Chapter 29: My Two Butlers and Their Story

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“Really Rose! They highly think of themselves as servants they will tell you good feedback just to make their master happy. Well! Though I really don’t want to call them servants because I really want them to be just like my friends but they are so persistent in calling me Milady.” I said as Mera laughs as we stand right in front of the 2 stunned butlers who tried to stand but I sign them to remain sitting.   “So gentlemen, how are our dress?” Mera said as we turn in front of Clide and Zyrem who seem to lose their voices as they gaze up at us.   “Well! Any comment or any feedback?” I ask as we look at them.   I laugh after seeing how the two can’t get their words out. They just look up at us still overwhelmed as Zyrem suddenly looks at the ground and tries clearing his throat.   “It is- it is really pretty Milady.” They both said in unison that made me and Rose laugh.   “Okay, do you really think so? Tell us honestly and don’t worry we won’t be mad just tell us what you think.” I said.   “It is really pretty and it suits you two Milady. That is the truth.” Clide answer making me nod and look at Mera.   “We will take this and also the two I have picked a while ago.” Mera said as she looks into the saleslady.   We change back into our clothes before going to the counter. We are about to take the bag where our paid items are when Clide and Zyrem take it before we can take it from the counter lady. Mera winks at me before linking her arm to mine.   “I like your butlers, they are hot, handsome, kind, and cool. I also once had a butler but I run away from him when I lived as Rose. Though, he is always there to help me every time I’ll return to my house in Manila as Mera.” Mera said making me gasps as I look at her.           We spend our time roaming around the mall and buying things. We even enter this jewelry store as Clide and Zyrem are following while holding our shopping bags.   “Wow look at this lovely necklace. Aren’t they pretty?” Mera said as we look at displays of expensive necklaces with shining stones.   “Yes ma’am what can I do for you?” asks the lady in charge of the pieces of jewelry.   “Can we see these two lovely necklaces? Is it really like that?” Mera asks as the lady brought out the necklaces from the display glass.   “Yes ma’am, this is a lover’s necklace. It is designed to be a pair. Here let me show you.” The lady said as she takes the necklace from the box and shows us how to connect the two pendants and it created an image of a girl and a boy that are kissing.   “Oh! Wow! Do you have another design other than this bride and groom?” Mera asks fascinated by the style of the necklaces.   I look at the cost of the necklace, my very habit as Anna is to check prices first to see if I have money for it or not, it is worth thousands… 5,000 pesos to be exact. I just shake my head as I look at Clide and Zyrem. I can’t say anything since the Villaflor Zam can afford such expensive items… I am not Anna in this place but damn this is really like a dream to me.   “Oh yes, ma’am we have a dove, butterfly, and a snowflake that will be connected to the other and create another image.” The lady said.   “What image? Can we see it?” asks Mera as the lady walks to another drawer and retrieves another box.   She laid it on the table and we are amazed to see how beautiful it is. There are two diamond necklaces in a shape of a snowflake designed with many diamonds which are pure diamonds and some colored ones. Both have these golden chains and it really screams out luxuriousness.   “Here let me show you how it will be connected.” The lady said smiling at us.   The lady said as she takes the two necklaces then turn and twist the other one until it forms a half image. She did the same with the other then she connects the two and it created two angles facing each other and their wings are on their back.   “Wow, that’s pretty. I think we better get this Zam. This will be our friendship necklace.” Mera said as she marvels with the necklace.   “How much is it?” I ask as Mera puts the other necklace on my neck after she returns it to the snowflake form then I also put the other half on her.   “15 thousand for each pair ma’am. It is made of real diamonds and the chain is also made of pure gold.” The lady said as I put the other pair in Mera’s neck.   “That will be fine. It’s 30 thousand right?” Rose said as she pulls her wallet from her bag.   “Yes ma’am. Please wait a moment.” The lady said as she walks to the cash register.   “Mera it’s okay I can pay for it.” I said as Mera stops my hand when I am about to pull my wallet from my bag.   “Aah no way, let us use this. My mommy dearest thinks that she can take my affection back by giving me a lot of money. Let us use all her money. Let’s give her the shock of a lifetime when she will receive the bills. I am sure she will check for she is always checking if what and where I am using this card but who cares.” Mera said smiling cunningly making me sigh as she gives the golden card to the lady who swipes it in a machine.   “That’s too mean. Are you sure about paying it?” I said as I look into the lady who is punching the cash register.   “Let her taste the dose of her own medicine for choosing money over her own child.”   “Oh, so you are rebelling for Henry huh!” I said and Mera smiles devilishly while receiving the receipt and the card.   “You can say it that way but…… it’s more like punishing and being independent than being mandated to what I should do.” Mera said winking at me making me smile while shaking my head.   We continue to roam the mall until we feel a little hungry so we enter this restaurant. Mera orders and I almost laugh when I see how Mera got pissed with the waitress because instead of listing our orders the waitress keeps on looking and flirting with Clide and Zyrem who don’t even want to look at her.   “Can’t you believe that waitress? I need to keep on repeating our order. People are staring at us; I think they think that we are all on a date.” Mera said as she laughs.   Zyrem and Clide blush as they look at the table while the two of us giggle at how the two cute guys turn red in embarrassment.   “Ahmnn can I ask the two of you some personal questions seeing that you are now my personal butler and bodyguard?” I ask looking at the two while Mera smiles at me.   “Yes Milady, what do you want to know?” Clide answers as they both look at each other.   “Do you two have any wife or a girlfriend?” I ask making the two blush as they look at each other.   “None Milady.” Both answered making Mera smile widely.   “Alright, tell us about your families then, Zyrem you are first.” Mera said as she leans on her knuckles as if readying herself to listen.   “I am the 3rd of our family I have 2 sisters and one younger brother. We live in America in a small house that my father build from doing plumbing, my mother is a seamstress in a clothing factory. My older sisters are working as a janitress and an assistant librarian in a school. I am the only one who finished my studies through scholarship programs and part-time jobs. My brother is terribly sick so when I was told that your grandfather is looking for a trained butler I immediately enlisted. I was lucky to be accepted, Milady.” Zyrem said with his eyes glittering in tears.   “Ohh Zyrem I am so sorry to hear that BUT… you did not just get lucky. Grandfather must have evaluated you and your skills, he must have even investigated your family background. I know grandpa will not entrust to just anyone my own safety. He must have trusted the two of you to choose you to be my personal butlers.” I said as I look at Mera who just nods.   “How about you Clide?” Mera asks making Clide rub his nape.   “I am sorry Milady; I have no stable family background. I am an orphan, I grow up in an orphanage in England, and when I am grown enough to go on my own a priest of a famous church takes me in. I also finish my study with the help of sponsors from Father Romero’s friends and my part-time jobs. I am actually introduced by one of Father Romero’s closes friends in the army to your grandfather, Milady.” Clide said making me look at him in shock.   “You have no family of your own? No news about your parents?” Mera asks as we look at the waitress who laid our order who keeps on glancing at Clide and Zyrem.   “None Milady, I was told they died in an accident. So far the only family I have known are the children and the nuns of the orphanage and also father Romero and some of the church sacristans.” Clide said as he looks at his hand on the table.   “Then… from now on me and Mera will be your younger sisters. We will put our trust in the two of you and stop being lonely. We will be your family also from now on.” I said making the two look at us in surprise and Mera also nod.   “So you need to protect us really well. We will be in your care, Zyrem Clide.” Mera said.   “Ye- Yes milady!” both said making the two of us laugh in amusement.   We are happily eating our lunch as we tease Clide and Zyrem. We are telling stories and enjoying our food when I look around the restaurant that serves different kinds of seafood.   “Zyrem?” I utter after we have eaten our orders.   “Yes, Milady? What’s the problem? You look pale.” Zyrem said as he looks at me.   Mera and Clide look at me as I grab Zyrem’s arm while slightly shaking. Zyrem is right beside me while Mera is in front of me beside her is Clide.   “What’s wrong Zam?” asks Mera as she touches my hand on the table.   “There is a guy sitting beside the window. He is taking some pictures in our direction. I saw him when I, Clide, and Zyrem arrived until we were in the gadget store. I thought I was just imagining things until I saw him looking at here and taking some pictures.” I said as I pull my bag from my sit and hang it on my shoulder.   “That is creepy.” Mera utters as Clide and Zyrem are about to look around alerted but I grab their hands.   “I have a plan. I want you all to participate. If I’m right that he is following us, then he might be someone paid by my crazy relatives to spy on me. We need to be sure.” I said as they all nod looking still concerned and alerted.   I whisper to them my plan and they listened attentively. I don’t know why but this is thrilling me and giving me excitement instead of fear. My side that loves mystery and thriller is starting to kick in. Seeing that scary smile on Mera’s lips and her excited eyes gives me the idea that she is also thrilled. After we finished the coffee that we ordered again just to drag some time I take my cellphone in my bag.   “Oh! Look at the time. Zyrem, Clide would you mind bringing our shopping bags to the car. We will follow later.” I said as the two bows and take the shopping bags before heading towards the door. Mera and I walk towards the cashier to pay. When Mera’s phone rings she answers it just to look at me sadly.   “Oh no, Zam I have to go my father called and he needs me to see him now. I’m sorry; I’ll just see Clide and Zyrem at the parking lot to get my shopping bags. Call me if you got home okay.” Mera said as she runs to the door then out of my sight.   I take a deep breath before going out of the door. I walk towards the store where they are selling undergarments for ladies. I smirk when I noticed that the man I saw in the restaurant enters the shop and I am now certain that he is following me. Who would enter a ladies’ section when he is a man? Well, unless if he is gay but seeing how manly and scary he looks I doubt he is gay. He looks like a thug than a gay to me. He is looking into the displays of women’s underwear and I almost got caught looking at him.   “Creepy freak.” I utter as I walk out of the shop.   I roam around the stalls making sure I am surrounded by people and that making sure that he is really following me. I keep on seeing him following after me with his camera hanging on his neck. I head towards the women’s comfort room to see that there are no people in here. I enter the room and hide behind the door. Minutes passed and the door opens revealing the man who is following me. He walks towards the stalls with closed doors silently. He is sneaking like a thief as he looks around the comfort rooms.   “Why are you following me?” I said as I close the door and lock it behind me.   The man is caught off the ground that his eyes widen. He looks at me before he smirks after looking around the Comfort Room and seeing that we are alone he smirks creepily.   “I- I am not following you.” He said.   “Really? In case you didn’t notice, this is a ladies’ room. Men aren’t supposed to be in here. Now, why are you following me?” I said as I lean my back on the door and crosses my arms on my chest.   “You- You are wrong I’m not following you. I- I was worried about my wife who entered here and never came out.” He said as he looks around.   “Really, don’t lie anymore. You are not married. You have no ring plus; you are following us ever since we step into this mall. Correct me if I’m wrong – you WERE following me. Now, speak or you’ll be sorry.” I said.   The man looks at me before taking a deep breath and grinning. He looks around the place before he burst out laughing.   “Fine, I’m following you.” He said.   “To what end if I may ask?” I said raising my eyebrows at him.   “For money what else. Now, you better come with me or YOU WILL BE SORRY.” He said as he pulls a knife behind his jacket.   “Touché, no thanks. Besides, you are at the disadvantage here. One advice, better let go of your knife and tell me who paid you.” I said as I smile at him cunningly.   “Huh! You think you can beat me. I’m stronger than you, lady.” He said as he plays with his knife in his hands.   “No thanks, I won’t dirty my hands on you. After all, my hands will just be ruined.” I said as I look into my nails mocking him. The man seems to be agitated.   “You rich BRAT, you think you are safe with your money. I’ll make sure you will regret mocking me after the boss is done with you.” He screams in frustration.   “Excuse me are you talking to me. As far as I know, I am NOT a brat.”  I said looking at him with a mocking grin making him groan in anger.   “You got a big mouth. You are all alone and weak. Better beg me to spare your life little missy.” The man said as he walks towards me.        
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