Chapter Twelve- Autumn's POV

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Laying here like this against Alex’s chest was calming. His heartbeat was steady and felt like it was in sync with my own. Alex had long been asleep, but I just laid here listening to his breathing and his heart. Sleep for some reason eluded me tonight, no matter how exhausted my body and mind were. So I decided to go check in on Marie, the poor thing seemed so frightened and I was worried about her.  Easing my way out from under Alex’s arm, I got up and crept towards the door. Trying my very best not to wake Alex, he needed his rest for his journey in a few hours. Pain shot through my chest at the thought. He was leaving, I mean actually leaving with no known time frame for how long he would be gone. I mean ya, we could keep in touch through our mind link but that just wasn’t the same as having him beside me or in my arms.  Pushing the painful thought to the back of my mind I slipped out the door and to Marie’s room. Opening the door as quietly as possible I peeked in. Marie was asleep on her bed. The poor thing was curled up in a fetal position shivering, with the blankets pushed down to her feet.  “She must have had a nightmare.” Amara said to me as I walked over and pulled the blanket over her shivering body. I sat down beside her and started stroking her hair, trying to ease her pain even while she slept. “I wonder what has her so scared though Amara. Losing both her parents is upsetting yes, but fearful? I just don’t understand, but I’m not going to push her into telling me.”  “Just comfort her Autumn, she will tell you in time.”    And with that I felt Amara lay down and easily drift off to sleep leaving me with my own thoughts as I continued to try and soothe Marie. Stroking her hair didn’t seem to work so I moved to start rubbing circles on her back. At that the girl let out a deep sigh and started to relax. Her body stretched out and she cuddled into her pillow.  “Thanks mom.” Marie said sleepily  Her words froze me in place and made my heart ache. Her mother must have done this for her whenever she had a nightmare. I felt for her, and I related to her. No my father wasn’t dead but he was gone and my mother was just murdered not even ten hours ago. So I just sat there absentmindedly rubbing circles on the girls back until I felt she was deep enough in sleep her nightmares wouldn’t return.  Returning to bed and slipping under the sheets next to Alex I fell almost instantly asleep. Alex was beside me, Amara was curled up sleeping peacefully in my mind, and Marie was finally at ease sleeping peacefully. So right now, at this moment I couldn’t ask for more.  By the time morning rolled around and it was time to get up, I was groggy and tired. What little sleep I got had been peaceful, but not nearly as much as I needed. Alex was still sound asleep beside me and I hated that I had to wake him. I didn’t want him to go, I wanted him to stay here, like this with me. But I knew I couldn’t be selfish, I knew his pack needed him. Sighing deeply I shook him gently. “Time to wake up Alex,” I said softly He grumbled in response and turned over. I laughed at his behavior. “Alex, you have to get up.” I said shaking him a little harder.  Before I knew it his eyes flew open  and I was pinned beneath him. His eyes blazed with an emotion I couldn’t pinpoint. Fear took over as I struggled beneath him trying to get free without hurting him. I knew getting him off of me would be easy but I didn’t want to use my powers or my strength on him. “ALEX!” I yelled trying to get through to him. His grip tightened on my wrist and I winced as a slight jolt of pain hit me.  “Alex, it’s me, Autumn. Let me go.” I said louder but harsher.   He blinked several times as if waking from some sort of daze. Looking down at me and then to where he held my wrists he jumped up and off the bed. “Autumn, I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened,” He mumbled Gaining my composure I walked over to him and kissed him lightly. “It’s ok. It wasn’t your fault. I’ll try a new approach to wake you next time. Right now however we need to get ready, I have a long day ahead of me and you have a long journey to make.” I turned to walk towards the bathroom to shower when he grabbed my wrist to stop me. I looked back at him confused, he was looking down at the floor, he heaved a sigh and looked up to me. Pain clear in his eyes. “Alex? Are you ok?” I asked  He didn’t answer, he just pulled me into him and squeezed me tightly. I instantly wrapped my arms around his waist, returning his embrace. We stayed like that for several moments before he pulled away and looked at me. “I’m sorry Autumn, did I hurt you?” I looked down at my wrist where red marks were left behind from his restraint. “No, not really. Just a red mark.” I said  Alexander shook his head back and forth like he was trying to clear it before he stepped back, putting distance between us. I felt a sharp pain in my chest at his response. It felt like, for just a moment that he was rejecting me and the brief pain felt like a knife in my heart.  “Alex?” I said moving close to him again taking his hands in mine, but being sure to keep a distance.  “What is it? What’s wrong?” I asked. Worry clear in my voice. “A dream, a horrible dream.” He said looking into my eyes “Do you want to talk about it?” He just shook his head in response.  “Ok, well do you want to come take a shower with me before I go check in on Marie and we have breakfast?”  I got a curt nod in response as we headed to the bathroom to shower. I watched Alex with concern as we both stripped down. He seemed slow, almost mechanic, as he took his clothes off and got in the shower. He didn’t even acknowledge me as we showered and dressed for the day. My worry for him grew by the second. So I decided to open our link, and his emotions hit me like a tidal wave, knocking the breath from my lungs. Fear, loss, devastation, pain. He was hurting, something was hurting him. Amara whined in my head as his emotions made my blood run cold. I got up and grabbed Alex by his wrist turning him to face me, but he kept his eyes cast downward. “Alex, what the hell is going on?” I demanded.  My tone made him look up at me, searching for something. Whatever it was he was searching for he must have found it because he huffed and sat down roughly on the bed. “I had a dream you were killed while I was away.” He admitted, as his face contorted at the memory. My expression softened as I sat down beside him and took his hands in mine, squeezing them reassuringly. “Nothing is going to hurt me Alex, I am stronger than you know.”  “I know you are, but I just can’t seem to get the picture of you laying there lifeless out of my mind.” He responded “Well if you would actually look at me, you’d know I’m right here, I’m alive and I’m not going anywhere.”  Alex turned and looked at me, actually looked at me this time. His eyes widened as if he was seeing me for the first time, before he scooped me up, placing me in his lap and kissing me hard. Releasing all his tension, all his fear into the kiss. I wound my arms tightly around his neck pulling him closer to me, tangling my hand into his hair while one of his hands went to the small of my back and the other found its way to my neck, both gripping me firmly as our kiss became deeper.   Alex pulled away first causing me the groan at the absence of his lips on mine. “Calm now, little wolf. All things come to those who wait.” He said laughing. I crossed my arms across my chest and pouted as he got up and placed me on the bed. I knew it was childish but I wanted to feel him against me, to feel his lips on mine. Was it always going to be this way since we are mates? Raging hormones and a need to constantly feel his presence, never wanting to be away from him? What would it be like when he had to leave? He would be gone for a few weeks at the least, could we handle being away from one another so long?  Sighing I hopped out of the bed and made my way to Marie’s room. It was still early and she could still be sleeping so I carefully opened the door not wanting to wake her. But what I saw confused me, she wasn’t there. I checked the bathroom and it was empty as well. Panic taking hold I ran towards the dining hall ignoring Alex as he called after me.  Upon entering the dining hall I scanned the crowd. Everything went quiet when I entered, the warriors jumped to their feet and made their way towards me. “Princess, what’s wrong?” A warrior named Abe asked me. “Where is she?” I growled. The warrior was confused “Who, your highness?”  I looked at the warrior, anger filling my body. I could feel my blood boiling as I looked at his confused expression. Ever since I shifted for the first time my anger has been an extremely hard thing to keep under control. It reared its ugly head every time I got upset.  “Marie, 18, small with blonde hair. Find her. NOW!” I roared All the warriors rushed out of the room in search of her. I could feel Alex as he came up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. It didn’t help, it didn’t calm me. Amara was even pacing back and forth in my head waiting for answers about the girl. That's when Abe started walking back in a a few moments later with a limp and lifeless Marie in his arms. She was pale, blood dripped from her forearms as Abe brought her right in front of me. Anger consumed me as I saw her lifeless form dangling from his arms. “What happened?” I asked in a low voice. “I’m sorry, what?” Abe asked I looked up at him, I knew Amara was making herself known in my eyes because Abe took a staggering step back “WHAT HAPPENED?” I roared The power in my voice shook the walls around us as everyone cowered. I could feel the power I locked away once again rush through my veins. I knew the power that flowed off me scared the pack members and even Alex because his hand dropped from my shoulder.  “ looks like she killed herself, your highness.” Abe stuttered What? Why? I was just with her last night. Yes she was scared but she didn’t seem suicidal. Was that what she meant by being scared to be alone? Was she scared of what she would do to herself? Why didn’t she tell me? Why didn’t anyone in her pack help her?   I turned on Alex fury was coursing through my veins and I could only see red. “Why didn’t you help her? Why did you leave her alone at 16?” I demanded  Alex put his hands in front of him like he was trying to tame me and that movement pissed Amara off. Amara gained control and I shifted into my wolf. On all fours she stood to Alex’s shoulders. “Calm down," Alex said, still holding his hands up.  Amara growled in response and started moving towards him growling, baring her teeth. “Please, Autumn,” Alex begged “I didn’t know, she never came to me for help. No one even told me about her situation. If they had of course I would have taken care of her, taken her under my wing. But I didn’t know. I can’t help anyone who doesn't seek it.” Amara stopped advancing at his words. He was right, no one can help another person who does not actively seek help. Amara snorted at him and turned to Marie’s body. She lightly nudged her as if trying to wake her up. “She is dead Aamara” I said sadly “She can’t be” Amara whined “I’m sorry, I should have stayed with her but she is dead. She is at peace, no longer scared and reunited with her parents.” I told her Amara just whined and relinquished control back to me, so I shifted back into my human form as Amara curled up in the back of my mind. Alex raced towards me and wrapped me in his arms like he was trying to shield me from the rest of the pack. Then he looked down at me and scanned me up and down. The confused look on his face was priceless and I let out a small laugh. “As long as I have enough control over my shift I can keep my clothes intact.” I explained. Alex just nodded and I turned out of his arms and faced Abe who was still holding a lifeless Marie. “Abe, Please take her and see to it she receives a proper burial, I can’t look at her like this anymore.”  Abe nodded and ran out the door. I just looked after him longing to go with him and wake her up by any cost, but I knew it was no use. The girl was dead. 
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