06 | Flashbacks

2537 Words
*Reina’s POV* It has been a very difficult week, to say the least. Being without his touch, his love, his warmth has driven me crazy. My wolf and I aren’t even on speaking terms. She blames me for my mistake in leaving Xander alive and I can’t blame her. I wish I could go back. Maybe then my mate wouldn’t be in this fūcking bed, dying. Chloe, Zoe, and the doctors managed to save him that day, but he isn’t fine. He is growing colder and paler by the second. Each day that passes, the further away he feels. I haven’t left his side since the moment he jumped in front of me. I have lost all control of my emotions. I’m pissed at him for sacrificing himself for me. I’m pissed at myself for not having killed Xander. I’m pissed at the moon goddess for allowing this to happen. On the bright side, I’m using all of this anger to bring those fūcker’s down. If Alex dies, I will die with him, but I am taking every single fūcker involved down with me. I brought the back of my hand up to Alex’s cheek as I let the tears flow. “I miss you.” I choked out. I leaned forward to kiss his lips before lying on the bed next to him. I hugged him tightly as I cried against his chest. This has become my daily routine. “Why did you do that? Why did you jump in the way?” I whispered. I looked up at his beautiful face. I traced his features before nuzzling him. “I wish you would have known about the pup. You would have come back to me faster.” I whispered. “That’s not true,” Noah said from the door. “He loves you just as much as he will love his pup.” He said sadly. “He isn’t getting any better.” I said, hugging Alex closer to me. “It is a miracle that he made it. He got shot ten times with silver bullets.” He said with a frown as he looked at Alex. “My brother is strong and will make it back to us. For you.” I cried harder on Alex’s chest. “I just miss him so much.” “Reina, you need to rest. This isn’t doing any good to the pup.” He said as he reached for me. “No.” I said, shaking my head. “I am not leaving his side.” “You have to. We have news about those assholes, and we have a funeral to attend.” He said, looking up to the ceiling. I could tell that this was very hard for him too. “Okay.” I sighed. “But give me ten more minutes with him. Please,” I said as I wrapped Alex’s arms around me. “Fine. But after nine and a half minutes, I am coming in here to drag you out.” He said with a half-smile before walking out. When the door closed, I looked at Alex’s arms around me and smiled. “You have always made me feel loved. Even when I was a little asshole with you,” I whispered, remembering how stubborn I was in refusing to be marked. If I could go back in time, I would have let him mark me the night at the club. Goddess knows I wanted to jump him that day and every day after that. A week without my husband has been a week walking down memory lane. From meeting him, mating, marking each other, and even his proposal. I still remember how my silly mate proposed. ~Flashback~ “Where are you taking me?” I asked Alex for the hundredth time. “Baby, I told you it was a surprise.” He chuckled. “I have been blindfolded for one hour. I expect you fully naked in an elephant trunk speedo when you remove the blindfold.” I said with a smirk, making him snort. “Okay! You get that surprise every day,” he said. “So? It’s my favorite surprise.” I shrugged. “Okay. We are here. Don’t you dare take off your blindfold. I will get out first and open your door.” He told me as he opened the door. “Fine.” I grumbled as he closed his door. He quickly reached my door and helped me out. “Miss me?” He whispered in my ear. “Not really.” I teased. “Oh?” He asked as he nibbled on my lip, making me get lost in desire. He pulled away and I knew he must be smirking at how turned on I was now. “I bet you miss me now.” “Shut up.” I whined. “Hurry up or I am taking this shīt off.” I said as I pointed at my face. “Okay, okay. Sheesh. You can be a handful at times.” He said. “Or all the time.” He whispered, lowly. “Hey! I heard that!” I yelled as I reached to smack him but couldn’t find him. He chuckled before grabbing my hand to pull me towards goddess knows where. I could hear many different sounds around me as we walked. One of them sounded like air or a fan maybe? “Careful, baby. Watch your step.” Alex said as he helped me get on something. My mind was going crazy as I wondered where the hell he was taking me. “I hate surprises.” I grumbled. “Sure, you do.” Alex chuckled. “Anyway, we are here.” He whispered in my ear as his hands reached the back of my head. As soon as the blind folds came off, I blinked multiple times while my vision adjusted. As soon as my sight was back to normal, I took in my surroundings. He brought me to a clearing that had a beautiful view of a crystal blue lake with majestic green mountains right behind it. We were standing inside of a hot air balloon. It was large enough to have a chef, whipping up food towards the far left. “You like?” He asked. “Beautiful,” I whispered. “Wait! This isn’t moving, right?” I asked him in panic. “What do you mean? Like the balloon going up?” He asked. “Yeah!” I said with wide eyes. “Of course, it is.” He chuckled. “I’m terrified of heights!” I yelled as I jumped on him. He signaled for someone to close the door as he held me tightly to him. “My alpha is scared of a little height?” He whispered, teasingly, in my ear. “Shut up.” I whined as I shut my eyes tightly. As soon as the thing started going up, I squealed, squeezing Alex even tighter. “Fūck, Reina, I need my lungs to breath, you know.” He said, making me let go slightly. “Don’t worry. I am here to take care of you. Always.” “You are so fūcking lucky that I love you.” I said as I shook slightly on him. “Let’s look over the edge.” He said as he carried me over. “No, Alex, please!” I shouted. “Baby, I am holding on to you. I will never let anything happen to you. I promise.” He whispered as he continued walking. “I won’t even get too close, and I won’t let the guys take us too high up. Okay?” “Okay.” I breathed out. I’m sure Alex did this romantic getaway with the best intentions, but me and heights have never gotten along. “I’m going to place you on the ground, okay?” He asked gently. “Okay.” I said as I opened my eyes. “Look at how beautiful,” he said, pointing at the view. He wasn’t lying. This was the best view I had seen my whole life. I couldn’t help but stare in awe. I almost forgot we were floating around in a fūcking balloon. Alex pulled away slightly, making me panic. “Wait.” I said as I reached back for him, but found him on one knee. My eyes grew wide in surprise. “What the heck?” I whispered. “Reina. You are the best thing that has happened to me. I know the mate bond brought us together, but I love you for you. The mate bond is just a plus.” He said with a wink. “Since the day I met you, I knew you wouldn’t be an easy one. Goddess knows, you made me work hard to even get you marked. But in all honesty, I wouldn’t change a thing about our love story. Even though werewolves don’t usually have weddings, I want you to be mine in all ways possible. You deserve everything. And that includes me.” He said with a smirk, making me slap him on the arm. I sniffled before he continued. “I love everything about you. Even your cute little snores.” “I don’t snore.” I huffed, making him roll his eyes. “The point is that my life revolves around you and it’s hard for me to breathe when you aren’t with me.” I furrowed my brows at him. “Isn’t that a Chris Brown song?” I asked as he laughed before wiping his tears away. “It doesn’t mean it isn’t true.” He shrugged before he continued. “I love that when I am with you, I can be myself. Carefree, goofy, even a hopeless romantic. I love the man that you’ve made me become. I want to make you the happiest woman in the world as I fill you up with pups.” He said as he threw me another wink. I can only imagine how much sexier my mate will be when he becomes a father. There is something about the daddy role that is a complete turn on. “I promise to love you, cherish you, protect you, and make you the happiest alpha alive. I love you and I hope you will accept me as your husband. Do you accept being my forever for all eternity?” He finished with a smile. He was such a dummy. My delicious and sexy dummy. How could I refuse him? “This is a formality because you are already mine and I am not letting you go.” He chuckled, making me giggle. “Of course, I will marry you.” I said before jumping on him as we both fell backwards. He kissed me passionately as his hand slipped the ring on my finger. Soon after, I heard cheering in the background. What the fūck? Our lips departed momentarily as I looked around. “Our family is on FaceTime on the tablet by the bar.” He said with a smile. “You mean to tell me that they saw everything?” I asked him. “Yup! We know you are afraid of heights now.” Polo chuckled. “Shut up, Polo. You are afraid of squirrels.” Winter laughed. “Am not.” He grumbled, making the others laugh at him. “Oh goddess.” I complained as I hid my face on Alex’s chest while he chuckled softly. ~End of Flashback~ I teared up again at the memory. I didn’t cherish him enough. I took him and our relationship for granted. I promised the moon goddess that if she returned Alex to me, I would be a better mate and never take his love for granted. I intertwined our hands, closing my eyes. I wish I could feel our sparks again. That was what scared me the most. Not feeling them meant that he was almost gone. They kept telling me that he would make it, but I was scared that he wouldn’t. “Reina,” Noah called as he peeked back into the room. “It’s time.” He said, making me sigh. “Please wake up. For me and our pup.” I whispered, pecking his lips before I got up from the bed. I walked towards the door but turned to look at him one more time. “I love you, Alex.” I said with an ache in my chest, turning to finally leave the room. *Winter’s POV* I looked at myself in the mirror as I straightened my black dress. This dress, the funeral, brings back memories of one of the worst days of my life. I couldn’t help but feel my heart hurt at the memories. “Baby.” Polo whispered as he wrapped his arms around my waist and looked at me through the mirror. “Deja vu.” I tried to joke as a tear escaped me. “Please don’t cry, princess.” He said as he kissed my cheek. “She is in a better place now.” “I know.” I sighed. “I just can’t help remembering.” He nodded his head before leaning forward to kiss my lips softly. “How are you feeling? Fake and all, it’s still tough.” I asked Polo. “I’m trying not to think about it. I mean, we did lose a lot of people, but having to pretend to lay Alex—” He said, taking a deep breath. “I just have to remind myself that he is fine and that he will be.” “I just feel like we are betraying the pack. It feels wrong to lie to them.” I sighed, turning in his arms. “I know, but we don’t know who we can trust. What if something happens to him because the information gets into the wrong hands? I think the pack would understand that we would do anything to protect our alpha at all costs.” He replied. “Well, when you put it like that,” I said, pursing my lips. “I hope he wakes up soon. I feel like the longer he takes, the further away from reality Reina gets.” I whispered, closing my eyes. “I can’t blame her. I felt like that when I thought I lost you.” He said as his arms tightened around my waist. “When I thought I lost you and Seth.” “Let’s not talk about that day, okay?” I choked out. “Is Seth with your mother?” I asked him. “Yeah. I wouldn’t want Seth there.” He replied as he grabbed my hand and kissed it. “Good. But I want to pick him up as soon as this is over with.” I told him. “I miss spending time with my pup.” He nodded before speaking again. “Let’s get this over with.” He said, forcing a smile. I took a deep breath before nodding and following him out of our bedroom.
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