Chapter Thirteen- Alexander's POV

1867 Words
I could feel the power radiating off Autumn grow as she waited for the warriors to return with any news of Marie. But when she noticed the warrior walk in with a lifeless Marie in his arms her power amplified as her anger took control. She mumbled something under her breath and the warrior's face scrunched up. “I”m sorry, what?” The warrior named Abe asked  Autumn glared up at him, her wolf making herself known clearly. “WHAT HAPPENED?” She roared   The walls shook with her power as everyone around us stepped back away from her. They cowered against each other as the warrior unwillingly stood his ground.  “ looks like she killed herself.” The warrior said Autumn froze, her entire body going rigid as what the man said hit her. But my thoughts were interrupted as she spun on her heels and faced me. I could see in her eyes as her normally golden eyes were getting swallowed by blue.  “Why didn’t you help her? Why did you leave her alone at 16?” she demanded. I had raised my hands in front of me showing I meant her or her wolf no harm. That only seemed to piss her off more as her wolf sprang forth.  “Calm down” I said, still holding my hands up.  Autumn growled in response and started moving towards me, growling and baring her teeth. “Please, Autumn” I begged, “I didn’t know, she never came to me for help. No one even told me about her situation. If they had of course I would have taken care of her, taken her under my wing. But I didn’t know. I can’t help anyone who doesn't seek it.” Autumn stopped advancing at my word and she snorted at me and turned to Marie’s body. She lightly nudged her as if trying to wake her up. She let out a small whine before she shifted back into her human form. I instantly raced towards her and wrapped her in my arms ready to shield her naked body from the rest of the pack. I then looked down at her, fully clothed. The confused look on my face must have amused her because she let out a small laugh. “As long as I have enough control over my shift I can keep my clothes intact.” she explained.   I just nodded and she turned out of my arms and faced the warrior who was still holding a lifeless Marie. “Abe, Please take her and see to it she receives a proper burial, I can’t look at her like this anymore.”  Abe nodded and ran out the door. Autumn just looked after him, longing in her eyes.  I knew she wanted to be with her, but I also knew that she knew that going would not help anything. I grabbed her arm and led her to a table sitting her down beside me. “You have to eat something, Autumn. I know you’re upset but please eat.” I said. Autumn just looked at me, I could see the pain behind her eyes but she nodded in agreement and grabbed some food off the table and began to nibble on it. I knew it wasn’t enough but at least it was something.    It didn’t take long before the maids started clearing the table and Autumn rose from her chair and extended her hand to me. I gladly took it as she led us through the maze of halls I knew I would have to learn once I returned. Autumn led us through two large double doors that looked ancient. Runes and ancient symbols adorned the door. As Autumn opened them they gave an eerie squeak that sent chills down my spine. But what we walked into I could never have imagined. Sleek marble floors spread across the room. A red velvet platform was set against the far wall where two thrones sat in the center. The largest one was gold and decorated with brilliant red rubies. The smaller one was platinum and adorned with emeralds that were the most beautiful jewels I’d ever seen. On the ceiling was a very large and heavy looking crystal chandelier stood proud. The crystals cast rainbows over the room giving off a feeling of tranquility, the room itself was surreal.  When Autumn made her way to the platform she stopped in front of the golden throne. Running her fingers over it lightly.  “This is where we handle pack business. My father sat here, my mother sat in the other one.” She said gesturing with her hand towards the platinum throne. “My mother led our people with so much confidence and grace. She never lost her temper with our people. Which is more than I can say, my temper has been a real problem the last few years. It feels like I’m fighting a losing battle to stay in control.” Autumn said as she plopped down into the golden chair. “Well, I guess this will be my seat for the next few months.” She sighed. It seemed like she was talking more to herself than to me but I could feel she was upset so I walked up and stood beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Her small hand instantly covered mine and she smiled warmly up at me.  “Alex can you please call our pack here? We need to set up transportation arrangements.”  “Can’t you contact them through the mink link?” I asked curiously “I mean I could, but I would rather wait until I have met the pack before I went lurking around in their minds.” She said   So she was being respectful of a pack she has yet to meet, that is kind of her. I was actually glad that she would take such a small detail and plan it out like that. Mind links weren’t usually considered to be a big deal. But Autumn didn’t want to barge in on anyone's mind without them knowing her first.  “Guys I need you all to come to the throne room. Autumn needs to arrange our transport home.” I said through the pack link. ‘Can’t we just run?’ Someone asked “Respect your Luna’s decisions.” I said roughly, letting some of my dominance leak out. “Yes Alpha” They all said "We’re on our way" “Thank you” I replied and cut the link. They knew better to question the Luna’s wishes but more than that, they just questioned the King's wishes. I’m sure they knew our new Luna was the acting king. So why would they question her? It didn’t matter, that was a talk for another time because at that moment all 30 members and 15 new mates walked into the room.  “Hello members of the Crystal Moon pack, I am Autumn, acting king and new Luna of your pack. It is a pleasure to meet you.”     Autumn’s voice rang out through the room the power and dominance in her voice commanded respect, as the members bowed their head to her. “Thank you, your highness, it is a pleasure to be in your company.” Kyle, my delta responded. Autumn waved her hand at him smiling  “Please, just call me Autumn. No need for formalities here.” She said kindly Kyle looked to me clearly uncomfortable at her request and I just nodded at him letting him know that it was ok. Autumn however noticed this small action, she didn’t miss anything did she? “Kyle, you look to your Alpha to confirm something I have told you?” Autumn phrased it as a question, but knew it was a statement. “I’m sorry Autumn.” Kyle quickly said “It is just so unusual and since our Alpha is your mate, I was looking to him for his opinion.”  She nodded “I can understand the need to gain your Alpha’s approval.” she said before looking up at me where I still stood at her shoulder. “My love, how would you and your pack like to travel? Would you like us to provide escorts or would you all rather run?” That took me by surprise. I just assumed she had already planned this out and wasn’t giving us a choice. But she was actually leaving the decision up to us. I smiled at her. “The pack has let me know before they came here today that they would rather run. It is faster and we could cut through the woods.” I explained “Very well.”   I watched as her eyes glazed over as she had a conversation with someone in her pack. Was she sending a warrior with us? Didn’t she know we were all warriors in one way or the other? I would protest her sending her warrior if she decided to, especially after what just happened here. Her voice broke me out of my inner tirade. “Ok, you will all have a bag ready for you. It will be filled with supplies you may need on your trip. It will not rip or tear in your transformation. Just please be careful on your trip and get there safely. I would like it if you would inform me when you have reached your territory unharmed. How long do you think it would take?”  “Two days max.” I told her. “Ok.” She said to me before turning to our pack. “All of you go get ready, grab your bag from the kitchen. I will send your Alpha out shortly.” They all nodded and walked out the door talking and whispering as they went. I looked down at Autumn, her brows were furrowed and she looked troubled. “Are you ok?” I asked her “Oh, ya. Still just not looking forward to you leaving.” She said  I walked around and squatted in front of her taking both hands in mine. “I will return soon. But we both know I must go to ready the pack.” “I know but that doesn't mean I have to like it.” She pouted “I don’t like it either, but I must.”  “I know, be safe my love.” she whispered as she pulled me into a kiss.  I didn’t let the kiss get too far. If I did, I knew I would never be able to leave. Autumn acted strong and I knew she was but I also knew it was just an act she put on for the people she loved. And the thought of leaving here here, alone made my heart ache.  Standing up, I gave her hands one last squeeze before I turned and walked across the room and out the door. Looking back at her one last time before shutting the door and heading towards the kitchen to gather my pack and leave my love, my new people and my heart behind. 
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