Chapter 26: Grandpa’s words are definite

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  I am awakened by a light shining on my face. I slowly get up in a sitting position as I try to remember what had happened.   “Oh yeah!! I forgot I was nearly kidnapped. Lucky me!” I said with sarcasm as I look around my room.   It is way too quiet; I look at my arm to see that it is with bandages. I pull the blankets off of my body and I see that I am wearing cotton shorts that are just in the middle of my thighs and the bandage of my wound.   “I nearly died that time. Grandpa is right; if I haven’t trained I might have been dead right now.” I said as I tightly press my teeth together in rage.   I can’t believe they’ll go that far as to sending someone to take me while I am in here with my parents. I take a deep sigh before looking at myself. I am even wearing a red off-shoulder t-shirt. I slowly get up and place my bare feet on the cold floor. I walk towards the closet and take brown Chelsea boots and wear it. I take one of my jackets on the hangers and just hold it in my hand. I walk towards my dresser and comb my hair. I just let my hair hang freely on my back since I am feeling the pain of my wound in my arm so I can’t tie my hair in a ponytail.   “Thank God and – thank you, Benjamin. Who on earth sent them and – what do they want from me?” I sigh as I look at my reflection.   I walk out of my room and walk down the stairs. The maids lined up and greet me like usual but they all look at me with worried faces. I smile and wave at them to return to what they are doing. I walk towards the living room when I heard voices there.   “I cannot let this slide, it happened on our own property – our own daughter. We could have lost her forever!” I heard my mom said in rage and worry.   “You are right honey; those men said that they just want to kidnap her. How on earth did they just walk in here freely and know who to kidnap. And how did they get to pass the property gate.” my dad said, I can hear that certain anger mix into his calm tone.   “It’s not safe anywhere. She just got lucky that they are just 3. You need an army to make her safe.” I hear Cole’s cold voice.   “I agree with Cole; I’ll assign trained guards all around sky mansion. They will guard to the maximum. I will conduct a little change in sky mansion’s security. And, I’ll assign trained butlers to work with the maids and to be my brave princess’ butlers.” I heard my grandfather’s cold voice; he seems to be very serious and angry.   I know for the fact that angering grandpa is like challenging a dragon. I only hope they will not do something so exaggerated as to locking me in the house to keep me safe. I still love my freedom. But.... who send those men? I heard some gasps and my grandfather clearing his throat.   “Is- Isn’t that’s too much?” I heard Sam’s voice.   So that biatch is still here. Man, she still has the guts to stay here and act as if she is already a part of the family. The nerve of this girl, I wonder WHY I can’t get to like this girl BUT… maybe it’s all because I can see how fake she is.   “If we’re talking about the safety of a princess then that is not much. It’s perfect, but enemies can be so powerful grandpa.” I heard Cole said.   “You’re right Cole but Zam is not just a princess. She is stronger than any princess. She is a warrior and without those guards, she will still survive. BUT I’m not taking chances. We lost her once; I will not let it happen twice.” my grandfather said so determinedly.   I slowly walk in and everyone looks at me worriedly. My parents walk towards me and hug me as tight as my mom sobs.   “I thought- I thought we’re going to lose you again. God! Look at you, oh dear!  You should not be up yet. You should be resting in your room.” mom said as she looks at my arm and thigh.   “I-I’m fine mom dad, uhmmnn what- what happened to those men who attacked me?” I said as they pull me to sit on the sofa.   I look at Cole before I look to Henry who looks at me worriedly. I look at Sammantha beside him so I move my gaze towards my grandpa who looks at me with worried eyes. I smiled at him and he did the same.   “They are already on their way to prison dear. We got really scared when Beth came running saying you were gone. When we went looking for you and found Mr. Nicolas – one of our workers laying on the ground unconscious we almost panic. It is a good thing Cole and Henry found you.” my nana Dolores said as my mom cares for my hair with love.   “We didn’t do anything at all. It was all Zam’s work that those men are with bruises.” Henry said looking at me with a different expression.   “Yah! I must say you’re going to be one hell of a princess.” Cole said as he looks at his cellphone.   “I am not princess, I’m just an ordinary girl.” I said with a sigh.   “What do you call a girl living in a luxury? They are called princesses; any way you look really ridiculous with your wounds.” Cole said coldly.   My parents are just as silent as they shake their heads. I don’t know if they are amused or angry but they just remained calm to what Cole said.   “Thanks.... at least you noticed me.”  I said to him sarcastically.   He looks at me with his eyebrows up. I smile at him sweetly mocking him but he just winks at me and looks at his cellphone. I feel my face burn because when he winks at me he really looks so cute, damn this guy.   “Ahmmnn, going back to our main topic. So yes, everything will be arranged. Butlers will be here by tomorrow. My brave princess, you will be having your own butlers. Beth can be your personal maid but you will have to HAVE personal butlers to protect you.” My grandpa said looking so serious.   “What? Butlers? No way!” I utter in surprise.   I look at him with protest, I even look around to see if there is someone against the idea but my grandfather’s words are law and everyone should abide.   “Grandpa that’s too much, besides I can protect myself. You know that.” I said as my grandpa looks at me with too much conviction in his eyes.   “I know my brave princess but you need them. Oh, and by the way, I’m going to a business meeting and judge some project proposals. I want my grandchildren to be there so Cole, tell this to Marlon and Austen. We will listen to those who are going to present their projects and then on the last week of this month which is 4 weeks from now you 4 will try to present your own project proposals.” my grandpa said and Cole looks at him with questioning eyes.   I look at my grandpa in shock and so are my parents. Just the idea of it is really scary to me. I even hate presenting at school, what more in presenting in front of rich powerful personalities, even though Roland Rolinna my grandfather's secretary thought me how to think of projects.   “Sir Zam is not yet ready for this. She never had her experiences with the company. Cole and the others have but she......” my father didn’t end when my grandpa raises his hand to stop him.   I know that when grandpa does this he doesn’t want his words to be questioned. My grandfather is cunning and firm in his decisions so no one could go against his will.   “I have faith in all of them. Zam needs to face this sooner or later. She is a Villaflor and she knows that. I believe that she can survive and get past the fact that her 3 cousins are experienced than her. She is your daughter after all.” my grandpa said so seriously.   My parents are just silent as I take a deep breath. I look at Cole and we both look at each other.   “I bet she will say she won’t back out. So don’t worry uncle Alvic and aunt Leliana.” Cole said and my parents look at him and then at me.   I smiled at them then nod. I don’t know, I am scared BUT…. I have to show everyone that I deserve to be called Zarianne Andrea Marlile Villaflor somehow and if doing this presentation is the only way then so be it.   “Anyway, the project presentation we are attending is 3 days from now. Henry and some of our stakeholders are coming to judge. Be there at the conference room of our STAR Company in Manila.” grandpa said while Cole looks as if he doesn’t care at all.   “I forgot, where is Mr. Peter I haven’t seen him?” I ask as they look at me.   “He said he has something important to do so he left early in the morning. He said goodbye and he said he’ll be seeing you again.” my dad said as I just nod.   “Enough with this and let us all head to the kitchen for breakfast. I believe the maids have already prepared the table.” my mom said as everyone stand and walk towards the kitchen.   I look at Henry to see him looking at me with his eyes telling me something. I turn away when I see Sammantha suddenly grabs his arm and cling to him like a leach. He looks at Sammantha with a smile as they follow us towards the kitchen. After the meal, I enjoyed having fun with my mom in her flower garden. When we are done we walk to the cellar where the wines are being stored. I am amazed to see how wide and clean the cellar is, the walls were made off bricks and it was like a library with all of those shelves. Instead of books, wines on bottles were carefully laid on every space.   “Dear wait here. I’ll just speak with the one in charge of the maintenance of the place.” My mom said as I nod and she left me.   I slowly touch the bottles of wine as my parents and Henry are talking to the workers who are maintaining the storeroom. I took 1 bottle and read what was written on the label. It was made long ago but is still preserved. I return it and I dust my hands off of the dirt.   “It’s amazing isn’t it; rich people with some taste for wines will come here just to buy your parent’s wines. Do you know that there is a bottle of wine in here that costs millions? One bottle of these already cost thousands and it is just these local brands.” I heard Sammantha’s voice behind me.   I can’t help myself but I feel pissed by just hearing her voice. What is she? She has the guts to talk to me as if we are friends. I turn to her and look at her with cold eyes before I smile really sweetly.   “I know but it is not the wines that are amazing. It is all those who work hard to process it and carefully store it.....  THEY are the ones who I call amazing. Without them, THESE all won’t exist.” I said and I walk towards my parents leaving the biatch behind.   Sammantha follows behind me with an expression of distaste. I smile as I walk towards my parents. When I finally stand beside my dad Henry looks at me as I try so hard to act normal. Sammantha stands beside him as they all listen to what the workers are saying about the production of the wines. His gaze is really melting me I feel like I am a frog about to be dissected. I hated the fact that Sammantha is leaching at his side yet he looks at me like that.   “I know this is hard dear but..... are you sure you will be okay with what your grandpa said, about that project proposal competition between you and your cousins?” my mom said making me look at her and then sigh.   “I’ll be fine... I hope so.” I said as I smile.   Honestly... I know I will not be fine. I know this is the start of my fight against them 3 and I don’t even know if how they will fight me. Nothing is fair in terms of inheritance.... that scares me.  
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