07 | Awakening

2795 Words
*Reina’s POV* “No one can know about my son being in this room. This whole section is off limits to anyone that isn’t of higher rank or family.” Derek was telling the doctor as I approached them. Derek turned to me as the doctor walked away. I smiled sadly at him as my hand rubbed my stomach. “Ready?” He asked me. “No. Even though it’s fake.” I took a deep breath as I tried to calm myself. “I don’t know if I can.” “Reina, are you feeling, okay? You look a little pale.” Derek said with brows furrowed as he lifted my chin up. “Mhm.” I told him, looking away quickly. “Reina?” He squinted his eyes. “She hasn’t been sleeping or eating any of her meals.” Noah chimed in, making me glare at him. “Reina? That isn’t going to help Alex.” He told me. “I just can’t get anything down my throat.” I sighed. “It all makes me sick.” “Let’s get you something to eat before we go to the funeral,” he said as he pulled on my hand. I was about to protest when my phone rang. I quickly reached for it in my jumpsuit pocket. I furrowed my eyebrows as soon as I saw the screen. “Unknown number?” I said lowly. “Hello.” I answered after the fourth ring. “Hey, baby.” His disgusting voice said over the phone, making me shake in anger. “I’m so glad that I didn’t hit you with any bullets. Suffering like I did is definitely a better punishment for you.” He chuckled loudly, making me take deep breaths. I felt like I was choking, like I couldn’t breathe. “Reina?” Noah called to me in worry. “Who is it?” “How has your week been without your mate?” He kept pressing. “Such a pity that you killed him.” He said as the phone dropped from my hand. “Reina!” Derek yelled as my body went weak and darkness took over. *** I sat up in a dark space. Goddess, it seemed like I was always in the dark. How did I get here now? “Reina!” Aurora called to me. I missed her so much. “Aurora!” I yelled back. “Where are you?” “Follow the light!” She said. “Are we dead?” I asked with wide eyes. I really wish I could see in this place. “No.” She snickered. “Follow my voice.” “Fine.” I mumbled as I held onto the floor, pushing myself up. I took a deep breath as I followed her voice. My head tilted to the side as I approached more voices. I walked closer to the light and sound before stopping in shock. “Alex?” I asked with a quivery voice. I heard his voice at a distance. It was definitely his voice. The voice I have missed for seven days. Seven excruciating long days. 
 “Alex!” I screamed as I ran faster than ever towards the voice. I don’t know at what moment everything changed from darkness to brightness, but it did. When my eyes adjusted to the light, I noticed that we were in that waterfall that I always seemed to dream about. As soon as my eyes found Alex inside the water, I almost lost it. “Alex!” I yelled as I ran towards him. He turned slowly and smiled like never before. His smile made my heart beat faster. His smile made me realize that everything was going to be alright. As I got closer to him, I noticed that he was holding hands with a beautiful little girl. She looked about two or three years old. She was a beautiful brunette with green eyes. As soon as my eyes found the little girl’s, my brows furrowed. Do I know her? I continued running towards them as Alex finally released the little girl and spread his arms to catch me as I ran into his arms. “Alex!” I sobbed as I gripped tightly to him. “I missed you so much.” “I missed you too, baby.” He whispered, making me shake my head. “Please tell me this isn’t a dream.” I sobbed as I let go of him before cupping his face. I combed my fingers through his beard before pulling on it so I could get his lips closer. I crashed our lips together in a soft but deep kiss. A kiss that said, ‘I fūcking miss you’. I tilted my head to deepen the kiss as my hands reached the back of his head before pulling on it gently. I plunged my tongue into his mouth, exploring every inch. I was scared to let go. Scared to find out this was another dream. Someone cleared their throat, making us pull apart. We pulled away but our eyes never left each other. “You two will have plenty of time later.” I heard a voice that I recognized. I pulled Alex in my arms before turning to face the person behind the voice. I had to see Alex or hold him in order to make sure that he didn’t disappear. He shoved his nose in the crook of my neck, making me sigh. “Moon goddess?” I whispered. “No. You aren’t taking him.” I told her in panic as I pulled him closer. “Baby, listen to her.” Alex whispered before kissing my neck, making me shiver. “Please join me, Reina.” She said as she led us to a large rock underneath some large trees. “I have had to visit you two more than any other one of my children.” She said, shaking her head. The little girl walked towards us before placing her little hand inside of mine. My eyes grew wide when I started seeing images of myself. “Are those memories?” I asked the moon goddess. “Yes, Reina. They are.” She replied to me. “Wait. Are you?” I asked, choking up as I faced the little girl. “What’s her name?” I asked as I wiped away the tear. “You will name her Regina.” The moon goddess replied. I pulled the little girl into my lap as I hugged her tightly. “You are so loved already.” I whispered in Regina’s little ears. “You are so beautiful.” “Reina.” The moon goddess called for my attention, making me look up at her as I played with Regina’s curls. “Where is Aurora?” I asked, realizing that she wasn’t anywhere visible. “She is helping heal Scar. They need a little bit more strength to wake up.” She replied. I looked at Alex and smiled. I cupped his cheek before leaning forward and pecking his lips. I turned to the moon goddess, realizing that she must have something important to inform us about. “Things are about to get tough. Alex will wake up soon because you will need him in order to stop Xander and Damian.” She said as I looked down, embarrassed. “I’m sorry.” I whispered as Alex intertwined our fingers. “That decision is in the past. You need to stop beating yourself up for that.” The moon goddess chastised me. “The point is that you need to work together with other packs to stop this. Only go with those you absolutely trust. There are a lot of people that are in disguise and there will be a lot of traitors if not discovered in time.” She told us before facing me. “The necklace.” She said. “Yes, what about it?” I asked her with brows furrowed. I looked down at the little princess who had fallen asleep in my arms and smiled. “You are the only one that can wear it. If you are the one that wears it, no one can take it off. Now, when they find out you have it…” She trailed off. “It’s basically a death sentence.” “So, she can’t wear that.” Alex said. “Alex.” She scolded him. “I told you that you would have to do things that you wouldn’t like.” “But—” He was saying before she lifted her hand to stop him. “I mean, unless you are okay with a lot of people dying,” she said, making him roll his eyes. “Of course not.” He muttered. “Maybe you should keep all of your crazy children on a leash.” He said, making her squint at him. “He didn’t mean that,” I said as I elbowed him. “Hey! No hurting the husband.” He complained while I rolled my eyes at him. I missed bickering with him. I turned to the moon goddess again. “What does it do?” I asked her. “A lot. It contains a lot of powerful witch powers that were transferred over when they were killed by Circe and others. Powers like yours, Ruby’s, and Chloe’s.” She said. “I mean, one of the powers on there is Chloe’s mom’s.” “What?” I asked in shock. “We don’t have time to go into detail. It is just important that you don’t trust anyone. The closest to you, okay, but definitely no new people.” She warned. I nodded at her as I tried thinking about other questions to ask before it was too late. “You will also need to get help from other witches if possible. I know Zoe will be more than willing and she will be crucial for what is to come.” She said, as Alex sighed. “Great more witches.” He muttered, making me laugh. “I missed you.” I said, shaking my head. He was so silly. “I missed you too.” He declared with a smile. “Okay, you two.” She continued with a smile. “I’m almost done.” We both smiled at her as we let her continue. “You, Chloe, and Ruby are powerful, but there are a lot of them. A lot of strong warlocks. I’m hopeful that there are still witches and warlocks out there that are willing to help.” “Okay. We didn’t find any last time though.” I told her as she grinned. “We will see. I know someone that is trying to help. If not, you girls will do. You just need to work on accessing all your powers.” She whispered, looking between both of us. “Okay.” I nodded even though it was a lot to take in. “Last thing...” She stated, standing on her feet. “The pups. Take care of them. Whether in the stomach or outside of, they will try to use them against you.” “Do we have a traitor?” I asked her, but she was already gone. I looked around, trying to find her, but it was too late. She was gone. Which sucked because I had way more fūcking questions than before. “So, should we leave?” I asked Alex as I faced him. “I guess so.” He shrugged. “I’m ready to hold you tightly and never let go.” “Baby.” I smiled as my lip quivered slowly. He leaned forward to capture my lips, but as soon as they touched, the room started spinning. *** “Reina?” Dad called to me tenderly. “I told you all that she was fine. Something is holding her from waking up and I have a feeling that it is Alex. I think that they are communicating with each other.” I heard Chloe whisper. “Why can’t your sister come here to help her heal faster?” Dad asked her. “How’s the pup, doctor?” Someone asked on the other side of the room before a door opened and closed. Did they leave? Were they returning? How is my pup? “Mhm.” I moaned softly as I struggled to get my eyes open. “She is waking up.” Chloe told them. “See?” She asked them sarcastically. “Alex.” I mumbled lowly. “Regina.” I whispered even lower. “Reina, he is fine. Your bed is right next to his.” Derek said before I felt a hand interlaced with mine. The feeling of the sparks instantly told me who it was. I groaned when I finally got my eyes opened. I blinked slowly before looking around the room. All of our family was here, looking at us. Mom was the first one to approach me. “Oh, thank goddess, Reina. We were so worried.” She said through the tears. “What happened?” I asked, furrowing my brows. I remember being with the moon goddess, Alex, and our pup, but what happened before that? “We were going to the funeral when you received a call,” Noah said hesitantly. My eyes began fluttering again. I just felt so tired. “Baby, do something.” I heard Noah whisper to Chloe. Chloe put her hand on my chest, immediately transferring some sort of energy or strength to my system. Before she could release me, I felt Alex’s hand move inside of mine. “Alex?” I whispered, opening my eyes. “Reina, he is—” Derek was going to repeat, but I ignored him, turning to face Alex immediately. “Alex, baby, come to us.” I whispered as I struggled to pull his hand to my lips. Someone picked our hands up, helping me to bring them to my lips. If it weren’t for his little movement and the increasing feeling of the sparks, I would have thought that I was officially going crazy. Everyone in the room stood silent as they looked at us. “Please, baby.” I whispered, placing gentle kisses on his hand. I felt his hand move again, making me want to encourage him further. I need him. I need everything about him. “I want to lie with him,” I said as I turned to our families. “Reina—” Noah was going to say, but his dad stopped him. “Okay. It should help him wake up faster.” He told Noah. I released Alex’s hand as Dad quickly walked over to me. He leaned down, picking me up bridal style. He walked around the bed before placing me right next to Alex. I immediately snuggled in close to him as I wrapped my arms around his waist. “We are here, baby.” I whispered in his ear. I was getting ready to mark him so that I could transfer the little bit of energy that Chloe had given me when his eyes fluttered. My heart was beating out of control. He was really coming back to us. To me. “Alex.” I cried as I buried my face in the crook of his neck. “Oh, Alex, I missed you.” “I’m going to get the doctor.” I heard Emily say from the corner of the room before the door opened and closed. I pulled away from his neck before placing a hand on his cheek. I waited for his blinking to slow down as his eyes adjusted to the lighting. He struggled for a bit. “Can you do something, Chloe?” I asked her. She nodded as she walked closer, placing her hand on his chest. I tried not to let it bother me that her hand was on his bare chest, but a growl still escaped my lips. “Sorry.” I mumbled as I shoved my face back into the crook of Alex's neck. I heard the guys chuckling just as Noah pulled Chloe into his arms. “I know it’s a wolf thing.” She said with a smile as her hands covered Noah’s on her waist. “Don’t act like you aren’t a jealous witchy mate too.” Noah chuckled before nuzzling her. I turned back to Alex to find him looking at me, making me smile. When he returned my smile, everyone sighed in relief. “Welcome back, husband.” I whispered to him before crashing my lips on his.
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