Chapter 3: Shock beyond Disbelief

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I am wiping my tears outside the house right at the entrance balcony as I look up to the moon when I heard the door opens.   “A-Anna a-are you okay?” I turn to see Michael holding a glass of water handing it to me making me sigh.   “Yah! I’ll be fine. Thanks, Michael.” I said with a smile as I take the glass of water he is offering me.   I silently drink the water as we look at the moon while we are enveloped with a cold silence which is making me feel so alone despite his company.   “S-so, you- you are leaving?” Michael said as he looks at me, I touch my face and feel that it is cold and wet because of my tears.   “I… I, guess so.” I said as I take a deep breath.   “You’re lucky you know.” Michael suddenly said after a few moments of silence while he looks up to the moon.   “Why did you say so?” I ask confused as I look at him.   Michael faces me and he smiles, making me blush... damn that handsome face and his gorgeous gray eyes. For the first time after elementary graduation and staying near each other for a few years, we are having a decent conversation.   “You now have two families; both look stable, kind, and loving. While me, after my father died and my mother suddenly getting married again, I have to find my means for myself even how hard it is. W-well! So, are you going to leave now?” he said and I feel that sadness mixed into his voice as I also feel this sadness about it what he said especially THAT last question he ask.   “I… I don’t really know I’m a little bit scared you know.” I said as I hug myself feeling that cold and fear to the thought of leaving everyone I know then facing something entirely new.   “Why so? You are just like the real-life Cinderella you know.” He said and I laugh at the thought of it.   I really hate the idea of Cinderella stories... they are all just clichés of life. Nothing is smooth in life like finding Mr. Right and having a happily ever after. Those things don’t exist in real life because as life goes on we will face many trials and hardships. Happily ever after is overrated.   “No I’m not, Cinderella has a step-mother who is wicked and 2 step-sisters and I don’t have any. Besides, Cinderella’s life changed when she married her prince charming. My life is not like hers… it’s just messed up, fairy tales like that do not happen in this lifetime already.” I said as I laugh at the idea of it.   He smiles and faces me with this uncertain expression on his face.   “I am glad to see you laughing now. You seem to be so down and... you might be right, but will I- will we ever going to see you again?” he said.   I look at him and I bitterly smile. For some reason, I feel so empty and my head hurts. I still can’t wrap my head about being an adopted child of my known parents. I never... will I imagined it but never have I believed that I am not blood-related to them. I sigh and grab my head.   “I- I will see you all again, I think. The moon looks so beautiful don’t you think? Even how far we all are if we look up in the sky we will be seeing one same moon and sun.” I said to change the topic.   He just nods and smiles when the door suddenly opens and the man; Mr. Villaflor comes out still unsure if he will approach me. Michael said his goodbye before going inside. That man Mr. Villaflor walks beside me and just stands there silently holding a very beautiful necklace in his hand, he looks as if he is drowned in deep thoughts.   “Uhmmnn y-your name is Anna I believe?” he said as he seems to quiver.   He is slightly stealing glances at me that made me uneasy. I can’t even get to meet his eyes but I feel safe and warm beside him. I don’t usually stay near to people I do not know of because I am not a sociable person but his presence is oddly different from just any stranger standing beside me.   “Y-Yes sir that’s what they had named me.” I said as I look at him.   He is now looking up to the moon and he seems to take deep breaths trying to calm himself. He is so handsome and looks as if he is in 20’s just like his wife. Their faces and clothes show how different the life I had from theirs. They are well cared for. Standing beside him makes me look like a maid rather than his daughter. He looks at me to see me gazing at him; he turns red and slightly clears his throat to calm his nerves. I almost laugh seeing how he trembled at the sight of me. It seems like I am not the only one who is nervous at this moment.   “P-Please don’t call me sir. You can just call me Alvic or William.” He said as he again clears his throat.   “I- I can’t just call you by name sir, it will be like disrespecting you.” I said and he looks at me amazed.   Why? Did I say something wrong? He looks into the necklace he was holding in his hand. I also look at it to see that the pendant is emerald in a shape of a heart.   “W-Whose necklace is that? Is that your wife’s, sir? It’s pretty.” I said without anything to say and just to lessen that tightening atmosphere from us both making him look up at me.   His eyes sparkled in the light of the moon because he seems about to cry. I look at him really weird and awkward.   “N-No it- it is for my daughter. I- I bought it for her 18th birthday. I- It is yours, Anna.” He looks at me and I see that small drop of tear that fell from his eyes before he wipes it off.   “What- What year was your daughter? What year was I born?” I bite my tongue because I can’t seem to fix my sentence. It is giving me a hard time.   “You are born in October, the year 1996 the 11th of the month. We- we celebrated your debut… the only thing that is missing that time is… is the debutant. You- you are not there to be seen by the world.” He said and his face turns so gloomy.   “My written birthdate is on November 10, 1997. We didn’t celebrate my debut and not even my birthday.” I said as I try to divert his attention away from me.   I see him look at me surprised at what I have said. He then looks at the necklace in his hand again.   “Why so?”   “I am studying here and they are in the province. Also, money is not present at that time. They- we celebrated my past birthdays so it’s a given.” I said as I smile. He looks at me with his sad eyes.   “I only wish I- we could have been there for you. Your birthdays, graduation, and many more days of your childhood.... but we missed them all. Oh! I- I’m so sorry.” He said still looking at me really sad and full of remorse.   I look at the necklace to see his handshaking. I feel so bad and sorry for them. To lose their child all 20 years must be great t*****e to these parents.   “That- that is why you are here now r-right? My teenage years are already gone but I- I’m still here aren’t I?” I said as I smile hoping to cheer him a little bit even if I feel so sad and empty to the thought of leaving everything I know behind.   He looks at me with amazement in his eyes. Tears start to flow in his eyes. As he looks at me, he loses his self-control that he suddenly pulls me and hugged me so tight. He must have lost his self-control and can’t stop himself anymore. I feel awkward but I also feel the warmth as if all my problems are going away. I am still stunned but I didn’t push him away. I can hear his soft sobs. After a few minutes passed he finally let me go when he has calmed himself.   “U-uhmmnn this might be too late but – will you still accept this gift from me?” he said as I look at the lovely necklace.   He pressed the center of the heart and it suddenly opens. The left side has a picture of a baby and the opposite side has his picture with his wife. So the emerald turns out to be designed to become a locket.   “I- I never wore necklaces before, but I’ll keep it. Thank you.” I smile as he leans closer to me to put the necklace on my neck. After that, I touch the pendant and I look at the picture inside it before I close it again. I look up at him to see that twinkle of delight in his eyes.   “Now it is in its rightful place, finally.” He said as he looks at me with all his love seen in his eyes.   “T-Thank you sir… no … thank you da- dad.” I said softly yet he starts to cry by that once again.   I am as silent as I watch this stranger and now my father who keeps on calming himself when the door burst open revealing his wife. Her tears started to roll down upon seeing me. She can’t hold it anymore that she walks towards me and hugs me tighter than her husband did. Weird because like what I feel when her husband hugged me I feel so warm, safe and I feel so calm.   “My baby, my baby. We found you at last. I am so sorry. I am a bad mother for losing you. I promise… I will make it all up to you.” She said in between sobs.   The man smiles and also walks toward us and hugs us both. I just let them be, I am not a heartless person. I understand that they needed their daughter – they needed me back. As a book lover myself, I know a thing or two about sadness and separation. You might think that I am so easy, easy to accept the fact that I was adopted because my real parents are rich, think again. I am not like any other, I don’t care about money; I am happy in my normal life. But seeing this poor couple and their sad faces gives me heartache. Perhaps blood will recognize blood. My gut feelings already feel that they are my flesh and blood. We stayed like that for almost a minute when the door opens revealing Mr. Miles. The couple let me go as they look at Mr. Miles.   “They have signed all the papers. It’s the decision of Anna now if she will come with us back or not.” Mr. Miles said that my eyes widen in shock and panic. This is really a serious matter, one I can’t escape to.   “U-ahmmnn wait- wait, ho- how about my things? I- I can’t just leave now. I haven’t said goodbye to everyone yet. I- I can’t just leave them like this.” I said sadly trying to prevent myself from crying.   After talking for hours they agreed that they will leave for now and stay in a hotel then by the next day they will come to take me with them home. The couple hugs me and kisses me on the forehead before they left giving me a brand new touchscreen cellphone where they can cotact me or where I can contact them. In the morning my family sat as quietly as they pack my things. When everything is packed we all face each other into a feast my brother and sister have taken out from a restaurant.   “A-Anna, always remember that we are still your family. If you need anything... anything at all… just don’t forget to call us or come visit us. You know us and this place really well so you know how to come back. Stay safe and be a good person like how we nurtured you. Y-Your real parents seem to be good persons so we know they will love and protect you. Anna, be- be well okay.” My mama and papa said as we all hug one another.   The next morning the Villaflor couple and Mr. Miles came and take me after my goodbyes. I can’t stop crying on our way back as my ‘real’ mother hugs me and rub my shoulder. In front of me is my ‘real’ father who is looking at me with understanding, beside him is attorney Miles.   “Sshhh now dear, I promise you. We will take good care of you and we will visit them from time to time.” My mother said as I just sob in her chest.   What will happen to me now? What will I face when we will arrive at the home that will now be my home? Somehow, I feel so uneasy about this. As if I will be facing troubles starting from now.  
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