Chapter 1: Confusion and Weird Feelings

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--- October 22, 2017/ 3 months ago ---   I and my best friend Margie Rose Domingo are walking to the school ground trying to head our way home. I swear I feel so tired and stressed after that long remedial exam given by our professor since he said that our records are hanging low so all his class stayed late just to comply. The whole school surroundings are now starting to darken but few students are also heading home.   “Wow! I can’t believe sir did it again. It’s already late see, it’s already 6:10 and I’m so tired.” I said as I fixed my shoulder bag into my right shoulder, I simply look at my friend beside me seeing her also worn-out face.   “Yap talks about much too many reminders for next semester. Did you take that form they had given us?” my best friend and partner in many crazy things Margie Rose Domingo asks as I just nod and look at the trail going to the main road.   “Well, what can I say? They must be worried we might transfer to another school. I am starting to get pressured by this course’s subjects. The teachers are giving us too expensive projects and such. It’s too stressful for me.” I said with a deep sigh of weariness while I rub my aching neck.   “Forget that, I’m starving. Can we stop for food?” said Rose while she rubs her stomach that made me and her laugh.   “Say, whoever had the lowest grade in Creative writing shall treat for our meal.” Rose said while winking at me, our teacher in that subject is a terror so I bet our grades are hanging.   “Game! That’s our deal. Make sure you have extra money to spend alright.” I said jokingly while smirking as we both take our class cards in our bags.   “Okay, as we agreed the one with the lowest grade shall pay. On the count of three, we shall show our class card.” Rose said and I nod thinking that I can pay since I have some extra money with me if ever I lose.   We both count into three then show our class cards making Rose grunt upon seeing my grade. I smile in triumph seeing that I have an 87 on my creative writing while 86 on hers making me do the victory dance we both usually do.   “Alright! A deal is a deal no back outs.” I said as Rose sigh then smiles nodding.   “No problem.” Rose said making me look at her in surprise.   “A-Are you sure. Don’t tell me you got paid with your part-time job in that CD store?” I said looking at my hard-working friend who has countless part-time jobs and one of those is on a CD store where I usually hang out just to accompany her.   “Hmnn yap. Don’t worry about it.” Rose said making me sigh knowing that my friend is working none stop because of her mother’s medication.   We are walking on the sidewalk when my cellphone starts to ring. I immediately open my bag and take my cellphone out just to look at it in surprise upon seeing my father’s caller Id that made me furrow my eyebrows. They rarely call me and at this late time, it is so worrying. I reluctantly slide the answer button somehow I don’t know why but I feel so nervous, I slowly place my cellphone on my right ear.   “Hello, pa.” I said waiting for him to speak.   When I hear what he says I place my cellphone back into my pocket then look at my friend looking so apologetic.  Rose looks at me wondering while I shake my head looking so dismayed.   “What’s wrong?” Rose said as she looks at me.   “Sorry Rose I have to head back home as soon as possible. They said there is something important they need to tell me. Let’s eat out next time. I feel bad since this is our last day together.” I said as I look at Rose really dismayed.   “Too bad, it’s already semester break and the school will be on emergency break making it 3 months of break. We won’t see each other again for that long. Are you going back to your province straightaway?” Rose said as we continue walking towards the jeep’s station.   “I don’t know; it’s just a little bit weird why my parents are here this late without telling me earlier that they will be here. Something must have come up. I’ll text you if ever we can get a chance to eat out.” I sadly said before I wave my friend goodbye.   “Okay, call or text me okay.” Rose waves back towards me on the window of the jeep after she sits on the jeep.   As I quietly sit on the jeep I start to think as to why my parents are here this late and are waiting for me at my uncle Oliver’s house. I wonder why they ask me to head home as soon as possible, that I should immediately head to my uncle Oliver’s house and not to the boarding house I am staying which is just beside my uncle’s house. The tone of my father’s voice made me really nervous. He seems to be so sad while I speak to him a while ago. When I arrive at the gate of Uncle Oliver’s house I see an expensive car parked into uncle’s front yard, I sigh then I enter the gate quietly.   “Odd, do they have a guest today? This is my first time seeing a car like this visiting uncle. Not to mention it is already late. For a guest to be here on a time like this they must be someone close but I have never seen this car before.” I said in wonder as I look closely at that expensive-looking black car.   I slowly climb the stairs towards my uncle’s porch and then I stop in front of the door. I sigh while I stand near the door of my uncle’s house, I am still deciding if I will knock or just press that darn doorbell. I don’t know why but I feel so nervous like something ominous is about to happen. Somewhat, I feel so uneasy. I take a deep breath and slowly knock. The door opens revealing my elementary crush, Michael Adamson. He has sun-tanned skin, black clean-cut hair, 5’7 height, muscular built, gray eyes, and reddish lips. He is what I call a sun-tanned god.   “Hi. Uhmnn Anna this uhmnn warn you.... I-I just want to warn you. B-be ready for anything that will about to happen. Come in.” Michael said as he steps aside to let me in.   I feel so nervous most especially when he said that. The way he said it sound like trouble is about to come.   “O-kay.... what is going on?” I ask still confused about what he just said, this is the first time Michael talk to me first but the sound of his hoarse voice made me very nervous.   “J-Just be ready, because everything you know is about to change.” He said with an awkward smile.   I am confused upon hearing what he said. This made me even nervous and uneasy, my relationship with Michael ever since elementary is so cold, and yah! nothing special at all, we never talked to each other normally. Even from the time, he came to stay with my uncle for college and that we see each other every day since we are walking in the same places every time, yet we never have shared a very interesting conversation at all. We seem to feel awkward with each other’s presence thus the cold ice we feel every time one is near.   “Ah, Michael. What- what do you mean by that? Are- are my parents in here?” I ask trying to hide my blushing face and that nervousness I am feeling.   He smiles and signs me towards the dining area so I now got my answer to where my parents are.   “Th-They have been waiting for you in there. Ahmnnn Anna, good luck.” He said making my face burn but at the same time, my heart beats fast.   I don’t know if it’s because Michael talks to me casually for the first time or that he smiled handsomely OR for something else?   “R-Right, thanks.” I just said acting cool about it.   Michael closes the door and he walks towards the sofa right in the living room and sits beside Casper and Ian. Casper, Ian, and Nina are watching a movie; those 3 are my Uncle Oliver’s children and my really unsociable cousins but they are cool when you get to be open up with them. Michael on the other hand is related to my Uncle Oliver’s family because Michael’s father is a distant relative of my Uncle Oliver’s wife, Aunt Agnes. And when Michael’s father died my aunt take him into their house to help him study and she pays for Michael’s studies in exchange he must stay at Uncle Oliver’s house and help in his shop. Aunt Agnes is abroad so we seldom see her during our stay here.   “Anna dear, is that you? Come on here at the kitchen we have been waiting for you.” I hear my uncle’s call from the kitchen and since their kitchen and living room table is separated with a wall divider, I can’t see who is there or if my parents are there.   I take a deep breath when I see my niece Clayra running towards me and then keep on pulling my bag so I had no choice but to let my cute 4 years old niece have it.   “Careful Clayra.” I said as I watch how she is struggling to carry my bag towards the sofa where the others are sitting.   I slowly walk towards the kitchen divider as Clayra sits on the sofa next to Michael and starts to ransack my bag. I instantly turn red at the thought that Michael is looking into the content of my bag. My so messy and full bag, not to mention all my class cards is there so he can see my not-so-well but doing fine grades. I see that Clayra found what she is looking for when she stops looking into my shoulder bag and left it scattered on the sofa beside Michael.   “Too messy.” I utter almost a whisper looking at my niece’s mess.   I shake my head and sigh upon seeing all my papers, class cards, and notebooks scattered there while Clayra sits happily as she opens the candy she found. Michael looks at me and then he smiles, he starts to pick all my stuff and carefully return it into the bag. When he looks at me I mouth him my thanks before I take one last deep breath before I continue heading towards the kitchen just to see my parents and my 3 siblings, my elder sister Arsey the mother of my niece, my brother Ezzar and my sister Daisy sitting on the wide dining table together with my uncle Oliver and 3 new faces.   “He- Hello.” I softly said as I nervously look at them, I somehow feel uneasy about this.   There is this lovely lady who turns to look at me and starts to cry. She has this dark hair and fair skin; she is wearing a blue dress while her hair is in a messy bun. Besides the lady is a man who is patting the lady’s back as his eyes gaze at me, weird. The man has this black hair and tan skin; he is also wearing a formal suit, those types we usually see worn by businessmen. On the other side of the man is another man, a man in his 50’s and is also looking at me..... so weird. In front of the man is a black bag or in business terms, a briefcase.   “Oh don’t just stand there dear. Come and sit so we can start... explaining things.” My mother Mary Marcelo said sadly who is sitting beside my father August Marcelo.   I sigh before I walk towards an empty seat just in front of the 3 visitors. I slowly sit and notice that their eyes are all towards me. My heart starts to pound heavily. What trouble did I cause this time? Who are these 3 weird visitors who look at me as if they are looking into food? But despite my thundering heartbeat and nervousness, I have to act cool about this.   “U-uhmmnn what is going on?” I manage to say as I look around the table to look at my family’s faces.   Why do I feel so uneasy about all of these? I look at my family and I can feel this dark sad aura surrounding them making me scared and nervous. But when I look at the two new faces in front of me, I feel this uncertain warmth in my heart... so weird. To my observation, they must be a couple seeing how the handsome 30’s looking man side hugs the woman who is also so pretty and looking like in her 30’s too. The way they are looking at me makes me feel so warm, happy, nervous, and scared also not to mention I feel like vomiting all at once. Who are they and why is the atmosphere feel so tight? Why do my parents look so sad and distressed?  
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