Chapter 19: Margie Rose’s real identity-Merajane Cline

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I look at them in shock then act again to be thinking. I smile and look at the crowded dance floor.   “I supposed I can manage without these freaking heels.” I said and they laugh.   They all gasp when I hold into Benjamin’s shoulder and begin to unclip the lock of my open-toe heels and take off both of them. I set it aside underneath the table before us. I stand before them barefooted and I let go of the dress I am pulling up so I won’t step into it covering my bare feet.   “SO... who is going first?” I said with a smug smile.   The 3 look at each other with shocked eyes before they all burst laughing.   “I have to say, you really are something.” Deandra said as she raises her wine to me.   “Can you really manage? I mean you look so tired and you seem to hate the crowd.” Catherine said as she looks at me worriedly.   “No problem, I can manage as long as the one I am dancing is not a stranger.” I said.   Catherine nods and Denvert extends his hand to me. I place my hand on him as he escorts me to the dance floor. He is so careful not to step on my foot and to make sure that we have much space so no one in the crowd can step on my feet. After a minute Roland came next and he tried to show me the faces of the people I need to know. He tells me everything about the person he will point to me as we dance. After an hour Benjamin came and he laughs seeing how people are stealing glances at us while I try so hard to give them my friendly smile.   “You okay warrior princess?” he asks as he takes my arms and wraps them on his neck as he puts his hands around my hips and back.   “I hate how they look at me then whisper to each other. I feel like they are looking down on me.” I said as he guides me into a slow dance, I can feel the coldness of the tiled floor with my bare feet.   “Who cares to what they say. As long as there are people believing and loving you it’s all you need to fight back. Hey! Zam, tell me what is really wrong with you? This is the first time I see that sadness in your eyes. Are you..... okay?” he said as I try to hide my eyes.   I see Henry and Sammantha dancing a few feet away from us but what is more annoying is that I feel this sudden sting in my chest. I see that Henry is looking at me so I pull Benjamin so close that I feel him gasp. He just let me be as I laid my cheek on his chest. Don’t think anything shady, Benjamin has a girlfriend and I had already met the kind woman. The truth is that his girlfriend is here and is conversing with Catherine and Deandra on the side. I just want to hide my face from anyone before they can see the expression on my face, especially Henry who is looking in my direction.   “I’m fine, I think. Perhaps I’m just not so used to something like this. Can you.... can you tell my parents and grandpa that I’ll be just outside. I want to breathe some fresh air and be alone for a little while.” I said as I step away from him while he looks at me worriedly.   He nods and he kisses my forehead before guiding me away from the dance floor then takes my shoes to where I left them a while ago. He accompanies me until we reach the door and I smile and nod at him. He is reluctant but I force him to return and enjoy the party. He just told me to be careful then kiss my forehead before leaving me on the exit way. I turn to get one last glance at the visitors before I sigh.   “This is not my kind of crowd. They are all so hard to trust with their fake smiles and all.” I said before I turn.   I walk out of the door and start to walk on the grassy front yard where beds of flowers planted by my mother are. I sit on the grass and laid my back on the grassy ground, I can see how lovely the sky is. I suddenly get up upon hearing some voices. It is from a woman and a man arguing. I peek at the plants as I hide. I clearly see Henry and a woman in her 30’s arguing. The woman is pulling Henry on a hug but Henry is pushing her away and trying to distance himself from her.   “Please Henry, I’m sorry okay. I know I never had been a good mother to you. But can you at least give me a second chance? I had no excuse for leaving you and I’m so sorry. Please Henry can you at least forgive me and give me a chance.” The woman said crying as Henry looks at her with despise and anger.   “After all these years.... after I stood on my own feet, YOU come here and tell me about how you don’t like to leave me. Then why, why did you do it then? You can’t answer because you love yourself more than your own son. You choose to follow your happiness and you left me behind..... to marry and be a mother of your daughter with another man. Tell me.... after that pain, the pain you carved into my heart can I ever accept you as my mother? Leave me alone and be happy all you want for I don’t have parents. They died right in front of me when I was five years old. The parents that I’ve known are the Villaflors. I may accept Merajane as my sister for she is also like me; innocent in the sins you bore. But never will I see you as my mother.” Henry said as his eyes burn with anger.   The woman kneels in front of him as she burst into tears. Henry walked away leaving her there. I see how Henry walks towards the parking area of the mansion. I watch as the woman there cries all alone for almost like minutes. She then stands and wipes her face then fixes her clothes. I see this girl just about my age coming out of the door then walk towards the woman with a cold expression on her face. I hear the girl call the woman mom and the woman walk in leaving her daughter standing there. My eyes widen upon clearly seeing the face of the girl.   “No way, it must have been just a faint similarity.” I utter shaking my head as I look at the girl standing on the porch with her arms cross on her chest.   I can’t believe it, for a person you know the face too well even how many make-ups are in their face you can still see who they are. I see the girl walk towards the parking area so I follow pulling my dress up so I won’t step on it. I need to make sure. I hide on one of the cars parked there then I see the girl walks towards Henry who is standing and leaning on a car. The girl is not the same body builds like the one I am thinking for this lady looks so hot and sexy with her party green dress but the face is so uncanny.   “I can’t blame you.... she is only human though.” The girl said as she crosses her arms on her chest and went to face Henry who only looks at the girl confused.   “Wait- Wait I know you. You are Anna’s……” Henry said upon seeing the girl's face.   “I’m your sister.... half to be exact. I know you already know it but the name is Merajane Cline Riverstood, as so you know I am her daughter from another man. I’m not here to tell you or ask you to forgive our mother but.... you are still my flesh and blood my brother so I am thinking, can we get to know each other well.” The girl said coldly, she looks like a girl version of the cold Henry I had met the first time. She can’t be the person I am thinking she is, right?   “Yah! I know, I know all about you. You are 5 years younger than me. Same age as Anna... your best friend. Do you think she will be happy knowing you lied to her for many years.... about you being Merajane.” Henry said that I cover my mouth with my hand in shock so that they won’t hear me gasp and I feel my tears falling down, my chest is so heavy.   So I was right, this girl and the person I think as my best friend are one. Rose is Henry’s sister, and I clearly hear that her real name is Merajane. How... she lied to me all this time. I can’t believe that the not-so-poor, simple, jolly, smart, and friendly friend of mine is this cold, cunning, and is emitting a dark aura girl.     “It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you should know why mom left you? I don’t want you to understand it but – I also have started to resent my mother after knowing what she had done. She was having an affair with my father even while she was married to your father. 5 years after you were born she got pregnant with my father. To cover the pregnancy, my father wants her to go with him to America for a year. Before that she created a fight with your father, her mistake is that they did in front of the young you. She left with my father and when I was born my father took care of me. She returns to you and your father, she found out that while she was gone your father was having an affair. They fight and fight about that. Then they divorced and finally, she married my father and became a sweet mother to the young me, later on, I found out about that and I feel so bad. I was a fruit of their a******y yet they lived contented. I left with my nana and I lived the life I know was right. I came here because I found out that you are now living here and a party to honor the return or the Villaflor’s daughter will happen. I came hoping to see and finally meet you, dear brother.” Merajane said as Henry take a deep breath   “You’re right I really can’t understand their stupidity. I can still accept you as my sister and be your brother but..... you can never convince me to forgive or to see her.” He said as he looks up to the sky.   “That is understandable, by the way.... how did you meet Anna?” she asks still with an emotionless face.   I really can’t see my best friend from this girl who is Henry’s sister. They are like the opposite of each other.   “I’m her father’s friend. Have you seen Lady Zarianne or have you met her?” he asks looking at Merajane’s face.   Merajane leans on the car Henry is leaning and she looks into the window of the house where a bright light coming from the dance floor is shining bright.   “No, I don’t like socializing with super-rich people.” Merajane said as Henry shake his head.   “That’s so sad but you two have a lot in common, you two have a lot to talk to. If I were you, you better tell Anna about who you are before it’s too late.” Henry said as Merajane looks at him with an eyebrow up.   “My life is none of her business, she knows me as Rose and that’s good. Why would I have to tell her that I am a daughter of a rich business tycoon and adulteries woman?” Merajane said and my heart broke.   I can’t help it anymore. After such long years we are together, do crazy things together and even laugh at the same joke together she still thinks of me like no one. I can’t believe I have been so trusting in her and I told her my secrets... well except my secrets now as being Zam but.... all this time Margie Rose Domingo is just a lie she created and I believed. And... she knows that Henry is his brother all this time yet he acted before like she knew nothing of Henry.... my... she really is a great actress.   “Better not......” Henry didn’t finish his words.  
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