Chapter 27: My crazy relatives start their move

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  The next day I am awakened by some noise outside my room and outside the house. I am as annoyed as I wake up in a sitting position and she stretches my arms.   “Good morning, Milady.” I am startled by a man’s voice beside me.   “What the.... who are you? What on earth are you doing in my room!?” I utter in surprise as I look at the man who is wearing a black vest and a white polo inside it.   He is wearing black slacks and black shoes. A white handkerchief is in his pocket designed in a triangle. In his left arm hangs a white towel and his right fist is in his chest as he bows to me. He has long black hair maybe in his shoulder-length but is tied behind him in a ponytail, turquoise eyes, elongated nose, maybe half America half Japanese, warm beige sin color and he must be 5 ‘7 in height.   “I’m sorry to startle you Milady. My name is Zyrem Whitman and I am one of your personal butlers sent by your grandfather.” He said still bowed.   I look at him with my jaw drop and with a disbelieving expression. He is so handsome and has a muscular built. I don’t know but.... is this just a dream or a joke from grandpa?   “But what!? What do you mean one? How many are there?” I said as I slowly slide my bare feet down from the bed and sit by the edge of my bed and I look at him.   “Butlers Milady, are the male counterparts of maids. The difference is that we butlers are sworn to protect you with all our lives as maids are sworn to serve you. There are 30 of us sent here and there are 2 of us to be your personal butlers.” He said and my jaw almost drops.   What this man thinks, does he think of me to be that stupid?   “I know what butlers are…… the button line is... I DON’T NEED THEM!” I said I am about to stand when he suddenly kneel in front of me.   I am startled that I end up sitting again. He pulls a knife from behind him and with both hands raises it to me as his head is bowed.   “We had already been given orders. This is one of them; if you don’t need us then Milady must end our lives. But, if not we will serve and protect you with all our strength, Milady.” He said as I look at him in disbelief.   I take a deep breath and look at his head that is bowed to me. I stand and look at him. I sigh and then look around my room.   “Fine, get up already and keep that away. What is going on with those noises?” I said walking towards the veranda.   I open the sliding door and walk out to the veranda.   “Technicians, constructors, and other specialists paid by your grandfather came to fix the mansion’s security. They’re going to install cameras and computers all around, Milady.” Zyrem said as he stands behind me as I look from my veranda.   I take a deep breath as I see some people in a gray uniform holding wires and other equipment walking in and out of the mansion gate.   “So... do we have any worst news early this morning?” I said as I look at the expensive cars in the parking area. Zyrem looks at what I am looking at.   “Your aunt Joleene and his husband are here and so is your uncle Marz. Even your cousins are here.” Zyrem said as I turn and look at him with a disbelieving expression on my face.   “Great! So the whole armies of wannabes are here. After that scary night, I need to face the devils. Just great!” I utter in frustration.   Zyrem is just looking at me as his hands that are wearing these white gloves are on his both sides.   “Zyrem right, do you think I need to wear something really nice or what?” I said as I smile at him while he looks at me confused.   I turn towards the door when it opens revealing Beth and a man wearing the same clothes as Zyrem. He has clean cute light auburn hair, pure hazel eyes, a honey skin complexion, 5 ‘6 in height, and probably half British half Filipino. They walk towards me and Beth bows with her hands interlaced on her stomach, her usual gesture. The man on the other hand bowed with his right fist on his heart and his left on his side, the same way Zyrem did.   “Good morning Milady, I’ll prepare your bath right away. Your parents are expecting you for breakfast and so were your aunts and uncles.... and cousins.” Beth said as I look at the man beside Beth.   I just nod towards Beth and Beth heads towards the bathroom. The other man is left still bowing to me.   “And who are you handsome?” I ask the man who is still bowing to me.   “Milady, my name is Clide Stowe. I’m one of your personal butlers. Zyrem and I are sworn to protect you and be with you when you need us.” The man said and I take a deep breath.   “I bet if I say that I don’t need you or any butlers you will also kneel and say kill me.” I said as I look at Zyrem standing behind me who is with his hands on his sides.   “Yes, Milady that is what I will do. We already have our orders from the headmaster. If we are unable to protect you, we ourselves will take our lives for being unable to do our jobs.” Clide said and I shake my head in disbelief.   “And if you do, kill yourself, I will never forgive you two. If something happens to me don’t kill yourself rather go look for me or make sure no one harms me again. GOT IT!” I said making them both look at me before they bow and nod.   When Beth came out I walk in with her in the bathroom leaving the two handsome men in my bedroom. Beth helps me a bath. Wrapped in towels we both came out of the bathroom. The two males are just standing side by side as they bow and look to the floor. I shake my head in amusement at their reaction before I and Beth enters the closet.   “Milady, what do you like to wear?” Beth asks as we look at the clothes.   Beth helps me into this lovely orange dress and I cover it with a green knitted jacket with a tie. Beth helps me put on a simple 1 inched green wedge. We walk out of the closet and directly walk towards my dresser. Zyrem silently pulls the chair for me to sit. Beth helps me to put on some light make-ups as Clide fixes my hair after insisting on being the one to fix it. Zyrem on the other hand is just standing behind me helping Clide by handing him clips and flower clips made of shiny gemstones. After that long and unnecessary makeover, we are finally walking down the stairs. The maids lined as usual and I see men on the end line the same way. They greet me in chorus. I greet them back and then tell them to get back to their work.   “So... Where are they?” I ask facing them behind me and they look at the dining room.   We directly head towards the dining room to see all of them looking at me. I walk directly to my mom’s side as Zyrem pulls me a chair. I ignore my aunt’s painful stares and my cousins’ grins. I look to see Cole looking at me with this smile that seems to be encouraging me but disappeared in a flash.   “It’s good to see that you are safe dear.” my aunt Joleene said, whose smile really looks deceiving.   I just smile sweetly at my aunt then I look at my mom.   “Thank you for your concern auntie but I’m perfectly fine.” I said as the maids laid foods on the table.   “Your complexion seems a little bit off my dear.” my uncle Marz said as he picks on his beef with a fork.   “Oh! I’m fine uncle perhaps it was because of not doing anything inside the mansion.” I said as I smile sweetly intimidating them and try to slice the beef on my plate just so I can disturb myself from showing how I really see through their fake acts.   “Well! Living like a princess is an easy life, you are lucky this only happens once in a lifetime especially to people who are ambitious.” my cousin Marlon said as he looks at me with a very suspicious in his smug face.   I feel insulted so I slowly put down my fork and knife to look at him. I am beginning to dislike this stupid jerk   “We really can’t blame anyone who is ambitious; being rich is really once in a lifetime.” Sammantha said as everyone looks at me.   “Pft you must be talking about yourself.” Cole utter making me look at him but the other seems to ignore what he said but Sammantha looks at him with a scary glare.   “Miss Ravenwood I agree with you. Some people really are so ambitious that they take all chances just to go higher.” my aunt Joleene said as the air around them seems to tighten.   I look to see my parent’s reaction to see them looking so hurt. I look at my grandpa who is just silently eating by the edge of the table.   “I don’t think so auntie, some deserve it and some are like leeches that don’t deserve it but they keep on sucking someone’s effort. We always talk as if we are so clean and perfect but sometimes the person we are pertaining to as trash; undeserving and opportunists.... are right in front of us in the mirrors.” I said as I smile at them and drink my milk, my parents look at me and I look at grandpa if he is mad or not just to see that he smile.   “She is right aunt Joleene, if someone deserved it – luck will find its way to them. Perhaps there is no up and downs when dealing with luck.” Cole said as he sips on his wine.   I look at Cole in disbelief, somehow I feel like he is helping me. I smile and look at my grandpa. Thank goodness I am not alone who is fighting them like this. My aunt Joleene looks at him as she leans on her knuckles looking as if she is hiding her insulted reaction.   “Cole is right; if you deserve to become rich then fate will find you. Some people are greedy to dream to have all when they already had enough.” Henry also said as he slices through his beef.   “Yes perhaps you are right Henry, but an outsider will always be an outsider. The life she or he will face will never be theirs. There is no such thing as luck in reality. One has to drip so much sweat just to be successful, there are no shortcuts in life.” my uncle Marz said as he sips to his wine.   I nearly laugh at his insult that didn’t hurt me at all. To be precise he is saying that I am an outsider but my blood says I am not while THEY are the outsider in this family. What an irony it is. Everybody is silent as they all look at one another’s faces. The place seems to become colder as they all look at one another with challenging glares.   “True success is not in what we see, not in our possessions or even richness. True success is in what you stored in your heart. Success is in our own attitude and manners. I don’t need to be rich just to be happy. As long as I have this certain warmth in my heart then I can say that I am a princess without a crown or a palace, I am a princess by heart. Family matters more than gold. And come to think of it, I DO deserve to be in this house, in this family, and experience luxury… after all, I AM a Villaflor BY BLOOD.  Please excuse me, everyone. I lose my appetite so do excuse me I will leave first. Oh, one more thing, there are always those who take shortcuts in life… who knows… that might also be YOU, uncle Marz.” I said as I smile at them with my cunning smile before I stand and bow to everyone.   They all look at me. I see how Henry and my parents look so proud but the others seem to be shocked. Cole on the other hand raised his glass to me and smile as he drinks his wine.   “Very well said my dearest princess, I sure will enjoy this.” Cole said as he applauds gaining the attention of the others as he drinks his wine acting oblivious of the other’s presence.   “Thank you dear coz, so I might pass as a speech giver huh.” I utter before leaving.   I walk towards my mom’s garden as I brush my hand on the flowers surrounding the garden. I see a greenhouse a size of a house a few meters away. I am wondering how I have never visited this greenhouse. I had heard that the greenhouse is specially built on the request and likeness of my grandmother, the grand mistress of the place. I also heard that the greenhouse is as wide and as big as the mansion itself. Different kinds and breeds of plants and insects are living inside the greenhouse.   “What is inside look like, I wonder?” I said.   Out of curiosity, I follow some worker carrying some sacks of fertilizers towards the greenhouse’s entrance. I am amazed to see another world upon entering. Lots of plants and trees are majestically growing inside the greenhouse. I also see some special kinds of birds flying above; I even see butterflies and other animals running around.   “Wow! This is so beautiful. It is like another world inside a small house.” I utter as I look around.   I turn to see the workers stop what they are doing to look at me then upon realizing that I am their young miss they all bow and greet me. A girl wearing a black dress and a brown apron comes in front of me and bows.   “Milady, what can we do for you? I’m sorry we didn’t notice you when you entered.” The woman around her 40’s said as she bows to me.   I smile and look around at the workers who are bowing to me.   “It’s okay, and you are.......?”   “I’m the one in charge of the greenhouse Milady. My name is Sarah.” The woman said.   I look around the place as I look at the woman in front of me. I smile then look to the entrance before I face her again.   “This place is amazing. You are doing great work maintaining it.” I said as I look at those trees and flowers.        
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