05 | Dead Men Tell Tales

2732 Words
*Noah’s POV* “Fūck!” Chloe shouted as one of the crystals fell. “Baby, calm down.” I whispered as I wrapped my arms around her. “Here, let me help. Where do you want these?” I asked as I grabbed the other crystals that she held. “Just make a large round circle that can fit us all in the center of the room.” She answered as she looked through her spellbook. I started placing the crystals around the room as my mate finished some potions. Once I was done, I walked back to her and leaned forward to see what she was doing. “What is the potion for?” I asked her. “Well,” she said before pursing her lips. “It turns out that I may have skipped through the instructions and didn’t know this step was required when you are summoning the dead.” She said before looking away quickly. I nodded slowly until what she said clicked. “Wait a minute. Wait a minute.” I said, shaking my head. “You just said instructions. First of all, there are fūcking instructions in witch shīt?” “Hey! This isn’t shīt!” She hissed as she grabbed her spell book and smacked the back of my head with it. “Sorry, baby.” I pouted as I rubbed the back of my head. She rolled her eyes before replying. “Yes, there are instructions. I just skim through it. I mean, who even reads that stuff?” She asked. “Everyone,” I scoffed. “Not.” She countered. “Whatever. We didn’t do that last time though. What happens if you don’t drink that potion?” I asked her. “The spirit may or may not want to…” She said, biting her lips. “Take over the living person.” She mumbled lowly. “They what?” I shouted as my eyes grew wide. “Listen. You are being a bit dramatic now, Noah.” She said as she swirled the potion in the vile. “Dramatic? Dramatic me? That fūcking spirit could have possessed either one of us. I knew I didn’t like this creepy asš shīt!” I shouted, throwing my hands in the air. “But did you die?” She asked with a raised brow, making me squint my eyes at her. I was about to reply when the door opened, making us look towards it. “Is everything ready?” Winter asked us. “Yeah,” Chloe replied. “It will only be us five, right?” “Yes. I will mind link Reina now.” She replied as her eyes glazed over. “Hey, can you get the chalk?” Chloe asked me. “Pretty please.” She said as she kissed my cheek. “Fine.” I said as I walked to our bedroom and grabbed it from the drawers. Don’t ask about that. The things you do when you are in love. I cringed at the memory. I walked back to the conference where we were doing this speaking to the dead shīt. Winter and Polo were standing in the center where I had placed the crystals and where the conference table used to be. “Join them in the circle, Wolfie Mate.” Chloe said over her shoulder. I shivered as I walked into the circle. This shīt always gives me the heebie-jeebies. As soon as I was inside of the circle, Reina opened the door. “Let’s get this shīt over with.” She mumbled as she joined us. “Here,” Chloe said as she handed each one of us the potion. “You have to drink this. Don’t worry Reina. I already checked and it won’t harm the pup.” Reina nodded before we all chugged the content down our throats. We all gagged at its taste. “Fūck! You couldn’t make it taste good?” Polo hissed as he wiped furiously on his tongue, making me laugh. “You should be grateful it wasn’t poison.” Chloe mumbled, making me chuckle. My feisty mate. “Okay. Instructions?” Reina asked. “Don’t leave the circle.” Chloe shrugged as she finished marking the floor with chalk and drinking her potion. “You have it?” She asked Reina. “Yeah.” She replied as she lifted her hand and placed it in Chloe’s open hand. “Ready?” Chloe asked, looking at all of us. “To see ghosts? Fūck no!” Polo mumbled. “They aren’t fūcking ghosts.” Chloe grumbled as she closed the circle. “Regna spirituum aperimus et unum promptum invocamus.” (Latin for “We open up the realm of the spirits and call upon the one available.”) Chloe chanted. “The fūck does that mean?” Polo whispered to Winter. “That a fūcking ghost will eat your asš.” Winter replied with a giggle. The room temperature dropped a bit before a spirit appeared before us. Let’s just say that the spirit didn’t seem too happy to be summoned. I gulped as I watched it charge towards us. I could have been scared shītless but I wouldn’t let anything happen to my mate or Reina. I pushed them both behind me as I waited for the creepy shīt to break the barrier. The spirit just froze, looking around to find a way into our circle. “Did you not close the circle?” Chloe asked as she searched the book in a panic. I looked back at the other circle I had made and realized that it wasn’t a complete circle. I looked back and smiled sheepishly at her. “Fūck!” She grumbled. “I should let him on the loose just so he can say hi to you.” “You wouldn’t.” I said in shock. She sighed as she tried another spell. The spirit only got angrier. “Shīt, shīt, shīt!” She said in panic as she continued searching. She tried another spell just as the spirit tried charging at us again.
 When she finished reading the spell, the creepy thing disappeared, making us all sigh in relief. “Let me fix the circle.” I said as I moved towards our crystals. “No!” She yelled. “It will disrupt everything. You can’t do that!” She said as she grabbed me by my shirt. “Goddess, how was I to know?” I asked, rolling my eyes. 
 “I told you last time! Ugh, forget it. Let’s just call another.” She sighed as she started reading off the first spell. You know. I tend to block out the memories of all the times that she has made me do this. Have you ever heard of traumatic experiences? That would explain why I tend to forget the instructions. “Goddess, hopefully, this one isn’t a lunatic,” Polo whispered. Another spirit suddenly appeared, making us all sigh in relief. It looked nicer at least. “What is this?” He asked. “We are sorry to disturb your sleep, but we are in urgent need of help. We need to know if you recognize this?” Chloe asked as she showed the spirit the necklace. “Of course!” The spirit nodded. “It is not safe to have that out in the open, little girl.” He said, making me growl. Little girl, my asš. “What does it do? Who does it belong to?” She asked quickly. “It was originally kept secured by the High Priest and High Priestess. The necklace holds the strongest powers ever known. It was used centuries ago when witches were killed. The point is to transfer the powers from the witch to the necklace before the witch dies completely.” He replied. “What the fūck!” Reina growled. “Do you know what it could do?” Chloe asked. “It depends on the witch’s or warlock’s powers that it contains. Last I knew, it only held the power to manipulate, the power of love, and the power to freely communicate with the afterlife without the need to use summoning spells.” He said. “That means that if she had it, she was planning on transferring more powers. What if she had already transferred some before we reached her?” Chloe asked under her breath. “How do we figure out what it holds?” I asked the spirit. “Well, someone will have to use it, of course. But I must warn you. Once you put it on, only death can remove it,” he said. “But I removed it from Circe before I killed her.” Reina said with furrowed brows. “You must be the chosen one,” he said with wide eyes before bowing. “What the hell?” Winter mumbled. “Only the chosen one can remove it from a witch,” he replied. “So, only a witch can wear it?” I asked him. “That, I don’t know,” he said before he looked around. “What?” Chloe asked quickly. “You only have a few seconds left. I’m being summoned back.” He said in a rush. “How can we find another warlock that is untraceable?” Chloe asked quickly. “Try the necklace. Trust no one!” He yelled as he disappeared before the room temperature returned to normal. “Can my mate and I leave this circle? That was some creepy asš shīt.” Polo growled as he pulled Winter into his arms. “It could have been worse.” Chloe shrugged as she grabbed the crystal, allowing us to exit the circle. “Now what?” Winter asked. “Are you going to wear it? Maybe that is why the creepy asšhole wanted it. If he wore that shīt, it would make him more powerful, and no one could stop him. Well, except Reina.” She shrugged. “I don’t think I know enough about the necklace.” Chloe said, deep in thought. “What are you worried about?” Reina asked her. “Maybe it only works on dark witches. He never said that the High Priest and High Priestess wore the necklace. Maybe it could turn someone dark.” Chloe told us with brows furrowed. “Fūck! So, we are back to nothing.” I muttered. “No, let me talk to Zoe. We could figure something out together.” She told us. “We don’t have time. I need my mate back! My pup needs its father back.” Reina choked out. “Oh, Reina,” Winter said as she pulled her into a hug. “This is making me and our pack weaker. We need answers as soon as possible. I want to avenge my mate and all those killed.” Reina said before walking away. 
 “I’ll help you put everything back together.” Polo said as Winter and Chloe ran after Reina. *Summer’s POV* It had been a few hours since Brad woke up. We had him moved into Chad’s room because he insisted that he wanted to be close to him. Well, that was after telling him that he had to stay in the clinic. When he woke up, Winter informed Chloe about it after she took Jake to my aunt. Chloe had sent Zoe in immediately to heal him. She was able to heal most of his injuries since the wolfsbane was out of his system. “Baby, come here.” Brad motioned for me to sit on his lap. He was sitting on a reclining chair because he said he was tired of the clinic bed. I walked over to him slowly, but he pulled me roughly into his lap. “Brad, be careful.” I said as I looked him over to check him, sighing when I confirmed he wasn’t hurt. “I’ve missed your warmth.” He whispered in my ear as his hands wrapped around my waist. “You basically just woke up, silly.” I smiled as I kissed his neck. “Any second away from you is like an eternity.” He pouted, making me kiss his lips. I could finally feel the full effect of the sparks. While he was out, the effect of the sparks had reduced greatly. That was one of the reasons why my fear intensified each day. It was horrible. “What happened that day?” I whispered the question that I had been wondering all this time. “Goddess, I barely remember. I just remember running after the asshole of Xander when I was paralyzed. I couldn’t move or anything. That was when that coward turned. Everything happened too fast.” He said as he nuzzled my hair. “I missed you so much. Both of you.” I choked out as I looked over at Chad. “I’m sorry we left you alone, princess.” He frowned, pulling me closer to him. “I can’t begin to imagine what you went through.” “What we went through. The pups have had it tough too. It’s like they can feel that something happened to their daddies.” I said, wiping away the tears. “Can someone bring them here? I want to see my pups.” He asked with a smile as he combed my hair with his fingers. “I can go.” I told him as I tried to stand. “No. Anyone, but you. I don’t want you to leave my side.” He said as he cupped my face. “I love you so much.” “I love you.” I told him as I leaned forward to kiss his soft lips. He nibbled on my lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He inserted his tongue in my mouth, caressing the inside slowly. I pulled his hair gently, making him grunt just as someone cleared their throat. I jumped off Brad’s lap, making him chuckle. “Oh, goddess, I’m so sorry.” I mumbled as Ruby laughed at me. “Hey! It isn’t like you are still a virgin.” She giggled as I slapped her arm. “I thought you were the doctor or something, dummy.” I said, rolling my eyes. “I came to bring you both a hot meal. You know how mother gets.” She laughed, shaking her head. “I’m so glad that you are okay.” She smiled at Brad. “Thank you.” He nodded at her. “I will see you later then.” She was saying when I grabbed her arm. “Do you think you can have the nannies bring my pups?” I asked her. “Of course! By the way, the guys haven’t come to bother you guys because they are busy, but once they become free, you won’t have any alone time anymore.” She winked at us before leaving. I shook my head as I sat on Brad’s lap. “Let’s see what is for lunch.” I told him as I opened the container. We were about to dig in when Chad made a sound, making us look up at him. I immediately ran to his side after setting the food on the side. “Chad?” I whispered, cupping his cheeks. Brad walked towards us slowly, standing by my side. Chad moved a little bit, grunting again. My hand reached his as I closed my eyes and prayed to the moon goddess. I felt the moment that Brad placed his hand on top of mine as he did what I was doing. I really hope that Chad wakes up so my pups and I can have both of our boys back. “My baby missed me.” His voice came out in a croak, making my eyes shoot open. “Chad!” I screamed as I hugged him tightly, forgetting his injuries. “Fūck.” He grunted in pain. “Let me call the doctor.” I said as I pressed the red button. “So glad to have you back bro.” Brad said as he ruffled Chad’s hair, making me beam. I had my mates back and I couldn’t be any happier.
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