Chapter 4: Sky Mansion and the cold Henry

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  -----Present time------   “Hey Anna let’s go, what are you waiting for?” I am stunned by someone’s tap on my shoulder.   I look up to see my best friend Rose who looks so pissed. She is wearing our school education course uniform like I am wearing now.   Light blue slacks, a light blue blazer that is covering our pink blouse... honestly those who designed our uniforms are crazy. The color is hateful, the cloth is not stretchable and so fit in our body, and the sizes are also sickening. In my uniform, I feel like I am about to suffocate. By the look on Rose's face and how her uniform is tightly wrapping her body... she must not in the mood today.   “Oh! Sorry I was just thinking something. How long did ma’am dismiss the class?” I ask as Rose’s eyebrow shoots up.   “We are dismissed about 10 minutes ago and I was waiting for you outside I thought you are already fixing your things.” She said as I stand and fix my things into my shoulder bag.   “I’m sorry. A lot of things are on my mind lately.” I answer as I close my bag.   “Yeah... whatever. Let’s go now before that crazy next class comes in.” Rose said looking at the open door.   “Sorry I have so many things to think plus school papers. Let’s go home but, before that let’s dine out. My treat.” I said as I put my bag on my shoulder and pick my books from the desk.   Rose’s face brightens and we walk out of the room.   “Sure, who doesn’t love free food?” Rose said excitedly making me laugh and shake my head.   We are happy chatting as we eat at Greenwich. Rose is telling me about Dean, one of the criminology students who have a crush on Rose and is always hitting on her. I smile to see that Rose’s eyes were shining even if she says that she only thinks of Dean as a friend. Rose is just like the opposite of me, not so sexy or hot but that doesn’t hinder us from being ourselves. Rose is taller than me about 5’6, with her short black wavy hairs, brownish skin, slightly elongated nose, and blackish eyes while I on the other hand have black wavy hair that is until my waist, fair skin, slightly fat, 5’4 in height, brownish eyes and reddish lips.   “I was shocked upon seeing your total transformation on the first day of school. Come on, your hair became longer and straight. Your thick eyelashes are now thinner, you lost a few pounds and you look totally HOT. What happened during your 3-month vacation anyway? Did one of your family members came from abroad and treated you to a beauty salon?” Rose asks mockingly.   I just laugh and shake my head. I can’t possibly tell her what happened to me. That I found out about my real parents and that they are rich. I sigh then look at my plate remembering what happened to me for 3 months that I stayed in my real parents’ mansion in the Villaflor’s Private Island in Palawan.   “Yah! You got it right. My life is a mess right now you know.” I just said and we both laugh.   I see a man who is sitting on an empty table just behind Rose. I didn’t mind it and continue digging into my lasagna but I feel an odd feeling that made me look at that man’s back again. I sigh then shake my head to clear my thoughts and just relax; I look at my friend who is happily enjoying her pasta. I hear a cellphone ring and I just ignored it not until I hear the voice of the owner of the ringing phone.   “Yes, I found her. It will be, I promised okay.” The man’s voice said.   I am so certain that… THAT voice is too familiar. I have this certain urge to look at the man who is at the table behind Rose and is facing me now but my heart starts to pound so hard. I slowly look up to see who the man is while praying that he is NOT who I think he is. My eyes widen when I see the grinning face of the man who is sitting there, he is currently looking at my face with that smug smile on his face that made me more pissed. This can’t be happening; I thought that THAT jerk is already out of reach. Well! It’s stupid of me to think that he won’t find me here. It’s a small world after all. Plus, he has connections and the money so it is easy for him to find me. Then I remember it all again, like a film rolling on my mind I start to recall every scene, every insult, and every word from THIS jerk.   ----3 months right after my parents take me home-----   The trip going to my real parent’s home takes the whole afternoon that I fall asleep on the backseat beside Nanny Dolores. I swear going back to my parents’ home in Palawan, that’s what they told me, we have to ride a chopper then a car is waiting for us on a hotel where we landed on its roof. I was so scared of ridding the helicopter since it is my first time. I begin to wake up when I feel my body being carried and laid into a soft bed. I slightly open my eyes to see my biological father slowly laying me on a bed.   “We are already home, just continue your sleep. You’re safe here.” He softly said as he pulls a thick blanket into my neck then gives me a kiss on my forehead then I hear a door closes.   It is a wonder to me how he has been able to carry me when I am like 91 kilos. I am so tired from packing my things and my eyes are tired from crying so I drifted back into a deep sleep hoping everything is just a dream that I will wake up and realize that my life is still boring as it is. I am suddenly awakened by the light coming from the window. I slowly get up and look around. I then see two maids in a black and white uniform the usual maid uniform we see in movies and dramas; they are cleaning the room silently.   “A-Ahmnnn wh-who are you? Where am I?” I softly ask but then my eyes itches so I start to rub it before I look at them again. It seems like they didn’t hear me.   One is fixing my clothes inside a room; according to the movies I watched that it must be a closet. The other one is fixing my stuff inside the room. The door opens and another 3 maid enters, they are holding some of my boxed things.   “U-uhmmnn, good morning excuse me.” I said and when they hear that they immediately run towards me and lined in front of me as they bow with their hands interlaced into their stomach.   “Yes Milady, what is it?” they said in unison, I am beyond shocked but I just look at them still dazed.   “W-Where am I?” I ask still confused, they are still bowed as their hands are interlaced just inclined with their stomach. With the room and these maids, I feel like I am in a real fairy tale.   “You are in the Sky Mansion, Milady.” they all answer in unison.   I am about to ask again when the door opens revealing my ‘biological’ mother Mrs. Leliana Villaflor and beside her is my so-called ‘nanny’ Dolores.   “Oh! Dear, you are awake. Come and we will eat breakfast downstairs, you must still be confused. Let the maids fix your things into your room. Come, dear, I promise we will let you know everything one at a time. Get to your work ladies.” my biological mother said as she smiles at me.   I still feel this awkwardness but I am just trying to take it all in thinking that I should still give everything a try, for my new called parents. The maids bow to my mom as they continued fixing my things trying to make the room my new room.   “There are new things, clothes, and pieces of jewelry you might need inside your room too. Feel free to use them. Those- those were the gifts we bought for you all those times that we are waiting for your return.” My mom said with this tone of sadness in her voice as she slowly wipes her tear with her handkerchief.   I just nod as they pull towards the kitchen. My eyes marveled at how big and wide the inside of the house is. All the furniture’s are so expensive and classical. I am then is guided into a chair as maids in their uniform start to lay foods on the wide table. I am so amazed to see so much food on the wide table. It is like a royalty table and there are 10 chairs. In the center were vases of fresh flowers lined horizontally, I inhale just to smell that sweet scent of roses. I look around me when the maids stop laying food on the table. There too many foods in front of me and yet there are only 4 plates on the table. I look around and I see the maids lined behind us and as the maids did in the room a little while ago, they are just standing there bowed with their hands interlaced into their stomachs.   “Come on dear let us eat. Your father will join us later.” My biological mother said as she sits on the chair that one of the maids pulled for her.   I just take a deep breath as I try to sink it all in what I am witnessing and finding out about my biological parents’ lives in my brain. It seems that my now new parents are THIS rich, I feel really uneasy about these. It is as if danger is just starting to come to me. I watched movies and dramas like what happened to me and I know there will be those against my stay here. I bet that my stay here will not peaceful as others think.   “What’s wrong dear, you don’t like the food? I will tell them to cook you something then. Mika.....” my mom turns to call one of the maids who are standing behind us.   “Oh! No, not at all. I was just trying to sink everything in my head. I am a little dizzy about what is happening to me lately.” I said amazed as to how I said those without stuttering, I take a deep breath then pick the spoon and the fork beside my empty plate.   “Oh! I see, you will get used to it dear. Dear do not think or worry about you changing so you can fit in. Dear, whatever you like we will do it for you, just tell us. You are free to do whatever you want. Well! Except for drugs and criminal acts.” my mom said jokingly.   I loosen up upon hearing that then I laughed with her. We stop when we heard voices coming from the living room.   “That will be you father, I supposed.” my mother said as we both turn to look at the kitchen’s entrance.   Two men entered, one is my father and the other one is younger than my father, not the same age as me I think, he looks older than me. They both look at us as my father smiles in happiness upon seeing me. I look into the new face beside my father. He has this cute haircut that matches his face, his eyes are black and his face is emotionless. He looks so cold – or shall I say – not the social type. His hair is also the color of brownish.   “Oh! Good Henry is back. Come Henry and meet our long-lost daughter.” my mother said as the two sit on the chair that the maids pulled for them.   I just look at the man still unsure if he is good or bad. Do I have to be wary of him or not? He looks so scary and cunning at the same time. My father is beside my mother now and they are sitting in front of me. The young stranger is now sitting beside me which gives me this ice-cold atmosphere as I casually look at him to observe his reactions.   “Oh! Sorry, Henry I completely forgot to tell you about her. We went looking for her in their place and we manage to take her home with us. Zam- ah– Anna dear this is my best friend’s son Henry Kyle Silvester III. Just call him Henry; he is also a partner of mine in maintaining our plantation. Henry this is our daughter Zarianne Andrea Marlile but she grew up with the name Anna Marie.” my father introduced the man to me taking me by surprise, so my birth name is Zarianne Andrea Marlile.... not bad.   I like the name, but it doesn’t suit me.... it is a name suited for a princess. I just look at the man named Henry to see him emotionless as he looks at me. I feel like a cold bucket of water is thrown into my body while I froze there upon seeing his dead eyes that I averted, I just look at my hand nervously as I play with my fingers. He stretched his right hand and handed it to me taking me by surprise. I take a deep breath before slowly place my hand on his. I feel the warmth when he is now holding my hand. His hand is soft and warm. Instead of shaking it like I was expecting he will do he bent his head and kisses the back of my hand. My face reddens and my forehead furrow, my expression of saying “Oh Come On!”   “It’s finally nice meeting you Zarianne. It has been a long year since they have been looking for you. It is a relief to finally be able to see the daughter they have lost.” He said after he kisses my hand.   He looks into my face as he slowly let go of my hand and I slowly slide it back into my lap.   “It’s nice to meet you too... Henry.” I also said imitating his tone which is emotionless as he looks at me amaze then turned into amusement.   I face back my plate and take the spoon. I can clearly see that they are looking at me...... observing. I take a deep breath and slightly bit my lower lip in nervousness and awkwardness.   “So Henry how was your business trip to London?” my father asks after a few moments of silence.   “Alvic dear we are at the table. Can you.... discuss business later, when we are done? Let us just enjoy the food.” my mother said as she smiles at my father and looks at him as if saying that I with them at the table so as not to act very formally for me to not feel uneasy, then my mom smiles towards me and I just smile and silently eat my food.   After our breakfast, the two men went up to my father’s study to discuss business. My mom and nanny Dolores introduces me to the maids, workers, and farmers as we walk around the Villaflor’s property. I can see how rich and well-respected my biological parents are seeing how people respect them as we walk to the wide property.   “Good morning to you, ma’am Lilian and lady Zarianne.”   Every person we will pass will either take off their hat or bow to greet my mother and report or just greet us with a smile and bow. Some even let us taste newly pick ripe grapes as we walk to the wide vineyard. I even found out that just one meter away from the vineyard is the wine factory where the Villaflor’s process some of the grapes to be stored and made into wine, below the factory where wide shelves made for storage of bottles of fine wines are. I am amazed as they tour me around while mom fills me up with the family history. We returned for lunch, as usual, the man named Henry remained emotionless and never bothered to talk to me and he acted so cold that I feel as if he repulses my very existence there. I am then again toured by mom to the horse stables and there I meet Ram Alvertos the one who is in charge of the Horses. He bows at me and like Henry he kisses my hand which I feel welcomed by the way he smiles at me. Ram is also handsome, tanned skin, maroon red lips, elongated nose, 5’6 in height, brownish eyes, smoke gray clean-cut hairs, and muscularly built. May.... why do men in this place look so hot??   “There are many horses. How amazing!” I said as I look at the tough horses they are feeding inside the stable.   “Do you like to rub his head, Milady?” Ram said as he rubs the head of a big brown horse that looks so scary but calm.   “Can- Can I, will he not bite me or anything?” I said nervously.   I hear my mom and Ram laugh as Ram shakes his head as if saying no. I slowly raise my hand and reluctantly rub the head of the horse and see how the animal let me pet him I relaxed and walk even closer to rub its head. I somehow feel calm as I look at the horse.   “Do you like to ride dear?” my mom asks as I look at her surprised then shake my head.   “I don’t know how to ride horses.” I said.   I sigh as I start to miss my family and my friends back in Baguio. Now that I think of it, Baguio is so far from Palawan.... how can I manage to return back if something happens? Ahhh this is getting so messed up. Somehow, I feel like there is something more I will face in here. Something really frightening and scary is coming. I wonder how long can I survive in a place I know nothing about?  
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