Chapter 2: The past and the Truth

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“Okay, if everyone has settled in..... let’s start then.” The man who is in his 50’s said who sits beside the pretty lady who is just silently looking at me.   “Before we start let me introduce myself just for the young lady, for Anna’s sake. Ahmnnn my name is Attorney George Miles a friend of Mr. Alvictos William Villaflor and his wife Mrs. Leliana Victoria Renne Villaflor, and I am also their attorney.” The man in his 40’s said as he signs towards the man and woman in front of me indicating that the persons he is talking about are the persons beside him.    I look at my father Mr. August Marcelo as I can see my father takes a deep breath; my mother faces me and looks at me with teary eyes. Okay... WHY are they acting so weird? They never once again NEVER act this way before. My parents are tough to read, it’s hard to read their emotions and they are not those types of persons who show their emotions like this.  I am so confused upon seeing them like that.   “Ma, are you okay?” I ask as my mama shakes her head and looks at me.   “Anna you have to listen carefully and never forget that... that WE love you. You are OUR Anna no matter what. Okay?” my mama said making me froze, feeling this unsettling feeling in my chest as I look so really confused.   “Ma, what’s that supposed to mean? What is really going on?” I ask confusedly.   My papa who is also sitting beside me pats my head making me feels so worried this time. The sad atmosphere from the people around me made me feel that something big is about to happen.   “Anna just listen to everything okay, listen and stay calm.” My papa said as he looks at the man in his 50’s and nod. The man in his 50’s cleared his throat.   “Okay so before we discuss the legal ones for A- Anna's sake, for her not to get shocked Mr. Villaflor should tell their side of the story.” The man in his 50’s said as the man he calls as Mr. Villaflor nods and clears his throat before he looks at me then to his hand on the table.   “Thank you, Miles, thank you Mr. and Mrs. Marcelo for doing this with us. We really owe you everything. She grew up to be a healthy and stunning young lady; this is all because of you. I- I... I will start my story then. 20 years ago, I was informed about the hotel I was selling here in Baguio. I, my wife and Nanny Dolores our trusted maid, together with our 1-year-old baby daughter... we all came to Baguio for business and for vacation as well.” The man suddenly stops then sighs.   “A-Ahmnnnn Mr. Villaflor?” the man named Mr. Miles looks at Mr. Villaflor as if he is thinking that the other man is losing his courage to continue.   “Don’t worry Miles I got this. O-Okay.... right when we are headed back home; there we noticed a black van following us. All hell breaks loose when they started shooting at us. We heard the tire blew and we ran out of the car. I took one of the cases full of money from our business transaction while pulling my wife. Nanny Dolores was holding the other one and our baby. To ensure our child’s safety we decided to separate thinking that the pursuers will run after us and not them. We ran to the opposite side of the road while the nanny with our baby ran to the road going back to Baguio. We survived that, yet we have never heard from nanny Dolores or our baby ever since.” Mr. Villaflor said as he turns and wipes his tear.   “Not until a year ago, when Nanny Dolores came knocking to our door. She- she will continue the story. We should wait for her to come back.” The lady beside the well-groomed man said still looking at me as she wipes her tears with her handkerchief.   I just stayed so silent for a while trying to make sense of what is happening, I am trying to piece clues together and I am so scared to come up with the conclusion that is so obvious all along. A few seconds passed when a woman in her 50’s comes in and sits beside Mr. Miles.   “Sorry, sir I can’t find your cellphone in the car. I believe you left it at home sir.” The woman in her 50’s said looking at Mr. Villaflor.   “It is alright nana, we left in a hurry. Oh! Everyone this is Nanny Dolores Santiban. She is the woman I’ve been telling you about. She will continue the story to what happened after the time we separated.” Mr. Villaflor said as he looks at me and gives me a slight smile.   The woman he calls Nanny Dolores looks at me and tears start to fall right from her eyes. She wipes it using her own t-shirt then she takes a deep breath and clears her throat. Is it me or is everyone acting so weird in this dining area?   “I- I should start then. After we separated and after a long run, I noticed 3 men are after us. I kept on running holding baby Zam on my chest and the other case is in my other hand. I noticed that I was running into houses and that is already getting dark. I kept on running until we came into an alley and they kept on shooting at us. When we turn into some houses and I saw a wall, it is a dead end.” The woman said with a too depressing tone as everyone look so touched by the story.   “I then saw a pile of trashes on the side, thinking to only save baby Zam I left her there hidden to the pile of garbage with a note and the case of money. I ran a few steps away there when I heard a gunshot and I fell to the ground. My back was shot, when they came near me and saw that I don’t have the bag they started to curse and left me there thinking I was already dead. A few minutes when I found my strength I crawled up and walk towards where I left baby Zam. I saw a man holding baby Zam on his chest and the case of money on his other hand as he walks away from there. I clearly saw his face when I tried to walk towards them. I was blinded by a light and a car’s piercing horn. I felt a hard metal crashed on me and I blacked out from that. 3 weeks passed when I opened my eyes, I was in the hospital with no memories. When I regain my memories it was already 16 years passed. I immediately look for the Villaflors and told them what happened. It almost took 3 years to locate the man who took baby Zam and the money 20 years ago on than the same spot where I left her. I am so happy that she grows up to be this lovely and stunning lady.” Nanny Dolores looks at me and then turns away to wipe her tears.   I don’t want to hear more anymore. I can’t believe this. This must be a dream created by my loneliness. It is just another illusion I made up to ease my tired and lonely soul. I need to wake up. This is not a good dream... it feels like a nightmare. Plus, this doesn’t happen in real life. Cinderella-like stories are full of shits; I should stop believing in happily ever after.   “So, now you heard their story. The tale will be continued by Mr. Marcelo himself....... if he will.” Said Mr. Miles then I look at my papa who looks so pale and my mama who looks as if she is about to burst out crying.   “20 years ago... I lost everything in a bet I made in a gambling game in the party I attended when I came to Baguio. I was walking home when I heard the cries of a baby. I found a 1-year-old baby girl hidden in a pile of garbage with a case full of money on the side. I- I... then to- took her and the money with me back home in the province. We raised her as our own and the money helped us get back what we lose and pay our debts.... get our children an education. W-we n-named her.......” my papa suddenly looks at me and tears start to drop from my eyes.   I get it already; I know already who they are talking about. Yet.... it hurts so much, that all that I know starts to fade in thin air. My mind is all blank and it is as if my surroundings are starting to blur.   “I’m sorry Anna, I love you and I brought you up as my own daughter. You- You are a part of our family but- but you need to k-know the truth. I name- named the child... Anna- Anna Marie Marcelo a-and she is you, my dear Anna. You are their long-lost daughter. Oh! I’m so sorry dear.” My papa hugs me while I sob and wipes my tears.   The shock is too much that my heart and head are both throbbing in pain. This seems all to be just a dream and so surreal for me. It reminds me of the Korean drama I watched lately, ‘My Golden Life’ about a lost daughter of a rich family then they will find her in a poor family. But I don’t want to be like the girl Seo Ji-An who in the end is not the rich daughter but an impostor. They must be mistaken; do they have any evidence that it is me? I can’t believe it. This must be just my dream... a freaking nightmare. After a few minutes of sobbing, the attorney brought out the matter about my real family wanting to take me home with them. I just nod and nod to everything. I then excuse myself to go out as the adults talk about the matter and to sign some documents. What will happen to me after this? I don’t think this is some kind of a soap opera... do I need to check for cameras. What if they are all just messing with me? These are all messed up.  
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