but I can’t help it. I feel so mad and I seem to hate Henry and Sammantha more than anyone I have hated before. This scares me because I do not know the reason behind my flitting emotions.   “Zam!” he said as he looks at me but I am already far from him.    I walk towards my teachers as I grab my dress to pull it up so I won’t step on it.   “Oh! Here she is. So princess warrior how is the party?” Benjamin asks as I walk towards them.    I smile and start to fan myself using my hand. I take a deep breath as I look around.   “It’s too hot for war. I’m already starting to lose reasons to turn down their invitations to dance.” I said as they laugh.   “So, will you also decline if I ask you for a dance?” Denvert said as I act as if I am thinking about it.   “How about you dance with me too?” Roland asks with a smile.   “And, me?” Benjamin also asks as he drinks his wine.    I smile as I look at the dancing crowd, I grin seeing Sammantha and Henry dancing on a sweet dance. They look as if they are hugging each other tightly. I smirk then face my teachers. I am thinking about something really mean but... I don’t know why I feel like something bad is about to happen.    
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