Chapter Seven- Autumn's POV

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 I watched as Alexander introduced himself to my father as he pulled me to him. I moved slightly closer to him, trembling trying to gain strength by being close to him. The loss of my mother and witnessing her lifeless body was weighing in my mind. I tried to and tried to push the image to the back of my mind but no matter how hard I pushed the image kept springing forward. My mother was very dear to me, she was always there, always supporting me. When I didn't want to go to the mating gala at 18 my father protested telling me I had to go but my mother stood up for me telling me it was ok to not be ready for a mate yet. She pacified my father until I was ready to go.  A sharp knock at the door pulled me from my thoughts. "Alpha, princess, my king." Lucas said as he nodded his head in respect. I straightened myself out walking from Alexander to stand in front of Lucas. "Yes Lucas, what are the numbers?" I asked, running my hand through my hair. "Rouge count dead 87, our pack fatality warriors and bystanders 32. As you asked, the rogues and our pack members have been separated." I sighed loudly as I wiped my hand down my face. "Thank you Lucas. Bury the rouges, they don’t deserve a proper funeral. Please contact our doctor, have our fellow pack members prepared for being returned to the earth and notify the family of our fallen." I looked at my father, he nodded. I sought Alexander's gaze who nodded to me in support. "Lucas for the next few months I will be Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack. I will lead as the king mourns the loss of his mate in solitude. Any pack matters should be brought straight to me and my mate, Alpha Alexander when he is available." Alexander came and stood behind me and nodded to our Beta.  Lucas looked at Alexander and bowed his head  "Prince Alexander." I felt Alexander stiffen at his new title but he never let it show, he nodded his head at Lucas who straightened himself out "Princess I will take my leave now." "Thank you Lucas, you have been such a large help." I said softly Lucas's eyes softened and he walked over to me and hugged me. "Princess you forget, I've watched you grow up, I've played with you in the court yard as a child, trained you since you were 5 years old. I will do anything to protect you and our kingdom."  "Thank you, I will never forget everything you have done for me. You will remain our Beta as long as you are able to carry out the duties and I will treasure your presence by my side." "Thank you Princess." Lucas bowed and walked out the door.  I turned to my father who gave me an approving nod as he walked to me. "I am so proud of you my Autumn. You have grown up so well and so strong. Look at you, standing here holding yourself high leading the pack even after what has happened. You are stronger than I ever could have hoped, Stronger even than myself. I will be leaving for a while, as you said I need to grieve my mate alone. I will check in on things periodically through our link. I love you Autumn." My dad wrapped his arms around me holding me tightly, I gladly returned it holding him to me, not wanting to lose both parents in one night, but I knew I had to let him go. I held back a sob as I pulled away wrapping my arms around myself "I love you father."  and I watched as my father walked out and left me here alone. 
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