Chapter Fourteen- Autumn's POV

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Watching Alex walk out the door was the hardest thing I have had to do. It took every ounce of willpower I had not to run after him. My father’s throne didn’t do too well either. I hadn’t even realized I had been clutching onto the arms of the throne until I felt the gold give way under my grip. I looked down to see indentations, they were the exact shape of my fingers. A permanent reminder of a moment I never wanted to remember. Great. “We are heading out now my love.” I heard Alex’s voice in my mind ‘Ok, Please be careful.’ I replied. But my voice sounded strained, forced almost, even to myself. “We will be.”  And that was the last I heard from him. Howls echoed out in the distance and I walked to the window to see Alex’s large black wolf staring right at me. I forced a smile and waved at him. Letting out one last howl, he took off into the trees and out of my sight. I leaned my head against the cool glass just staring after him. Willing him and the pack to come back safe. I was broke out of my trance by the door to the throne room opening as Lucas strode from the door and up to me. His face fell as he looked at me twisting into a face of concern. “I’m fine Lucas, just a little sad Alex had to go. What can I do for you?” I asked. Lucas smiled at me, laugh lines appeared on his cheeks and I couldn’t help but smile in return. I remembered all too well how much he laughed at my antics when I was young. Like one time, I was 12, I went through a pranking stage. I thought it would be a good idea to put black ink into my father's toothpaste. The next day at his council meeting when he smiled the entire room broke out into belly shaking laughter at his black stained teeth. Lucas was laughing the loudest as he rolled on the floor laughing and crying. Mostly because he had known what I’d done, though he would never admit it. My father was furious, but when he saw how much it made me and my mother laugh he melted and laughed about it himself.  “Princess, we have business to attend to. Our people require your presence at the funeral pyre. Our people need to be returned to the earth.”  “Are all 32 prepared and ready?” I asked “Yes your highness.” Running my hand through my hair I sighed “Very well, let me go change and I will be there shortly.” “Yes ma’am.” Lucas said and made his way out the door.  I walked back to the bedroom I had just shared with Alex the night before wearily. I missed him already and he had only been gone a few minutes. How was I going to handle a few weeks? Shaking the thought out of my mind I walked in the room and was slammed with his scent. It filled my nostrils knocking me back with how strong it hit me. I stood frozen in place, his scent so strong it was almost like he was still here, his scent was everywhere. I looked around the room expecting to see him, instead I saw a folded piece of paper on top of one of his shirts folded on the bed. Walking to it slowly I took a deep breath and picked it up opening it up My dear Autumn,   I know being apart for so long will be hard, so I made sure to rub my scent on any and all surfaces I could so you could feel more at peace. I know this will not replace me being there with you, but it will have to do for now. I took a shirt of yours that had the strongest scent of you on it. It will be my comfort in the coming days. I wish you well and can not wait to see you and once again hold you in my arms. Until together once again little wolf. All my love,                             Alex   Tears streamed down my cheeks at his note as I clutched the shirt to my chest. He was so thoughtful, I didn’t even think of our scent being a source of peace for the other. How could I be so oblivious? Then again I have dealt with a lot within the past several hours and hardly gotten any sleep. It wasn’t exactly hard to believe that I would be a little scatterbrained.  Wiping the tears from my face I walked to the closet and rummaged through it looking for my White dress. Our kind didn't mourn death, we celebrated the life they lived, the time we had with them. So wearing black like humans did was foreign and even considered taboo for some.  Finally coming across it, I quickly stripped down and slipped the dress over my head. It hugged my curves and only showed a small amount of cleavage. The slit in the side went all the way up to my thigh, giving me plenty of space to run or fight. The satin fabric was sleek and shiny with crystal beads sewn into the top half, casting an array of glittering light if the sun caught it just right. Once dressed I took a deep calming breath before making my way out of the room and headed straight for the land we used for sending our brethren off to reunite them with the earth.        The clearing was packed full of our pack members, all in white. As I made my way to the first pyre I noticed some crying, others were dazed and some were serene with their heads tilted towards the sky. Normally this ritual would be held at night, but since we had so many we had to start early. Reaching the first pyre I turned to face my people. “Today is a day of celebration not mourning. We are here to celebrate the life they lived, the time we had with them and the memories we will forever share of them. Today we return our brethren’s body to the earth and reunite their soul with the Moon goddess where she will welcome and embrace them into her realm.” With my words everyone applauded and smiled, as I made my way to light the pyre. Normally we would use a torch but I felt the need to light them with my gifts. So Summoning the scorching blue flames to me I walked from pyre to pyre and lit them. Blue light shone on the crowd as they looked on in awe. In that moment I saw it in all their faces, Admiration, fear, respect, loyalty. My people would follow me anywhere, into any danger as long as I came out the other side to lead them. The thought brought a smile to my face as I continued to watch my people smiling and crying as they watched the blue flames consume their loved ones. One by one a small ball of light lifted from the flames of each pyre and took off into the sky. The souls released from their earthly confinement, eagerly going to be with the Moon goddess and their lost loved ones. I heard gasps throughout the crowd at the sight. I guess this was new for them, but I had seen it done at every ceremony we had like this. Everyone looked at me expectantly, looking for an explanation. I smiled. “It’s okay everyone. The light was the souls of our people going to our goddesses’ realm to be with her and their loved ones. I am guessing since I used my abilities to light the pyres the goddess allowed everyone to see that our people are not alone and will be with her. It was a gesture from our goddess meant to comfort you.” I explained.  Everyone nodded in response still keeping their eyes cast upward as if they wanted to catch another glimpse of the souls. All I could do was smile at my people.  All such strong creatures, strong werewolves sharing this moment awestruck. All of them held one another as smiles were seen everywhere. This moment would be a defining moment as Alpha, being able to bring our people together and show them that our people truly did go to be with the goddess, it was no longer a statement to comfort them, but a fact they saw for themselves.  Once the ceremony was done everyone began to file out and head back to their homes. I stood by the pyres and waited for everyone to leave as was tradition. I know it was supposed to be a sign of respect for the fallen and the ones left behind but I have to admit standing up here like a bump on a log felt useless. But I stood and I waited, bouncing impatiently on my feet with my hands clasped in front of me.  Finally, once the last pack member exited the clearing as the sun began to set. I let out an exasperated sigh and started towards the pack house, which actually was more of a mansion or palace. When a sound behind me stopped me in my tracks. I whirled around, keeping all my senses opened as I stared into the thickly wooded forest.  “Lucas, something is in the forest here at the ceremony grounds, get here now.” I demanded over our link before turning my attention back to the sound of rustling leaves and breaking sticks. Amara was lowly growling in my mind at the uninvited intruder.    As the sounds grew closer I didn’t know if it would be better to shift or stay in my human form. After a dark figure emerged from the trees I made the quick decision to stay human and quickly motioned my hands upward, the dark figure rose with the motion of my hand as I brought him closer and out of the trees. I kept his arms held forcefully by his side as his legs kicked and flailed against my power. He was yelling and growling at me as if I were his prey. But as soon as I got a good look at the man I stumbled back, dropping the man to the ground as he advanced on me. I was too stunned to react as the man hurled himself to me only to be stopped by Lucas.  “F...father?” I asked as Lucas pinned his arms behind him as he struggled to get free. “What happened to you dad?” I asked, but all he did was growl. I knew the chances of losing your mind after losing a mate were high, but my father was coherent when he left, he was strong and in his right mind, so what happened? I looked over to Lucas, my eyes pleading. “What happened? What do we do?” I asked in a broken voice. “You know as well as I once someone hits this stage nothing can be done. He is gone Autumn, I’m so sorry.” Lucas said as a few tears ran down his face. “No! no. He can’t be.” I said sobbing I tried to go to him, but he snapped at me causing me to step back. I knew It was becoming hard for Lucas to restrain him alone when his eyes went glassy and warriors rushed into the clearing to aid him.  “Alpha, we can’t keep him held. What do you want us to do?” Lucas asked as softly as he could. He knew what he was asking of me and I knew he was sorry for it, but he was right. Once a wolf lost its mind from the loss of a mate there was no coming back. I looked up to Lucas and gave a small nod, not wanting to say it out loud. I watched as they fought him the entire way out of the clearing, leaving me here sobbing as my heart broke. I had just given our warriors permission to kill my father, kill him. So now not only had I lost my mother but also my father. The despair that washed over me was consuming and I was drowning in it. 
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