Chapter 28: The Pavilion and Meeting Merajane

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I look at the side to see those workers still standing straight as they bow towards me. I sigh and look at this Sarah person and I smile.   “Please stop bowing already. I never had the chance to visit this place; I never thought that this is just like entering another world.” I said as I look above to see that the ceiling of the greenhouse is technologically designed to look as if you are just looking at the sky.   I also see that there are some wires attached indicating that the ceiling is designed to open and close. So this is a high-technology-wide greenhouse with so many trees and followers.   “This place, especially the building itself Milady was designed diligently by the great famous inventor from England. The plants and the flowers found here are also from other countries and so were the other friendly animals here. Grandmaster and grand mistress ordered them from all over the countries.” The lady named Sarah said as she stands straight while still looking down to the ground.   “Ah! I see, so this place needs utmost care just like the plantation. What is that?” I ask when I see something just in the center of the greenhouse a few meters away from where I am.   The woman looks at what I am looking at. I look back at her but she moves her eyes again on the ground.   “That is a pavilion Milady. There are a chair and a table where you can rest. The grand mistress loved that place because of the hundreds of hybrid rare flowers surrounding the pavilion. Milady, you can go there if you want.” The lady said and I nod as I smile at her.   I slowly walk towards the pavilion and I am amazed upon seeing how beautiful it is. Hundreds of colorful flowers are surrounding the pavilion. I slowly walk towards the table and chair. I slowly sit on the metal chair with a soft cushion. I smile before I close my eyes as I inhale deeply. When I open my eyes I am surprised by a hand laying a cup of steaming hot chocolate in front of me on the table.   “Sorry, Milady if I startled you.” Zyrem said as I look at him in astonishment.   I look at my now so-called butler; he is handsome and looks as if he is trained to handle fights. Somehow they are still stranger to me but if they will be with me all the time I need to know everything about them.   “Zyrem right, how did you know I am here?” I said as I look behind him to see Clide and Beth coming towards us.   I am also stunned to see Henry following behind them. My reaction seems to change upon seeing that jerk’s face. I look away and take a deep breath before I take the hot cup of coffee.   “Yes Zyrem is my name Milady. We followed you Milady. After all, we are your bodyguards and butlers.” Zyrem answers making me just nod.   The 3 who just arrive stand beside Zyrem upon arriving near us.   “And what bought you here, Henry? Where’s your psycho fling?” I said as I try to hide the sarcasm in my voice.   I can’t get myself to look at him so I rather look at the bunch of flowers around the pavilion.   “I- want to talk to you.” He said as he sits on the adjacent chair in front of me.   “Really? And about what?” I said as I take the cup on my fingers and sip my hot chocolate.   “Ahmmnn the grandmaster said that your 4 grandchildren are going to present something. I-I can be of help.” He said as he looks at me with this different expression on his face.   Zyrem laid another cup of warm tea in front of him as he takes it in hand and starts to sip the hot coffee.   “Oh! Yah! I have completely forgotten about our own presentation. Thanks, Henry but I think I will be fine. If I let you help me with the presentation they might say something about it. B-but I hope you will be there to answer some questions…… if I have some.” I said as I sip my hot chocolate.   Henry looks at me as he observes my face. I make sure I won’t do any eye contact with him. Something about this jerk is making me infuriated.   “Sure, by the way, I hope you are okay.” Henry said that made me look at him with confusion.   “Why did you ask?” I said as I sip my coffee.   “You seem to be…… you look so pale.” He said as he looks at my face.   I touch my face and I sigh. Somehow I feel anxious just thinking about that presentation. What will I present? Can I be able to face high-status people who will look at me like hyenas? I don’t know if I can keep my cool when they will start insulting me. I don’t want to embarrass my parents or even grandpa.   “I’m fine, don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself. Besides, the show is just starting.” I said as I stand and walk away from there.   Henry follows me and walks beside me with his hands in his pockets. Beth and my 2 butlers follow behind us silently.   “I hope I can do this nicely.” I utter as I look at the blue flower I find odd.   The days passed like the rolling films of a movie. I am so bored listening to the presentations of each presenter. We are all sitting at a long desk listening to the project proposals of the manager of each of the companies owned by the Villaflor's, my cousins are sitting at an opposite table just across from me and they seem to be paying attention to the presenter. My aunt and uncle are sitting on my left side while my father, grandfather, and Mr. Alexter are sitting on my right. I rub my eyes that start to ache due to staring at those graphs the presenters are showing. I really hate sitting for too long. This is why I hate school days where teachers do an endless lecture, it makes my head and eyes ache.   “Are you okay my beloved?” I look at my father who is looking at me with too much concern on his face.   He is holding a pen and some folders and files are laid in front of him. I look at him then sigh before I smile and nod.   “Yes I’m fine dad it’s just my head is hurting and so are my eyes. I’ll be fine.” I said and my dad looks at me and rubs my cheek with his palm.   “You know what, this is going to be the last presenter. Why don’t you exit and get some fresh air? Your butlers are waiting for you outside.” He said as he takes my hand on his.   “Are you sure it’s okay dad, I mean we are all here to learn.” I said as I look towards my cousins who are attentively listening to the presenters.   They are all dressed in these formal suits while I am only dressed in this simple dress. I don’t like dressing fancy so… what do they care.   “It’s okay. I bet you already have the idea after that 10 presenters. Now go and enjoy yourself.” He said as he kisses my forehead.   I take a deep breath before I kiss my dad’s cheek then grab my shoulder bag on the table and stand. I bent to give my dad another kiss.   “Be careful and don’t go far away?” he said smiling at me making me nod.   “I’ll leave then dad.” I said and I look around to see Henry looking at me with a different expression.   I look away and walk towards the exit without being noticed by those serious people in the conference hall. I see Zyrem and Clide standing like some guards a few meters away from the door. I walk toward them and they bow to me upon seeing me walking towards them.   “Milady, are you done with the presentation.” They ask as they look at me with concerns on their faces.   “Sort of but I’m bored inside, I want to stroll the mall and meet a friend. Prepare the car.” I said as Clide obeys and runs towards the elevator to go to the car ahead of us as we follow towards the other elevator.   Zyrem pushes the button for me as we wait for the elevator to open.   “Are you okay Milady?” Zyrem asks when I start rubbing my aching eyes and forehead.   “I am fine.” I said.   I am silently watching the sceneries we are passing by while Zyrem and Clide are silently looking towards the road. I am sitting on the back while Zyrem is beside me and Clide is driving.   “Milady we are here. Will I park inside the parking area?” Clide asks as he looks at me through the review mirror.   I nod as Clide silently drives. When the car stops inside the parking garage of the mall, I take my cellphone and dial Rose’s number. I can’t really believe how lovely Puerto Princesa is. We are headed to the SM branch here and Rose as Mera will meet us there. Perfect actually so she can see her brother’s psycho girlfriend.   “Hello! Where are you? We have just arrived and we are at the parking garage.” I said as I pull my bag and slide out of the car in which the door is opened by Zyrem as Clide stands behind him.   I give them a smile as I tap their shoulders to signal them to follow me. Both silently follow behind me looking around to make sure everything is safe. I just sigh and smile at how odd this is. I am not used to having butlers around.   “Come up here, 3rd floor. I am in this lovely clothes section near the children's section. I’ll wait for you here.  I have found some lovely dresses and I want you to check them out. Uhmnn who’s with you?” Rose said as I hear a saleslady’s voice in the background.   “My two cute butlers s***h bodyguards. My grandfather’s idea, after that attack he sent guards to Sky Mansion and even bodyguards that will be with me 24/7.” I said as I enter the elevator after Clide went in for safety while Zyrem follows behind me. “Oh yeah, I heard about that from Henry. I’m happy that you are safe. Men, I’m really worried especially when you are surrounded with your ever-ambitious relatives.” Rose said making me snort.   “It doesn’t get easy isn’t it.” I said as we walk out of the elevator when we reach the 3rd floor.   “Well? Just show them that you can kick their a*s. After all, you manage to give Henry a black eye.” Rose said that made me snort as I hear Rose laughing.   “Yah whatever. Where are you again? We are already on the 3rd floor.” I said as I look around the mall.   “Oh! I see you, who are those handsome guys beside you?” Rose said.   “My bodyguards. Where are you? I can’t see you anywhere?” I said as I look around to find Rose.   “Woh! Bodyguards huh! They are kind of cute; I thought they are your so-called cousins. I’ll wave now, I see you.” Rose said as she waves her hand upon seeing me, she ran towards me after ending our conversation on the phone.   When Rose came closer she hugs me tightly before letting me go.   “You look…… stressed.” We walk towards the store as Rose asks me or Mera now since she is in her sexy outfit and cold aura.   “Yah! You got it right. I have a lot on my mind like preparing a project proposal, buying a wedding gift, projects at school, and most of all, my weird and crazy relatives. So any solution in what can be a stress reliever.”  I said as I follow behind my friend while Clide and Zyrem are following silently.   We are greeted by the salesladies with a joyful smile on their faces as Rose grabs a dress that a saleslady is holding.   “Yap, try this and I’ll try this too. Let’s make your butlers be our judge. By the way, what are the names of these two handsome men?” Rose said as I look at the two butlers who are silently behind me.   “Oh sorry I wasn’t thinking clearly. By the way this Clide and Zyrem. Guys meet my friend Merajane or if I’m Anna Marie she is Rose. Anyways, sit there and wait for us.” I said smiling at them and I see how the two blush as they look down the floor.   “It’s nice to meet you, lady Merajane.” The 2 said in unison as they bow to Rose who seems to be taken by surprise as she covers her mouth and starts to giggle.   “Gee thanks, now come on Anna ah no… Zarianne.” Mera pushes me to one of the dressing rooms as she also entered the other one.   “Mera what is this?”   “Just put it on.”   I sigh before I take a deep breath before looking at the dress I am holding. It is a very beautiful green dress. I look at the prize to be surprised and I shake my head. A dress costing 2,000 pesos is not really a dress Anna will be buying. Well! Since I am Zarianne everything is possible. I take off my clothes and put on the green dress. I got to say, I like my aunt Carla’s designs best but this dress is also pretty.   “Zarianne are you done? Come on, come out already so that Clide and Zyrem can see if it suits you.” Mera calls out to me from outside the dressing room.   I take a deep breath before hooking the dress’ back behind me.   “Okay, okay relax. This dress is super sexy for my taste.” I said as I peek on the curtain to see Mera wearing a lovely blue dress.   The dress is so beautiful that it complimented her perfectly. It has this lovely off-shoulder upper designed with frills.   “Come on I want to see how your dress looks. Look at this, is it okay?” Mera said as she turns to model her dress.   “Looking at us now, I’m starting to get confused if we are still Anna and Rose the two middle-class girls who only wear clothes from thrift shops and only eat on budget meals.” I said as I laugh. Mera laughs with me as Mera pulls me out of the curtain.   “I know right. Well! This time you are Zarianne and I’m Mera so we better enjoy the pleasure of our parents’ money. When we return back to Baguio as Anna and Rose then that changes everything right?” Mera said as she smiles at me.   “Yah! You’re right. Besides, my crazy relatives think of me as an opportunist Cinderella anyway, why not enjoy this. After all, they already made it clear that they HATED my very existence. So what do you think of this killer dress?” I said as I turn to show it to her. Mera looks so surprised that she clasps her hands looking at me in delight.   “It’s a big wow! Come let us see if what the 2 guys will say.” Rose said as she pulls me into the waiting area.   I just sigh thinking everything is changing so fast. I wonder…… what will happen to me now?      
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