Chapter Six- Alexander's POV

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Autumn was sitting in my lap, we were all laughing and having a good time. All of us were excited I got to bring our Luna home today. I watched as her eyes went glassy, showing she was mind linking someone. I then felt her body tense as every muscle in her body stiffened. Suddenly she was off my lap and her entire body was trembling. "I'm so sorry Alexander I have to go. Rogues are attacking my pack, they killed my mother. I’m sorry this is not how I wanted you to find out who I am."  She said trying to hold the anger and sadness out of her voice. "I'm coming with you." I stated standing up "As are we." the pack said walking to stand at my side. Autumn nodded. "I'm sorry you have to find out like this." She said before transforming into her wolf. Her wolf was pure white with streaks of silver running through her fur with bright blue eyes. "You're the princess?" I asked, shocked.   Autumn nodded her head and barked to tell us to follow her as she took off out the door. All of us quickly shifted into our wolves and ran after her. She was fast, the pack was falling behind as I struggled to stay on her heels. She ran with such force it did not take long for us to reach the Royal family's territory.     What we ran into was total c*****e. Wolves were fighting, bodies and blood covered the ground. A powerful growl caught my attention as I looked just in time to see Autumn sling herself at a rouge that was attacking a family. I watched as she flung herself into him, knocking him several feet away from the family just to turn, rip the rouge's throat out and in one fluid motion continued running as if it was just a speed bump. I had to admit I was impressed as I followed her. We ran past warriors taking control of the rogues and burst through the door of the pack house.  I watched as Autumn saw her mother's body and let out a low whimper. I heard the king's wolf howl  and I looked up to see a rogue pinning him down, Autumn growled fiercely and shifted back into her human form. She lifted her hand and flung the rouge off the king, forcefully pinning him against the wall as she stormed over to him. "SHIFT!" She commanded the wolf. He had no choice but to listen to her as power flowed from her words. He immediately shifted into his human form and she flung herself towards him and grabbed him by his throat lifting him off the ground. "Why are you attacking my family?" she yelled The man chuckled, but I could see fear in his eyes as Autumn had him pinned to the wall. Anger and hatred oozed off her. "Power of course." the man replied with a smile. I could hear the cries and howls of wolves outside.  Autumn narrowed her eyes at the man.  "Call off your rogues or you won't live to see tomorrow." She demanded.  The man chuckled, and I watched as Autumn summoned fire into her hand. The man's eyes widened with terror. "CALL THEM OFF NOW!" she roared   The man's eyes went glassy for just a second and the cries and howls stopped.  Autumn's eyes went glassy in response. I watched as she communicated with someone, then turned her attention back to the rogue who was now turning blue under her grasp. Autumn let him go and watched as he gasped for air. She lifted her hand and pinned him to the wall once again. "Who killed my mother?"  she spat. "Well I did of course. Killing the queen weakens the king." The man said chuckling.    Autumn growled and shifted into her large white wolf once again. She looked at the rogue long enough to let him know what's coming for him. She let one more growl out before she lunged towards the rouge and tore his limbs from his body one by one, then ultimately snorted and tore his head from his shoulders. I watched stunned at the ruthlessness of my mate. “She is fierce and strong. She will make a powerful Luna and warrior.” My wolf said to me "yes, she will be." I responded to him slowly.   I could see her eyes shining with pain as she turned and ran to her mother's still body and laid beside her, resting her now blood covered head on the body. Her wolf let out the most mournful and saddening howl that tore my heart open and had me running towards her. I stopped dead in my tracks as I heard a choir of howls surround us, wolves crowded into the room as I knelt beside her, pulling her into me.  Autumn then shifted and looked up at me, her eyes filled with tears.  "where is my father?" she whispered "He is being treated in the pack hospital."  "I have to go to him. Part of my power is healing, I have to heal him." She pleaded The pain in her eyes and voice had my heart breaking and my wolf whimpering and craving to soothe her. I could tell she was trying to stay strong and not to break. "Of course." I said standing up and pulling her with me. We walked to the pack hospital, my arm wrapped firmly around her waist.    When she saw her father she pulled away from me and ran to him, putting her hands over his body and concentrating as a light engulfed the king’s body. I paid closer attention to her this time. As she concentrated her eyes went from their beautiful golden color to a deep ocean blue as his wounds began to heal instantly and he shot up from the bed growling. "Father calm down please, the fight is over."  Autumn told him in a broken voice. Her father then looked at his only pup as tears began to flow down his face and he pulled her into him. "They killed your mother." he sobbed.    All I could do was watch as Autumn held back her sorrow as she rubbed his back and told him everything would be ok, that they would get through this as she tried to soothe the loss of his mate. She looked over to me as I was standing in the corner and saw nothing but sadness and fury in her eyes. All I wanted to do was go to her, hold her and help her through all of her pain. She gave me a small smile to try and reassure me as she turned back to her father holding him as his sobs slowed and he looked up at her. "Where is he?" The dominance and fierceness that came from the king was staggering. "He is dead dad. I ripped him to pieces. Lucas is in the process of gathering all the dead. He and the other warriors are separating the dead rouges from ours. Lucas will inform me of the casualty count as soon as they are done."   Autumn's voice was hard and emotionless, her golden eyes were dull and lifeless. Seeing her so defeated had my wolf leading me forward and before I knew it my arms were wrapped around her pulling her into a tight hug. I felt as she turned and clutched tightly onto me, breathing in my scent and holding me to gain strength. As she pulled away keeping her arm firmly around my torso she faced her father, "Dad, this is my mate, Alpha Alexander. Him and some of his pack came with me and helped with the rouges." The king raised his hand and I grasped it tightly, shaking his hand. "Hello Alpha Alexander, it is a pleasure to meet you. I just wish it was under different circumstances." He said "As do I. I am truly sorry for the loss of your mate, but your daughter is incredibly strong and capable. It is an honor to be blessed with her." I said as I pulled her closer to me. Autumn leaned into me, I could feel her trembling, fighting to stay under control for her father's sake and to remain strong for the pack.  
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